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[Updated 7th February 2025]


Vicki Raynes (Chairman), Ian Strange (Vice-chairman), Fran Challis-Wear, Roger Flint, Karen Hodgson, Barry Hopkinson, April Saunders, Brian Taylor

To contact Tansley Parish Council and its councillors please contact the Clerk:
Sally Leighton, 33 Church Lane, South Wingfield, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7NJ
Phone: 01773 833823 or mobile: 07889 413 547

Next Parish Council Meeting

Meetings are usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.

The next monthly meeting is Tuesday 18th February 2025 at 7 pm in Tansley Community Hall, Church Street.

Here is the agenda for January.

(The agenda for the next meeeting appears here at least three days before it.)

People can email any queries to the Clerk at Thank you.

As stated here Parish Councillors must declare any financial interests in the parish - such as employment, businesses and land ownership.
Parish Councillors must also declare a personal or prejudicial interest in any matter being discussed at a parish council meeting.

Minutes of meetings of Tansley Parish Council 2024
(See minutes for previous years below the News section here)

Please note: Minutes of council meetings can only be published as draft until they have been approved at the following meeting.
For example, December's minutes cannot be published in final form until they are approved in January, say.
To read these minutes you will need the free Adobe PDF Reader available here.

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Tansley Hotwire

This free village email news service brings you: Parish Council notices (issued subsequently in the News section below), publicity about village events and any important matters affecting our community.
To join, simply e-mail a request to Tansley Hotwire with your full name and postal address.


  7th February 2025: The Village Green - footpath tidying: Work has taken place today to cut back the edges and tidy the footpaths on Tansley Village Green. The work done has made a significant difference. Thank you Derbyshire Dales Clean and Green team for your good work.

  5th February 2025: The Pinfold, Thatchers Lane: The Pinfold is located near the entrance to Thatchers Lane just beyond the Woodyard, when going towards Alfreton. Work has been taking place to restore and preserve this small historical asset for the village. The Parish Council have almost completed the work. Newly erected signage has just been installed. We thank Gregory's Woodyard for donating the oak to make the plinth and Cllr. Brian Taylor for installing the plinth and signage.

  13th January 2025: New Defibrillator at Thatchers Lane: A new defibrillator is now in place on Thatchers Lane ( the part of Thatchers Lane opposite the Tavern Pub and adjacent to the A615). It will be registered tomorrow. Cllr. Hodgson was successful in her application for a grant for a defibrillator.The case was purchased by the Parish Council. Originally the defibrillator was planned to be located at The Tavern Public House, however Derbyshire Dales District Council advised that permission would not be given at this location because the building is Grade 2 listed. Therefore another location needed to be found close to an electricity supply. A big thank you to Cllr. Ian Strange who gave his permission for the Parish Council to place the defibrillator on his land, and has allowed us to connect to his electricity supply. The electrician has been on site today to install a new electrical cable connecting the device to mains electricity. The Parish Council will cover all costs related to installation and the running of the device. The Parish Council are very pleased with the new location as it gives easier access to this vital equipment for residents in the vicinity of Thatchers Lane and Alders Lane, ensuring they do not have to cross the busy A615 should a defibrillator be needed.

  27th October 2024: Parking issues - Tansley Village: The problem related to on-street parking was raised yet again at our last Parish Council meeting. Residents attending our meeting were concerned and frustrated at not being able to access their driveway because of anti-social parking. Tansley, like many Derbyshire villages, has issues with parked cars on the highway, some properties not having any private parking, others choosing not to use their driveways or garages. Additionally, our popular village has many visitors also parking on the highway. Whilst it is acceptable to park on the adopted highway, it is not acceptable to park over driveways, park so close to junctions that it blocks sight lines for other road users or park on the pavement restricting safe access for pedestrians and disabled persons. So, can we politely ask all our residents to think about the impact on others when parking their vehicles on the public highway. Thank you for your help.

  19th December 2024: Notice of Uncontested Election, Derbyshire Dales District Council, Election of a Parish Councillor for Tansley Parish Council: I, the undersigned, being the Returning Officer, do hereby certify that at the election of a Parish Councillor for the above mentioned Parish, the following person stood validly nominated at the latest time for delivery of notice of withdrawal of candidature, namely 4pm Friday 25 October 2024 and has been duly elected Parish Councillor for the said Parish without contest. Name of Candidate - LONGWORTH, Stephen (Commonly known as Steve, Retired IT Programme Manager. Dated: 25 October 2024 Paul Wilson - Returning Officer.

  21st October 2024: Tansley Footpath Map: You can see the Tansley Footpath map here. This may help new and existing residents to find exciting new walks around the village. There are several miles of footpaths for you to explore. The Parish Council maintain the Footpaths within the settlement of Tansley. They are strimmed twice during the growing season, to enable easy access. Should any of the footpaths be overgrown or in accessible please email The Clerk, Sally Leighton, at

  21st October 2024: Meeting between Tansley Parish Council, Councillor Sue Burfoot and John Whitby MP regarding a pedestrian crossing on A615: Two parish councillors and Sue Burfoot our Derbyshire Dales Councillor met with our new MP John Whitby on Wednesday 18th September in Tansley to look at how we might secure his support for a pedestrian crossing across the A615 in Tansley. A very positive meeting took place. We explained the history and current issues with the lack of a pedestrian crossing. Mr Whitby was very receptive to all of our concerns and agreed a crossing was a fundamental requirement for the village. Mr Whitby agreed to follow up our request for a crossing and will keep in touch with Councillor Burfoot on this matter. We are hopeful that the meeting will move this matter forward for the benefit of the village. Following the meeting Councillor Burfoot has been in touch with Mr Whitby and also progressed the improvements needed to the play area on Thatcher's Croft. Tansley Parish Council would like to thank Sue Burfoot and John Whitby MP for their time and continued support.

  20th October 2024: By-election for vacancy on Tansley Parish Council: There is a vacancy on Tansley Parish Council. Notices have been displayed on the Parish Council noticeboards around the village. Several residents have requested that a by-election take place to fill this vacancy and a by-election will now take place provided people are actually nominated. Notice of the by-election has been posted on the Derbyshire Dales District Council website. If more than one nomination is received, the by-election will take place on Thursday 21st November 2024 during the hours of 7am – 10pm. The usual venue for this polling station is unavailable on that day, so for this election only Tansley Methodist Church will be used as the polling station. The nomination pack can be downloaded here. Nomination forms MUST be hand delivered to: The Elections Office, Town Hall, Matlock DE4 3NN. Nominations will be accepted by appointment only. To make an appointment, telephone the elections team: 01629 761335.
This is the Tansley Parish Council By-Election Timetable:
  •  Thursday 21 November 2024
  •  Publication of Notice of Election Thursday 17 October 2024
  •  Receipt of Nominations 4:00 pm Friday 25 October 2024
  •  Withdrawal of Candidate 4:00 pm Friday 25 October 2024
  •  Appointment of Election Agents 4:00 pm Friday 25 October 2024
  •  Publication of Notice of Election Agents 4:00 pm Friday 25 October 2024
  •  Publication of Statements of Persons Nominated 4:00 pm Monday 28 October 2024
  •  Last Date for Registration Tuesday 05 November 2024
  •  Receipt of Postal Vote Applications 5:00 pm Wednesday 06 November 2024
  •  Last day for Voter Authority Certificates 5:00 pm Wednesday 13 November 2024
  •  Publication of Notice of Poll Wednesday 13 November 2024
  •  Receipt of Proxy Vote Applications 5:00 pm Wednesday 13 November 2024
  •  Appointment of Poll and Count Agents Thursday 14 November 2024
  •  First Day to Issue Replacement Lost Postal Ballot Papers Friday 15 November 2024
  •  Last Day to Issue Replacement Spoilt or Lost Postal Ballot Papers 5:00 pm Thursday 21 November 2024
  •  Receipt of Emergency Proxy Vote Applications 5:00 pm Thursday 21 November 2024
  •  Day of Poll 7:00 am to 10:00 pm Thursday 21 November 2024
  •  Return of Election Expenses Thursday 26 December 2024

  9th October 2024: Thanks for defibrillator training: A very big thank you to Ralph Emmerson, who delivered a very comprehensive defibrillator training session today at Tansley Community Hall. The session was very well attended, residents had the opportunity to see how a defibrillator works and were given instructions how to administer CPR. All who attended were appreciative of the practical training session, many feeling more confident after receiving this 'life saving' information.

  16th September 2024: Boundary hedge trimming on Tansley Fete Field sometime during the week commencing Monday 23rd September: Residents are advised that the boundary hedge adjacent to Footpath 2, from the Ropewalk along the edge by Old Nursery Gardens, at Tansley Fete Field will be cut sometime during the week commencing 23rd September, subject to weather.

  13th August 2024: Possible congestion Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th August in Church Street: The Parish Council have just received notification from Stancliffe Homes of the removal of large quantities of spoil being taken from the site on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. A representative from Stancliffe Homes says 'We will have approx 30 loads per day of spoil going off site, the lorries will commence at 7.30am and be running all day on both days. We have got a road sweeper booked for the end of each day'. Residents are advised to drive with care.

  24th July 2024: Overhanging vegetation: There are several areas within the Village where overhanging vegetation is restricting safe use of the public pavements. Please make sure vegetation from within your boundary is not restricting the use of public pavements and walkways within the Village. Thank you for your help.

  29th June 2024: Tansley Village Survey 2024 - Results and additional comments: The results of the Village Survey carried out by the Parish Council, along with additional comments made by respondees are available here in the Library section of this web site. The results were collated and verified by an Independent person outside of the Parish Council.

600 Survey sheets were delivered to every house within the Parish of Tansley, and 226 were returned. The purpose of the Survey was to give the Parish Council a basis on which to respond to various Parish issues. The question relating to housing and development being of great importance, bearing in mind Derbyshire Dales District Council are reviewing and updating their Local Plan, related to future development within the 'plan area'. Residents responses will help the Parish Council address any future applications, should significant development be proposed within the Parish. The Parish Council receive many complaints about anti social parking, i.e. parking too close to a junction, blocking access and parking on the pavement to create an obstruction. The results of the Survey identify problem areas and will enable us to report and lobby the relevant authorities. Additionally, because the 21-year 'claw back' period for funding at the Fete Field, which the Parish Council had responsibility for, has now lapsed, it was considered appropriate and fair to ask the Parish about any additional future usage of this village asset. Whilst we try to keep the village tidy and attractive, cut backs of public services provided by higher tier authorities, have put more pressure on all Parish Councils. Ideas submitted via the survey will help us try and address these issues. Over time, and after discussion with relevant stakeholders mentioned in the survey, the Parish Council hopes to address issues raised in the responses we have received. We thank all residents of the Parish who took the time to respond to our survey.

  28th May 2024: Chairperson's Annual Report - 2023/24:

We have had another busy year. In June we welcomed two new Parish Councillors, Cllr Karen Hodgson and Cllr Roger Flint. Both have been very pro-active since joining the Parish Council.

This financial year the Parish Council have been in receipt of Section 106 monies from Woodall Homes (the Whitelea Nurseries Development). The monies were ring-fenced for the Village Green and Tansley Fete Field. The monies have been spent replacing all the benches on the Village Green, providing a stone plinth for the picnic table purchased by the Parish Council, additional tarmac on the Fete Field driveway, increasing the size of the hard standing in front of the pavilion, a new gate and additional benches and seating.

During August the Parish Council did a housing need survey. Three families/residents with a strong local connection were identified in need of affordable/social housing within the village. Hopefully the new development taking place in the village will fulfill this need.

In October there was significant flooding in Tansley following Storm Babet. Drains were unable to cope and gardens and roads were flooded, the surface of Spout Lane being badly damaged. After a great deal of lobbying, Derbyshire County Council Highways repaired Spout Lane.

Once again, the Parish Council signed up to Derbyshire County Council Snow Warden Scheme. Fortunately we had little snow. However a big thank you to all the residents who signed up to help keep pavements clear.

Tansley has had its fair share of disruption with new development taking place on three separate sites within the village, one development being complete and two others nearing completion. Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Settlement Hierarchy places Tansley in the third tier, however at this time Tansley has not been allocated additional housing.

More work has taken place at The Pinfold on Thatchers Lane. The collapsed drystone wall has been rebuilt, the stream cleared and it is now being maintained well, thanks to Sean O’Callaghan, who helps the Parish Council maintain the Pinfold, the Burial Ground and various other areas within the village. Sean also gives the Parish Council some work free of charge to the Community each month.

Thanks also to Adam and Johnny who will be starting stimming footpaths around the Parish and who are due to tidy the Fete Field perimeter and the Rope Walk very soon.

The Parish Council also sent out a Village Survey, covering many aspects of the village. We are pleased with the response and now have the results which will be made available shortly.

The Parish Council does try to respond to the concerns of all our residents, some concerns not being within our remit and needing to be passed on to either Derbyshire Dales District Council or Derbyshire County Council. We consider we have a good working relationship with all our local council representatives.

Finally, thank you to all Parish Councillors who give their time for the community, trying to work in the best interest of ALL of our residents by ensuring we spend their precept money within the village for the benefit of Tansley residents.

Vicki Raynes 21st May 2024

  21st March 2024: Wide Load leaving Tansley House Gardens along Church Street, Monday 25th March: Stancliffe Homes is having a large piece of machinery collected from its site at Tansley House Gardens on Monday afternoon, 25th March. The contractors have been advised to avoid school 'pick-up' time from 3pm-4pm. With a view to safety and to avoid any potential damage, residents are advised to ensure that their vehicles are not obstructing the wide load.

  3rd March 2024: Parish Plan - Survey: Over the next two weeks, a Residents' Survey will be delivered to homes (one per household). Hopefully residents' views will help the Parish Council respond to any future major residential development applications, and help us improve village facilities for Tansley's residents.
To clarify, Tansley Parish Council are the freeholders, and insure the following under our public liability insurance. We are ultimately responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of: The Burial Ground at Holy Trinity Church, Heathy Lea Recreation Ground at Nottingham Road, The Pinfold at Thatchers Lane, the Wildlife Habitat at Knabhall Lane, the entrance driveway, Fete Field and Pavilion at Spout Lane and Tansley Community Hall at Church Street. The Fete Field and Community Hall are overseen by management groups and rented out to various users. Please fill in the Survey and return to the Parish Council letter box at Tansley Community Hall before 29th March 2024. Should you not receive a survey please email The Clerk to Tansley Parish Council giving your address. A Survey will then be delivered to you.

  20th February 2024: Burial Ground at Holy Trinity Church: Tansley Parish Council owns and maintains the Burial Ground at Holy Trinity Church. Maintenance of the ground will commence soon. However there are still numerous Christmas tributes on the graves. Please could these Christmas tributes be removed by the end of February. Any tributes left after this time will be disposed of. We remind everyone that glass receptacles or tributes are not permitted on the graves, or within the Burial Ground, in the interest of safety.

  13th February 2024: An apology from Stancliffe Homes - lorries on Church Street: Tansley Parish Council would like to send out the apology from Stancliffe Homes for any inconvenience caused by tarmac lorries as follows: "I just wanted to touch base after our discussions on the telephone earlier today and last week, apologies for the lack of communication during our recent tarmac visits. As discussed on the phone, lorries should not have been lined up on the road and our contractors have been reminded of this again today. We think we have a good relationship with yourselves and we wish this to continue for the duration of our time on site. We will endeavour to keep you updated of any further activities that we think may have an impact on the village. To that note, we have been informed that we will have several deliveries over the remainder of this week on artic lorries (perhaps 1 or 2 per day) that will be expected to drive straight onto site, unload and then leave site they should not block Church Street at any point. I have told our contractors that they must supervise entrance and exit from site. You will also have seen the road closure notice on the lampposts along Church Street for next week – this is for work being carried out by Severn Trent in order to provide site with a fresh water supply, the road closure permit is for the whole of next week but they do not envisage the works will take all week but they may find some unknowns when digging in Church Street. The Council would not grant a road closure permit until the School Holidays so next week is the first available opportunity to complete these essential works. As always please feel to give me a call to discuss any points. Thanks. Construction Manager, Stancliffe."

  20th December 2023: A thank you to Stancliffe Homes: Tansley Parish Council would like to thank Stancliffe Homes for its generous donation of metal Christmas tree holders and all electrical work, including the provision of a security light, carried out at Tansley Community Hall. Many thanks for this Community gift.

  8th December 2023: Update - Water leak within the public highway, Church Street/Oak Tree Gardens Junction: During 2023 Tansley Parish Council have contacted Severn Trent on numerous occasions highlighting the fact that there is a water leak within the highway. Our first call to them was in January 2023 and our most recent conversation with them was on December 5th. Severn Trent have now informed us that they will be 'doing work within the public highway on Saturday 27th January'. It is anticipated there will be some disruption for highway users.

  8th December 2023: Repair and rebuilding a section of boundary wall alongside the private driveway off Spout Lane leading to Tansley Fete Field (Garage Forecourt): Work is planned to commence on Monday 11th December, to rebuild a section of damaged dry stone wall in the garage forecourt, leading to Tansley Fete Field. There will be no vehicular access from the 11th to the forecourt or the Fete Field between 8am and 6pm for 5 days.

  30th November 2023: DCC Snow Warden Scheme - keeping pavements and walkways free of snow: Can you help clear snow from adopted pavements or walkways? You only need volunteer to keep a stretch near your home clear. If you feel able to help, we will provide the salt. You must be fit to participate, and ensure when you clear the snow you wear suitable clothing. If you feel able to help, please indicate what part of Tansley you will keep clear. Please email your name, address for the salt delivery, and a contact telephone number to .

  21st October 2023: Please do not park on Spout Lane - road surface damage: Please see the photo here of damage to Spout Lane caused by yesterday's deluge and the resulting stream overflows. The photo does not really show the extent of the damage very well but large parts of the tarmac have been raised up or washed away on the Village Hall side of Spout Lane. Until the Highways Department can come and repair the damage, we are requesting that people do not park on Spout Lane so that residents can get in and out without having to drive over the damaged areas. Also, we need to maintain access for emergency vehicles and bin lorries. The damage has been reported to DCC Highways and they will probably need to come along and inspect the extent of the damage, which may not just be to the surface. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

  20th October 2023: Flooding in Tansley: Vicki Raynes reports "I have walked round the Village and seen several areas of concern. The A615 is flooded opposite The Tavern, and at the end of Church Street, one cottage looks in danger of flooding. Great care needs to be taken at this location as the tributary that takes water to the Bentley Brook cannot cope with the surface water flooding. The tarmac surface of Spout Lane is badly damaged, and the stream appears to have burst its banks. There is a considerable amount of flood water going onto The Knoll and the adjacent property at Knoll Barn. Surface water is pouring down The Rope Walk, the new footpath had been washed away. A trench had been excavated to protect a residential property. The entrance to Green Lane is dangerous with huge amounts of water pumping down Whitelea Lane. There is flood water on Thatchers Lane, and water is finding its way into the rear garden of one of the occupied houses on Thatchers Croft. I have just been notified that the holding pond on the Whitelea development is doing its job but may not be able to cope with the continued surface water. Residents are advised to take great care as the conditions are dangerous."

  22nd August 2023: Survey - affordable rented accommodation in Tansley: Tansley Parish Council has had representation from several residents related to the allocation of Rented Social Homes within the village. As there are new housing developments taking place, it is prudent to ask residents of Tansley, and those with a strong local connection, if there is a need within the Community for Social Rented Housing in Tansley. If you have a need, please complete, print and return the form here.

  27th July 2023: Results of co-option to the council: Tansley Parish Council would like to inform residents that the two vacant seats on the Council have now been filled. The Parish Council are pleased to welcome Karen Hodgson and Roger Flint. We would like to thank all who applied for co-option. The standard of the applications was very impressive. You can see the names of the councillors listed at the top of this page.

  12th July 2023: Closure of access to garage forecourt and Fete Field via Spout Lane for laying tarmac: Residents are advised that access along the private driveway in front of the Masson Terrace garages will be closed to facilitate work to lay new tarmac on the Fete Field driveway. No parking is permitted on the private driveway or within the car park area of the Fete Field from Sunday 30th July (4 pm) to Wednesday 2nd August (10 am). Access to the two residential properties off the driveway and the garages will not be affected. However there may be heavy machinery Alan Brown Ashbourne) parked on the garage forecourt during this time.

  3rd July 2023: Work on Tansley Village Green to replace seating: As part of the Section 106 monies from the Whitelea Development, money has been allocated for the replacement of all the benches on the Village Green. The bench adjacent to the play area will be removed and concrete plinths are going to be installed to take two new benches. Additionally, the old picnic table is to be removed, a new stone plinth will be installed and a new picnic table purchased by the Parish Council will be sited at this location. This work is planned to commence in the week beginning 3rd July 2023.

  28th June 2023: Restricted access to private driveway to Tansley Fete Field on Thursday 29th June: There will be restricted access to Tansley Fete Field via Spout Lane on Thursday 27th June to enable the installation of a new gate to safeguard the facility. Access for the two properties that use this private driveway will not be restricted. Access to the garages will not be affected, but please can any vehicle parked on the garage forecourt be removed to ensure work can commence safely. Thank you for your help.

  5th June 2023: Notice of casual vacancies for two councillors to be filled by co-option to Tansley Parish Council: Two vacancies exist in the office of Parish Councillor for the Parish of Tansley. The vacancies will be filled by co-option to the Parish Council. The positions of Councillor will cover the period up to the Local Government Elections in May 2027. Any interested party must email the clerk at by 26 June 2023. Thank you.

  27th February 2023: Burial Ground at Holy Trinity Church: The Burial Ground at Holy Trinity Church is owned and maintained by Tansley Parish Council and we try to maintain this asset to a high standard. We have just had the oak trees cut and general maintenance will be commencing soon. In the interest of Health and Safety the Parish Council would like to remind relatives that glass and pottery items should not be placed upon or adjacent to the graves. The Parish Council would also politely request that all Christmas commemorative wreaths and flowers are removed within the next few weeks. Thank you for helping us keep this sacred place safe and tidy.

  23rd February 2023: Access required to the Fete Field via Green Lane and The Ropewalk Friday 24th February: On Friday 24th February access to the Fete Field will be required via Green Lane and The Ropewalk for a tractor and a trailer. Work will be commencing to plant trees and hedging at the Fete Field and additional fencing will also be erected to secure the field. The Parish Council are aware cars are occasionally parked on the public right of way (The Ropewalk) and politely request this area is kept clear to enable access to the Fete Field.

  25th January 2023: Burial Ground Access Closed on Thursday 2nd February: To ensure the safety of residents, there will be NO access through the Burial Ground at Holy Trinity Church on Thursday 2nd February. The access gate to Gold Hill and Tansley Primary School will be locked. This is to enable the safe cutting of oak trees, and to ensure compliance with Health and Safety. Access will be as usual from Friday 3rd February.

  24th January 2023: DCC Temporary Road Closure Notice - Thatchers Lane - 23rd January to 31st March: Tansley Parish Council requested a definitive map of the location of the road closure. We also requested an up-dated notification related to the timing and the closure of the lane, questioning the closure from Starth Lane, which was not considered to be necessary. Please see the up-dated information from Derbyshire County Council here and the diversion map here.

  19th January 2023: Tansley Fete Field - Update on Hedge and Surface Water Flooding: Many residents know that a significant part of the Ancient Hedge was destroyed during the building process at Whitelea. When informed of this destruction, Derbyshire Dales District Council instructed the developer to retain the existing hedge. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) advises all hedges which exceed 20mtrs in length and are Ancient Hedgerows should be preserved, not only because they are a valuable habitat but because they are also part of our visual amenity. Many residents were concerned and upset by this destruction, voicing this to the Parish Council. At that time, the Parish Council promised to reinstate the hedge. The hedge was claimed by the developer, so the Parish Council paid for a boundary survey. This survey concluded that the hedge was part of the Title for Tansley Fete Field. The intention was to replant the hedge and secure our boundaries prior to any occupation of the new development, occupation according to the application not being able to take place prior to the extenuating pond being completed. The Parish Council have now got a price for continuing the mesh fencing to secure our land and to plant a hawthorn hedge to include rabbit guards and supports. We have also got a separate quote for supplementing planting adjacent to the Rope Walk entrance, and for the planting of fruit trees. At the meeting on Tuesday 16th January, the Parish Council decided to proceed with this work prior to 31st March. Various residents have asked to contribute to the 'tree fund'. If this is your wish, then cheques can be made payable to Tansley Parish Council, and posted at the Community Hall Post Box. There have been remarks made about the fact that a 'walkway' has been formed at the top of the field. Apparently, this is being used as an access to the field from the new development. This 'access' goes across a private garden and people should not be using someone's garden to access the Fete Field. This unauthorized access will be fenced off when work is done at the field. Should residents have concerns related to access to amenities as has been recently stated, part of the planning application includes a balancing pond. This will have a walkway around it and will link into the public footpath which goes up the Rope Walk. Part of the planning permission stated that the developer has to upgrade the footpath. This walkway will provide access for walkers and school children wanting to access the local Primary School.
FLOODING AT THE TOP OF THE FETE FIELD: It is of great concern to the Parish Council that surface water is coming out of the adjacent development site onto the Fete Field. The Parish Council have made representations to Derbyshire Dales District Council’s enforcement officer, requesting clarification relating to the drainage of the site. Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Flood Team have also been made aware that there is a serious drainage issue on the site which is impacting new residents and the Fete Field. A site visit is planned by the DCC Flood Team.

  20th December 2022: Condolences to Mrs Joyce Gray: Tansley Parish Council send their sincere condolences to Mrs Joyce Gray on the sad loss of her husband Ken who was Tansley's longest serving Parish Councillor.

  8th December 2022: Warning - ice on Church Street - drive with care: The Parish Council would like to alert drivers to the potential danger of driving along Church Street in the vicinity of Gold Hill and Oak Tree Gardens. There continues to be water egressing from the carriageway at the bottom of Gold Hill that in this very cold weather is making the carriageway dangerous with sheet ice. There has already been one minor accident. Tansley Parish Council has been warning Derbyshire County Council (DDC) for months of the potential hazard this excess water would have upon residents safety during the cold winter months. However, Highways have said the problem was within Severn Trent's remit. The Parish Council notified Severn Trent, who came out to the village and excavated the highway. The egressing water has been tested by the water authority, and Severn Trent has informed the Parish Council that the water is spring water so not their responsibility! The Parish Council has once again alerted DCC to the fact that the highway is a serious hazard, and requested emergency works are carried out. The Parish Council would like to thank the resident from Riber View Close who gritted Church Street adjacent to Gold Hill and down as far as Oak Tree Gardens early this morning - your community spirit is much appreciated.

  29th November 2022: Concerns related to the junction of The Knoll and Oaksedge Lane: Tansley Parish Council followed up concerns conveyed to it by residents related to the safety of the junction of The Knoll with Oaksedge Lane. Please see the following response from Derbyshire County Council Highways. "I refer to your recent enquiry regarding the above junction. I can advise you that the Highways inspector has issued works to replace the junction markings at this location and will be carried out in the near future as part of our ongoing maintenance program. With regards to a give way sign, I can advise you that the Knoll is mainly a residential street which serves a relatively small number of properties, it is anticipated that use of the road will therefore be mainly limited to residents and their visitors (who will be familiar with the layout). Once the junction lines have been reinstated it will be clear that motorists are required to give way at the junction, with traffic on Oaksedge Lane having the priority. It is therefore considered that the priority at the junction will be obvious to users without the need for an additional give way sign. I trust the above information is of use. Regards Mark Sloan | Senior Technician | Traffic and Safety | Place | Derbyshire County Council |"

  18th November 2022: Asset Transfer of Enclosure Award Land at Knabhall Lane from DDDC to Tansley Parish Council: Tansley Parish Council has requested the Asset Transfer of Enclosure Award Land proposed as a Travellers Site at Knabhall Lane. The Parish Council has received communication from the Estates Office at DDDC informing it that the Freehold for the land at Knabhall Lane is recommended for an Asset Transfer to the Parish Council. The final decision will be made at the Governance and Resources Committee meeting on Tuesday 22nd November 2022.

  29th September 2022: CPR Training at Tansley Community Hall: Tansley Parish Council has arranged for CPR training to take place at Tansley Community Hall. The training will be open to the first 20 residents registering an interest by email; should there be high demand another training session will be arranged. The CPR training will take place on Tuesday 11th October at 10.30am and will last for approximately 1hr 30mins. To register for a place please email .

  29th September 2022: It's time to cut our hedges and tidy the boundaries of our properties: It has been brought to Tansley Parish Council's attention that certain areas of the village need a 'tidy up'. Overhanging vegetation is restricting pedestrian access to the village's rather narrow pavements, and sight-lines are being obstructed. If your hedge, ivy or any vegetation is overhanging a public right of way, please ensure it is cut back to be within your curtilage, to ensure safety for all residents. Thank you.

  25th September 2022: DDDC Open Spaces Online Survey - Tansley Village Green: Part of the Section 106 monies allocated to Tansley, and associated with development at Whitelea Lane, is to be used by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) to upgrade recreational facilities on the Village Green. To get feedback from the Community, DDDC have put a survey online. This will help them gauge use of the Village Green and the standard of the facility, and how it could be improved. You can access the survey here and then selecting 'Tansley Village Green'. Residents need to be aware that the play area equipment, to include a new picnic bench (which is to be installed soon) has been purchased and installed by the Parish Council at no cost to DDDC. Tansley Parish Council encourages residents to respond to the survey, which is open until Sunday 9th October 2022.

  7th September 2022: Tansley House Gardens - update and additional information from the developer, Stancliffe Homes: Tansley Parish Council would like to thank Stancliffe Homes for visiting our village on Tuesday 6th September. 26 residents attended the meeting and three residents made written representation. District Councillor David Hughes also attended the first session. The developer spoke at length to the Parish Council prior to the meeting being opened up to residents. The meeting gave us all an opportunity to see the proposed plans for the site, and the developer answered many questions and took away some concerns voiced by residents.

Representatives of the Parish Council were asked if this plan could be pulled out of the allocation for Tansley 'because it is green field'. Prior to the Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) Local Plan 2017, there was a great deal of lobbying and numerous letters and attendance at planning meetings by representatives of the Parish Council. A copy of the Local Plan can be viewed here. We had hoped DDDC would treat all settlements fairly and allocate housing to the majority of villages in the 'plan area'. However, this did not happen and Tansley and several other settlements in addition to the main towns had allocations which were far too large for the size of the settlements.

Tansley House Gardens was one of the three sites allocated in the village. The Parish Council argued for a reduction in numbers but to no avail. Sadly, it would seem that we are finally to get this third development. On a positive note, Stancliffe Homes are the first developers that have wanted to share their plans, and have input from the village. The homes they intend to build are stone and traditional in style. All perimeter hedges plus the central field hedges are to be retained, with the footpath to Tinkers Bridge being upgraded.

Following yesterday’s meeting, the developer contacted the Parish Council this morning. He has forwarded the site plan as requested (see here), and given the Parish Council a 'timeline' of planned work to be carried out prior to the planning submission. The Parish Council would like to share this information with residents. The planned work is as follows:
1. Current - we have ongoing ecological monitoring works that have been running for the last 3 weeks and conclude shortly.
2. 12th September - a team of engineers will be attending site with a JCB to carry out an additional day of ground investigation (trial pits and topsoil testing).
3. September - we intend to either cut the grass on site, or have a vehicle track over the site to make it safe for further consultants to access. As you are aware, this is very overgrown as it stands and isn't really safe for people to access.
4. September / October - there will be a JCB on site with archaeologists to undertake a range of trenching works. The results of these will be submitted with our new planning application.
5. October - given the naturally occurring lead content in the topsoil in this part of the world, there will be a requirement for us to cap topsoil in gardens with clean topsoil. We will be bringing some clean topsoil into site from another development in late October.
6. November onwards - subject to confirmation on planning requirements, and the great British weather, we'd like to start on the proposed upgrade works to the public right of way.

The Parish Council will alert residents when a planning application goes into DDDC for consultation and residents will then have the opportunity to make comment prior to decision. Interestingly, DDDC is now in the process of updating their Local Plan, and a 'call for new sites' has gone out to the public and developers. Residents need to be aware that sites have been put forward for additional development in Tansley.

  30th August 2022: Tansley Parish Council - opportunity to see the proposed plans for housing development at Tansley House Gardens: On 23rd August, Tansley Parish Council received an email from Stancliffe Homes, informing us that it had purchased the land adjacent to Tansley House Gardens in 2021 and had been drawing up plans to submit to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) for a decision. Residents who have been following planning issues in Tansley will remember this 'green field' site was allocated in the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan 2017 with an allocation of 49 dwellings, an allocation which the Parish Council and many local residents were strongly opposed to. We are informed by Stancliffe Homes that it has had pre-application advice from DDDC's Planning Department and the plans are ready to be submitted, 'hopefully in October'. Prior to the commencement of any proposed development, it is intended to upgrade the Public Footpath No 9 and make the footpath safer in the vicinity of Tinkers Bridge. Stancliffe Homes has contacted the Parish Council saying it would welcome comment on its plans before they are submitted. The Parish Council has therefore convened a meeting with the developer on Tuesday 6th September at Tansley Community Hall. Residents who live adjacent to, or in the vicinity of, the site are invited to the Community Hall between 6pm - 7pm on Tuesday 6th September to look at the proposed plans. The Parish Council thanks Stancliffe Homes for notifying us and giving us all the opportunity to make comment on the proposals prior to the plans being submitted. Whilst the Parish Council realise this is rather short notice, we have worked to find the quickest and most convenient time for the developer and the Parish Council. The Parish Council will send out a Hotwire update after the meeting with relevant information to keep residents updated.

  31st July 2022: Tansley Parish Council's draft Annual Return for 2022: Please see the unaudited draft of the Annual Return 2022 here as shown too in the Library section.

  11th June 2022: Statement from Tansley Parish Council regarding planning matters in Tansley and the latest planning application for Thatchers Croft in particular: Tansley Parish Council would like to clarify matters relating to Tansley’s land housing allocation as set out in Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) local plan, and to the planning application for further development at Thatchers Croft. DDDC local plan, published in December 2017, can be seen here. On page 74 of this document, it sets out the housing land allocations for sites in Tansley as follows:

19 dwellings were allocated in the local plan for the Thatchers Croft site. An outline planning application for 19 dwellings on the site was submitted in February 2016 and Tansley Parish Council had no objections to that application. Outline planning permission was granted, with conditions, in March 2020. The map submitted with this application can be viewed here. This plan shows that there would be no access to the development directly from Thatchers Lane. Also a ‘green corridor’ would have been retained on the development.

The map relating to the latest application for 17 dwellings can be viewed here. Tansley Parish Council does not support this latest application as the ‘green corridor’ is no longer included and there would be direct access from Thatchers Lane for some of the properties, Thatchers Lane at this point being a narrow lane not suitable for further access onto the site.

DDDC Planning Committee will now be considering the latest application at their meeting on 14th June.

  23rd May 2022: Platinum Jubilee Celebration - Spout Lane closed on 4th June: Tansley Parish Council would like to notify all residents that a Temporary Road Closure Order had been granted to the Parish Council. The temporary closure of Spout Lane, Tansley will be from 7 am to 10 pm on Saturday 4th June 2022, to enable pedestrian safety for our Jubilee Celebration and guarantee easy access for emergency services should they be needed. Prior to the application, Tansley Parish Council notified all residents of Masson Terrace and adjacent properties to ensure they were happy with this proposal.

  17th May 2022: Boundary Hedge on Tansley Fete Field: This morning Vicki Raynes (Chair of Tansley Parish Council) received a telephone call from Woodall Homes informing her and the village that they intend to cut the boundary hedge tomorrow. She was informed that they will check for nesting birds. She was asked if they could access Parish Council land to do the job. After taking advice, it is Vicki's understanding that hedges should only be cut back in Winter or early Spring. She has explained to Woodall Homes what the concern was - that, by cutting the hedge back to 2 mtrs at this time of year, they could kill the hedge. She has refused Woodall Homes permission to enter Parish Council land to cut or tidy the hedge, as ownership of the hedge is still not sure and because it is not the appropriate time to do such work. Should residents see Woodall Homes cutting the hedge back from the Fete Field side please contact Vicki on 07990 010557.

  29th April 2022: Knabhall Lane - Statement from Tansley Parish Council: At the Derbyshire Dales District Council meeting on Wednesday 27th April, it was decided to abandon the idea of developing the land at Knabhall Lane as a Travellers Site. The decision to take this site forward as a Temporary and Permanent Site for Travellers was purely political, and not based upon any financial or environmental assessments. Government guidance related to the criteria for a Travellers site was also ignored by our Local Authority. It is known that there was no liaison with the community, and a total lack of transparency related to its late inclusion into the list of possible sites. The Parish Council have been lobbying and taking legal advice for many months. Numerous letters have gone to the District Council, questioning their claim to have ownership of the land amongst other issues. The legal path we have taken would not have been possible without the financial help of our community. Tansley Parish Council were very humbled by the generosity of our residents, and would like to thank everyone who donated to our ‘fighting fund’. Thanks must also go to Cllr Sue Burfoot, Cllr David Hughes, resident Roger Flint, who spent hours composing a letter to the Ombudsman, and Mark and Philip Johnson who have helped us on our long journey for justice for our community. So where now? The Parish Council intend to request an asset transfer for the land. We think this is the best way forward. We hope Derbyshire Dales will support our request to be guardians of this Tansley Enclosure Award Land. The land can then be left to re-wild and be safeguarded for future generations as a Wildlife Habitat.

  22nd April 2022: Boundary Hedge at Tansley Fete Field – Update: On Tuesday 19th April, Tansley Parish Council received several phone calls from concerned residents reporting that Woodall Homes were removing the Ancient Derbyshire Hedge at Tansley Fete Field. After discussions with the site manager, it was decided that work would stop to enable the Parish Council to contact Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC), and for copies of its land registry documentation to be brought to site. The Parish Council believes the hedge is within its title. On Wednesday, there had been no response from DDDC, and residents watched as the developer proceeded to tear out more hedging. A group of residents were holding up progress, whilst more calls were made to DDDC and the Police, as there were concerns related to nesting birds.

At the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 19th April, it was decided that legal advice may be needed, and it was resolved to seek this if no response came from DDDC by Wednesday morning.

On Wednesday afternoon, an email went to the Chief Executive and the Leader of DDDC informing them that the Parish Council had instructed a solicitor to work on its behalf. It advised DDDC that it would be requesting all documentation related to the assessments of the Ancient Hedge prior to its destruction, as per Government Guidance in the ‘Countryside Hedgerows Protection Act’.

A response email was received Thursday morning (21st April) from DDDC Development Manager stating: - ‘I have reviewed the details submitted and approved in respect of the planning permission 17/00850/FUL, which the developer is relying on to justify the removal of the hedgerow. Part a) of Condition 12 states that details of all existing hedgerows and other vegetation on the land should be included as part of the landscaping scheme. The condition was discharged based upon drawing TG-300. This drawing did not show the hedgerow on the southern boundary. The developer has interpreted that to mean that the hedgerow can be removed as they consider it their land. I am, however, of the view that the omission of this landscape feature implies that it would not be affected by the development. I have agreed with the Planning Director of Woodall Homes that amended plans will be submitted as part of the current DCOND application, which shows the remainder of the hedgerow to be retained and supplementary planting to ensure a satisfactory standard of landscaping /retention of a landscape feature’.

In a response to this email, the Parish Council has asked if a solid fence can be erected on its private land adjacent to Plot 18, with additional planting in front of the fence, to screen the site, and the proposed bungalow which is planned to be built adjacent to its boundary. Planning has informed the Parish Council that it 'can erect any enclosure we wish up to 2m in height and introduce additional planting without needing planning permission’.

The Parish Council would like to thank the group of residents who supported its efforts to save this Ancient Hedge. Hopefully in the Autumn, it can restore the hedge, and underplant it with wild flowers.

  20th April 2022: A new defibrillator is located beside Tansley Community Hall on Church Street: It is registered with 'The Circuit' which is the National Defibrillator Data Base, to include East Midlands Ambulance Service. The defibrillator is fully automatic, including a paediatric switch which enables the machine to change pad size automatically, thus saving valuable time in the event of an emergency. The Parish Council has paid for a group training session for interested people to attend. The date and time will be published when the session has been arranged.

[Advice from British Heart Foundation: You don't need to be trained to use a defibrillator – anyone can use it. They are simple and easy to use and you don't need any training. There are clear instructions on how to attach the defibrillator pads. It then assesses the heart rhythm and will only instruct you to deliver a shock if it's needed.]

The Parish Council would like to thank County Councillor Sue Burfoot for her generous donation towards the purchase of the machine.
Defibrillators are located at
  • The Gate Inn
  • Tansley Fete Field
  • Tansley Community Hall

  24th March 2022: DDDC meeting to be held 6 pm 24th March - Derbyshire Dales Local Plan - Next steps: This meeting can be viewed on the DDDC YouTube Channel. A 'Call for Sites', as part of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Process, was undertaken between May and June 2021. This allowed developers, landowners, and members of the public to nominate potential sites for allocation in the Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) Local Plan for the period up to 2040. According to DDDC, assessments have taken place and, as a result of this, 24 sites have been identified as being suitable for the period to 2040. Of the 24 sites identified, 16 are existing allocations, within the DDDC Adopted Plan and 8 are new sites not previously identified. Please see the site location map here for Tansley, showing existing sites and new sites put forward for possible development. Note that the Whitelea Nursery site (now called Tansley Garden) is not shown as being or having been developed.

  18th February 2022: Parking issues in Tansley: The Parish Council met on Tuesday 15th February and the Police were in attendance, which gave Councillors an opportunity to discuss various village concerns. The biggest and most recurring complaint we have from residents is about thoughtless or illegal parking. To clarify, The Highway Code sets out detailed rules about parking in the UK, including:
  • DO NOT park your car facing against the traffic flow.
  • DO NOT park anywhere you would prevent access for Emergency Services.
  • DO NOT stop at or park near a bus stop.
  • DO NOT park opposite or within 10mtrs (32ft) of a road junction or corner, except in an authorised space.
  • DO NOT park anywhere where the kerb has been lowered - as you may be preventing disabled access.
  • DO NOT park in front of the entrance to someone else’s property.
YOU SHOULD NOT park on a pavement unless signs permit it. Parking on pavements can obstruct pedestrians, people in wheelchairs, people with visual impairment and people with prams and pushchairs. If parking on the pavement obstructs pedestrian access the police can take action. Leaving wheelie bins or cones in the public highway to reserve a parking space is illegal, and residents are advised to report this obstruction to the Police. The Parish Council understands the frustration caused to residents by thoughtless parking. We also know that, with the increase of car ownership, it is sometimes difficult to get your car off the highway because of the lack of a dedicated driveway. Some residents have made their driveways wider and others have created more hard standing within their curtilage, which has helped the situation at various locations. The Parish Council politely requests that residents follow the Highway Code and its recommendations, and think about the implications and safety of others when parking a vehicle on the public highway.

  24th January 2022: The Queen's Platinum Jubilee bank holiday weekend 2nd-5th June 2022: To celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 70 years of Service to the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, initiatives will take place throughout the year culminating in a four-day Bank Holiday. This four-day holiday will be an opportunity for residents to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Tansley Parish Council wonders how residents might like to celebrate, what activities, events or parties they might like to hold, and how we are able to 'pull together' these various activities, so there is some form of cohesion. The Parish Council has some ideas, and would like our village to take part in 'The Queen’s Green Canopy' which will provide a lasting legacy for communities by enhancing the environment. Communities are encouraged to plant trees, and the Parish Council wonders if a new hedge could be planted on Tansley Fete Field, or if the existing one could be supplemented to ensure an indigenous green buffer which would form a natural habitat. We also wonder if a new picnic table on hard-standing might be a good idea for our village green. However, we would like to know if you have ideas or plans. What would you like to do? Do you want a street party? Or an event on the Fete Field? Are you prepared to get involved in organising a village event? Prior to any street party, a road closure notice must be obtained from the local authority. The Parish Council can help with this; however at least 6-weeks’ notice is required. The Parish Council would like to hear your views, and we would like to know if there is any way we can help. The next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 15th February at Tansley Community Hall. Prior to this meeting, residents are invited to come along at 6.30pm. This will be an opportunity for us to gauge what interest there is, to find out what ideas there are and to consider how the Parish Council can help. If residents are unable to attend on 15th February, if you have some thoughts or ideas you would like to share, please write down your ideas and state how you can help. Please include your name and contact details and post at the Parish Council Post Box outside Tansley Community Hall. The Platinum Jubilee is a great way for us to 'come together' as a village. Celebratory events and displays could all be an opportunity for us to showcase our village, and for us all to get involved. So please get your heads together, have a think, and let us know your thoughts.

  17th December 2021: Whitelea Lane Development – Update for residents: The original application for development of 26 dwellings was granted to William Davis. At this time, a Section 106 Agreement formed part of the application. The Section 106 Agreement stated the number of social homes, and the contributions required to be paid to the Community, which comprised £10,347 for Health Care, £13,000 for upgrading the play equipment (this sum was omitted from the Officer’s report) and £16,640 towards upgrading the Fete Field pitch. Subsequently William Davis sold the site with the planning permission to Woodall Homes. It was assumed that this new developer would build according to the planning permission for the site. However, this did not happen. Woodall Homes changed all the property styles, reconfigured the layout and proceeded to build without the required permission in place. Tansley Parish Council wrote to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) in June and August expressing concerns about the site and requesting a ‘Stop Notice’ as there was a serious breach of planning. DDDC ignored our concerns and allowed the developer to continue to build. The Parish Council also wrote about the newly constructed highway, as there was no evidence of a legal agreement in place. We also expressed concerns related to the ancient Derbyshire hedge that runs adjacent to the Fete Field boundary. We wanted mitigation measures to protect the hedge but DDDC failed to show any concern. Prior to the planning meeting on 14th December 2021 ‘late representation documentation’ was received from the developer and additional information was given by the Planning Officer. The Planning Officer conceded his error and the £13,000 for recreation facilities in Tansley was noted. The developer has also agreed to pay the Section 106 monies prior to development. The developer has categorically stated that the Derbyshire hedge will not be removed and the Officer has conceded that ownership is debatable. An email has just been received by the Parish Council stating that the developer has paid Derbyshire County Council monies to check that the road is to adoptable standard. The planning meeting was an embarrassment, highlighting the fact that DDDC had ignored their own conditions and were not prepared to enforce the serious breaches of planning law at the Whitelea site. The debate at the planning meeting was one-sided, with opposition councillors, who had obviously done their homework, asking searching questions, whilst members of the majority party said absolutely nothing. They did not ask one single question. The only action by the majority group was to raise their hands to vote for continued development at Whitelea. It was interesting to watch councillors - who had not been on the site visit or entered into any debate or asked any pertinent questions – unanimously vote in the same way.

  7th December 2021: Can you help to keep public pavements and walkways free of snow and ice?: Tansley Parish Council has been part of the Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Snow Warden Scheme since 2013. The 'scheme' entitles communities to additional road salt in return for helping keep public footpaths free of snow and ice. The road salt is not for use on private properties. Over the years Tansley residents have responded positively to this call for help. Residents who volunteer to help must be 'fit to participate', provide their own warm and protective clothing and not take unnecessary risk to their personal well being. If you feel you can help your community by voluntarily keeping a footway clear of snow/ice please contact Tansley Parish Council c/o Vicki and Robert Raynes Please give your name, contact telephone number and address for delivery and state the area you intend to keep clear of snow and ice. The road salt arrived on 7rh December and will be delivered to you within the next seven days. Thank you for your help.

  7th December 2021: Whitelea Development - Revised Planning Application at Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday 14th December: At their meeting on Tuesday 14th December, Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) Planning Committee will be considering the application for the variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 17/00850/FUL to allow for the substitution of house types at Land Off Whitelea Lane, Tansley. The reference number for the revised application is 21/00771/VCOND. The meeting will take place at 6.00pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Matlock.
The agenda for the meeting, including the report from DDDC's officers, can be viewed here. The officers are recommending that the revised application be approved, subject to variation of the Section 106 Agreement (the agreement between the developer and the local authority about measures that the developer must take to reduce their impact on the community) attached to the original planning permission. Tansley Parish Council is seeking clarification about the changes to the Section 106 Agreement. Tansley Parish Council will be making representations at the meeting. Members of the public will be able to ask questions, express views or present petitions IF NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN, (by telephone, in writing or by electronic mail) BY NO LATER THAN 12 NOON OF THE DAY PRECEDING THE MEETING. Details of how to give notice that you wish to speak at the meeting can be found in Paragraph 4 of the agenda.

  8th November 2021: Planning Enforcement Case - ENF/21/00198 - Whitelea Nursery Development: Tansley Parish Council has been monitoring what is happening at the development at the former Whitelea Nurseries site and have contacted Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) registering their concerns. In response, the Parish Council has received the communication here outlining the action DDDC will take. It also includes contact details that people may wish to use if they are intending to contact DDDC with concerns about the development.

  8th November 2021: Road closure on Church Street - update: Tansley Parish Council has contacted both Western Power and Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Highways today. They have been informed that Western Power has a road closure authorisation from 5th November until 11th November. The Parish Council has requested that Western Power completes the work as soon as possible. Whilst the pipework has now been filled in, contractors have still to return to tarmac the pavement. The Parish Council has asked DCC Highways if it is able to request that the work is speeded up to enable access to the village. It has explained that both entrances to Tansley have access issues and that single track roads are being used by residents and delivery vans causing serious highway safety issues.

  6th November 2021: Road closure - exit from Church Street onto A615 is currently closed: Last night there was a long power cut affecting parts of Tansley. Western Power worked through the night to restore electricity to over 50 homes in the village. However the Church Street exit to the A615 is closed and residents are advised to find an alternative route for the time being.

  26th October 2021: DCC takes action about the state of Whitelea Lane: Councillor Sue Burfoot has raised the issue about the state of the road outside the new development with James Adams, who is an engineer in charge of the Highways Hub at Derbyshire County Council (DCC) and he promised to get someone up to view the site and the road as soon as possible. Very soon afterwards, Councillor Burfoot had a telephone call from Angela Loseby, who is Clerk of Works with DCC. The Clerk of Works and the enforcement officer from Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) have been up to the site "and read the riot act to" the developers. We have been told that conditions for the development included that the developers had to provide a wheel wash on site and a road sweeper, and that they are in breach of these conditions. Councillor Burfoot has reported that, moving forward, DCC have said they will send a road sweeper in and charge the developer.

  19th October 2021:Proposed work at Knabhall Lane for the Travellers' site is suspended: The planned work by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) at Knabhall Lane has been suspended pending additional required ecological assessments.

  4th August 2021:Residents using The Rope Walk advised to take care: Tansley Parish Council would like to warn residents who use The Ropewalk access to the Fete Field and Footpath 2, that heavy machinery will be at this location for several days. Work to rebuild the stone wall adjacent to the field commenced this morning. Additional work will include the removal of a tree and work to install additional drainage at the top of the field. Please access the area with care, or use an alternative route to the field off Spout Lane. Thank you for your help.

  30th July 2021:Knabhall Lane is only site DDDC is considering for Gypsy and Traveller Site: At its Extraordinary Meeting, held on Tuesday 27th July in Wirksworth Leisure Centre, Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) discussed, again, their legal obligation to provide temporary and a permanent site for gypsy and traveller families. A report was presented to the meeting to update the Committee in respect of a Gypsy and Traveller family who have presented themselves as homeless and in relation to the work that has been undertaken to bring forward a site at Knabhall Lane, Tansley as both a permanent and temporary Traveller site. The full report, including the recommendations made to the Councillors, can be seen here, as part of the agenda for the meeting.

Tansley Parish Council submitted a written response to the report prepared for DDDC (see news item below). This was submitted to DDDC on 25th July, well in advance of the required notice period for written representations to be made. However, the Parish Council’s response was not read out, or referred to, in the meeting, but has been read and considered by DDDC. No response has been received.

One of the Parish Council’s objections to the DDDC recommendations is that the land is not owned by DDDC. This land was originally gifted to the people of Tansley for the quarrying of road stone, after which the land was used as a village tip. The land, which is subject to a legal dispute, was transferred through the generations to Derbyshire County Council (DDC) as the council responsible for highways. DDDC have yet to provide evidential proof that the land was legally transferred to them by DCC. At the meeting. DDDC’s legal representative “confirmed” to Councillors that Knabhall Lane is in DDDC ownership. He said that there is no discrepancy in the ownership of the land, and that the Land Registry have accepted this. Tansley Parish Council has not been provided with any evidence of this, despite several requests, and continues to dispute this.

In our written response to the report, the Parish Council pointed out that the constitution of DDDC states that any new project brought before the Council should have a financial assessment and we asked for DDDC officers to inform us of the total cost of this proposed project, to include road widening, provision of fresh water, disposal of sewage, provision of power, cost of building works and rental expectation from the residents. At the meeting, a DDDC officer said that these costings would only be available once the project goes to planning, as would be the case with other affordable housing projects that DDDC might be involved with.

We stated in our response to the report that we had been informed that guarantees have been given to the Travellers that the access roads to Knabhall Lane will be gritted during the winter months to ensure safe access for welfare support, and asked whether, bearing in mind DCC only grit primary routes, had DCC given this assurance? This issue was not raised in the DDDC meeting.

Possibly the most concerning event during the discussion on this matter was the vote to remove two of the recommendations from the agenda. Recommendations 3 and 4 in the report being considered at the meeting were:
3. That in the interim period prior to the provision of a temporary or permanent site, Council delegates authority to any two of the Chief Executive, Director of Regulatory Services, Director of Housing, Director of Community and Environmental Services, Director of Corporate and Customer Services, to direct the Traveller family to specific Council owned sites, for temporary occupation until such time that a temporary or permanent site is established.
4. That subject to recommendation 3, Council identifies the following sites as ‘negotiated stopping places’:
• Agricultural Business Centre, Bakewell
• Old Station Close, Rowsley
• Matlock Station Car Park
• Artists Corner Car Park, Matlock Bath
• Matlock Bath Station Car Park
• Land at Middleton Road, Wirksworth
• Fishpond Meadows Overspill Car Park, Ashbourne.

To the surprise of many, including several Councillors attending the meeting, part way through the discussion on this matter a Conservative councillor moved that these two recommendations be removed from the agenda, and the majority of the Councillors voted to do that.

The situation in Derbyshire Dales now is that Knabhall Lane is the only site being considered as a temporary and permanent site, and that until it is ready for occupation, if ever, all other sites that had been identified as possible ‘negotiated’ temporary stopping places are no longer available. Officers of DDDC no longer have any sites where they can direct the gypsy and traveller families to go to, pending provision of a permanent site.

  26th July 2021:Response of Tansley Parish Council to the Report about the proposed Gypsy and Traveller Site at Knabhall Lane to be discussed at DDDC Extraordinary Meeting 27th July: Owing to the restricted numbers being allowed to attend the Derbyshire Dales District Council Extraordinary Meeting at Wirksworth Leisure Centre, Tuesday 27th July at 6pm, Tansley Parish Council have submitted a written response to this report. In their response, the Parish Council set out their objections to the proposals and asked questions about costings of the project and assurances that have been given regarding the project. The Parish Council have stated that they expect all of their response to be read out at the meeting. You can read the Parish Council response by clicking here.

  26th July 2021: Response of Tansley Parish Council to the Waste and Recycling Report to be discussed at DDDC Extraordinary Meeting 27th July: Owing to the restricted numbers being allowed to attend the DDDC Extraordinary Meeting at Wirksworth Leisure Centre, Tuesday 27th July at 6pm, Tansley Parish Council have submitted a written response to this report. In their response, they thank the refuse collectors for the work they have carried out during the COVID pandemic, and also raise various questions about the contract with Serco, the liaison with parish councils and the practicalities of the proposed changes to the services over the next few months. The Parish Council have stated that they expect all of their response to be read out at the meeting. You can read the Parish Council response by clicking here.

  11th July 2021: The Tavern at Tansley – pub company positive about re-opening: We are sure that many residents will be concerned about the current state of The Tavern at Tansley Public House. The pub building is Grade 2 listed, sits adjacent to the busy A615 and is in a prominent position when entering the village. It is sad to see that the pub, and the adjacent garden, have been badly neglected, and it certainly isn’t the first image we would like visitors to the Derbyshire Dales to have of our lovely village. In addition, the pub has been closed since Christmas and there was serious water damage to the pub several months ago. Tansley Parish Council have been in touch with Star Pubs & Bars Ltd to ask what action is being taken in relation to the damage, and to the external appearance of the property, especially with a view to attracting new tenants. Star Pubs & Bars Ltd have confirmed to us that they are very keen to see the doors at The Tavern at Tansley open again very quickly. The internal water damage needs to be rectified first and they are in process of completing this. The unfortunate timing of the lock-down has also slowed the re-let process. They have assured us that they are working to reopen as soon as possible.

  2nd July 2021: DDDC to spend £25,000 on contamination survey at Knabhall Lane site: Here is the agenda for the Derbyshire Dales District Council meeting to be held at 6 pm at Wirksworth Leisure Centre on Thursday 8th July. It is of great importance and interest to Tansley residents as the Officers Report, pages 114 -121, advises District Councillors that prior to any planning permission, certain assessments need to take place at the Knabhall Lane site. Officers are requesting the approval of an initial spend of £25,000 to do an assessment related to contamination and stability of the site. The site was used initially as a quarry for road stone. Subsequently, it was used as a domestic waste tip. There are concerns that, should a borehole be drilled for a water supply, it may be contaminated. There are also concerns related to land stability and whether the land is suitable for a wash block building to be erected. DDDC has not yet assessed the cost of providing utilities to this site. We are not aware of any Derbyshire County Council assessment related to highway access. The DDDC agenda has been forwarded to the Parish Council solicitors, who will address the issues as part of a written response to DDDC.

  24th June 2021: Change of Developer and Plans – Whitelea Nursery Development: Tansley Parish Council would like to inform residents of some changes it has become aware of relating to the development at the Whitelea Nursery site. The land at Whitelea Nursery was bought by William Davis Homes. The original plans were submitted by this developer and the application was passed, with conditions, by Derbyshire Dales District Council in 2019. Recently the land has been sold to Woodhall Homes and they are the developers who have started to prepare the land prior to building. There have been justifiable concerns from residents related to the burning of wood and associated rubbish on the site, as well as valid concerns related to the chopping down of trees during the nesting season. The Parish Council has complained directly to the developer about these issues. The Parish Council also intends to make official representations to DDDC, as DDDC has the statutory powers to enforce conditions. Whilst speaking to the representative from Woodhall Homes, we were informed that a new plan for the site had been submitted to DDDC. The new proposal is waiting for validation and, despite a request from the Parish Council, the new proposal is not yet online. However, the Parish Council has been sent a copy of the new plan by Woodhall Homes which we would like to share with our community. The plan indicates there will be 5 bungalows, in addition to 30% affordable housing. The remainder of the site will be a mix of 3- and 4-bedroom properties. At this time, the Parish Council has great concern that these new plans indicate that the hedge on the Fete Field will be removed completely and replaced by a post and rail fence.

  17th June 2021: Boundary review - Tansley to remain part of Matlock St Giles Ward: Under the latest news on the Derbyshire Dales District Council website, the 2023 Boundary Review initial proposals are available - see here. The new proposals are very welcome. It is apparent that the responses made by Tansley Parish Council, District Councillors and other concerned residents to the initial consultation have been heard. The initial plan to amalgamate Tansley with Cromford and Matlock Bath has been scrapped and Tansley will remain part of Matlock St Giles, which will cover a wider geographical area to include Riber. You can see a map of the Derbyshire Dales Parliamentary Constituency showing the ward boundaries here. Matlock St Giles is #No24. The Boundary Commission is inviting responses to these initial proposals by 2nd August 2021 here.

  7th June 2021: Litter Pick in Tansley: What a fabulous morning! The sun was shining and, at 10am, residents began arriving at the Community Hall, full of enthusiasm and raring to go! By 12 noon, there was a pile of pink plastic refuse sacks waiting for collection by Derbyshire Dales District Council. A very big thankyou to the group of residents who gave their time to help keep the village tidy.

  23rd April 2021: Defibrillator at The Gate Inn not working; plan to relocate the unit: The village defibrillator at The Gate Inn is not working as a new battery is required and shortages are apparently holding up delivery. The Parish Council is informed that there may be a delay of two weeks. The ambulance service has been notified that at present Tansley has no defibrillator. The nearest operational one is in Starkholmes. Because of additional work to extend The Gate, the Parish Council has decided to relocate Tansley’s defibrillator to a more central area in the village to ensure easy access for all. Tansley residents will be notified via Hotwire when the defibrillator is operational again and advised of its new location.

  2nd April 2021: “Traveller site row set to erupt again” – local news article: Tansley Parish Council draws residents’ attention to this article on the local news platform In Your Area about the ongoing row over choosing a location for a Traveller site within the Derbyshire Dales. According to the article, written by Gareth Butterfield, Content Editor of the Ashbourne News Telegraph, a patch of land on the outskirts of Ashbourne that was once put forward as a possible new home for a family of Travellers could become the focus of a fierce political debate in the run-up to May's Derbyshire County Council (DCC) elections. The land, at Watery Lane, is owned by DCC and was earmarked by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) as a potential site for a family of Travellers; planning permission was granted, but after a change in Derbyshire County Council’s administration from Labour to Conservatives in 2017 the new council leaders refused to hand over the land to the district council. The reason given was that the land might be needed for a new by-pass. This is no longer the case as a bypass route which does not touch the Watery Lane site was recently chosen. Last September, the Conservative-led DDDC, in a highly controversial decision, earmarked land at Knabhall Lane, Tansley, as a Traveller site. Tansley Parish Council, with strong support from residents, is currently challenging the legality of the decision. It considers the site to be totally unsuitable, and the decision flawed. No planning application has yet been submitted for the site.

  31st March 2021: Road closure on Church Street from 6th April for up to four days: Residents please be aware that Church Street will be closed to traffic from Tuesday 6th April for up to four days to enable the installation of services to Tansley House. The closure, which is not expected to last beyond Friday 9th April, will be from the junction of Ashley Close to Oak Tree Gardens. There will be no access for through traffic while the work is taking place. To exit and access the village many residents will need to use Whitelea Lane. The Parish Council has asked county councillor Sue Burfoot to request Derbyshire County Council’s highways department to place a diversion sign on Lant Lane and a ‘No Access’ sign on the A615 junction with Holly Lane to alert HGVs and other vehicles that use Church Street as a shortcut to and from Slack Hill.

  12th March 2021: The Parish Council urges residents to comment on proposed new ward boundaries: Tansley Parish Council says that proposals for new ward boundaries across the Derbyshire Dales are not in the best interests of Tansley. Under the proposals, Tansley would be grouped with Matlock Bath and Cromford within an area to be represented by two district councillors. In this letter to residents, the Parish Council explains why it does not favour the proposed changes in ward boundaries. Derbyshire Dales District Council is holding a public consultation on the proposals. Tansley Parish Council urges residents to make their own views known via this link. Using this same link you can also access more information about the proposals and compare the current boundaries with the proposed new ones. At present Tansley is part of the Matlock St Giles ward, which is represented by three district councillors. The consultation will close on Monday 12th April.

  31st January 2021: The Ropewalk, Green Lane – update from Tansley Parish Council: There appears to be some misconception related to The Ropewalk, a public right of way off Green Lane, Tansley. To clarify, this right of way is not registered land, but it is under the control of Derbyshire County Council (DCC). Any change to the right of way requires written permission from DCC. A licence must be applied for in order to close a path temporarily and ensure public safety whilst any work proceeds. The Ropewalk* is of historical significance to the village and may in the future form part of an historical trail. Residents who take an interest in the Parish Council agendas and minutes will know that The Ropewalk has been earmarked for improvements for some time. Any delay in implementing improvements is because other projects have eaten into funds. Fortunately, by the end of 2020 we were in a financial position to commit to upgrading this right of way. Permission has been received from DCC and a price has been agreed with a contractor. This proposal and this location plan show the intended work. Because of the continued problems with surface water flooding at this location, additional drainage is planned and will be incorporated within the plan. It is envisaged additional drainage will be piped underground to the existing drains. The plan fails to indicate that the dry-stone wall adjacent to the Fete Field will also be rebuilt. *Here’s an interesting article by Julie Bunting published some time ago in the Peak Advertiser, explaining the history of ropemakers and ropewalks. Tansley and the one-man ropemaking business which used to operate from a wooden shed at the top of on Green Lane is mentioned.

  25th January 2021: Knabhall Lane – latest developments: Dear Residents, the Parish Council would like to thank you all for your continued support – it is much appreciated. We are still working very hard, with help from our legal advisors, to try to ensure that land at Knabhall Lane, part of the Tansley Enclosure Award, is retained for the benefit of all of our community. We are meeting much opposition! We are also mindful of the Travellers and their needs and have been liaising with their representative. The land at Knabhall Lane is not suitable because of its remote location and lack of everyday facilities. Both Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) and Derbyshire County Council (DCC) know that the Traveller family wish to be located close to Ashbourne. The Local Plan actually identified a site at Watery Lane, Ashbourne, but this was taken off the table on the grounds that it was in the pathway of the proposed new bypass. The three possible routes for the proposed bypass have now been published and the Watery Lane site does not impede any of these routes. Independently, the Travellers are considering acquiring a private site near Clifton (also on Watery Lane) as the local authority appears to have its own agenda and be working to what appears to be its own rules! We need to continue to fight for fairness, transparency and democracy. So, as yet, there has been no reprieve for Tansley. Our reasoned objections are consistent and based upon: (a) the location of the site and the fact it is not sustainable and (b) the fact we question the procedures taken by the district council to register the site. Working in tandem with the Parish Council is a small group of local people, who have submitted a comprehensive complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. A big thank you to the writer of the complaint, who must have spent hours doing the research and using his legal acumen. Please see the latest solicitor’s letter here sent to the district council on behalf of the Parish Council for the residents of Tansley.

  2nd December 2020: Knabhall Lane – police investigate alleged document theft (Derbyshire Times): Residents may be interested to read an online Derbyshire Times report about the alleged theft of documents from a recycling bin at the home of Derbyshire Dales District Council Leader Garry Purdy. The alleged theft, mentioned in recent Hotwire reports, concerns annotated papers connected to the controversial council decision of 2nd September 2020 to designate land on Knabhall Lane, Tansley, as a Gypsy & Traveller site. The report, written by Local Democracy Reporter Eddie Bisknell, can be viewed here. It includes a statement from Tansley Parish Council Chair Vicki Raynes, who has now twice been interviewed by the police about this matter following a complaint lodged with the police by Cllr Purdy.

  28th November 2020: Knabhall Lane – Action Fund donations and outgoings:
Donations: Thank you to everyone who has donated money to our Knabhall Lane Action Fund. Your support is greatly appreciated and means we can continue with our challenge to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) over its plan to turn the Knabhall Lane plot into a Gypsy & Traveller site. In total, after payment of JustGiving fees and including donations in cheques and cash, supporters raised £5,934.69. A brilliant response! There were 78 donations via the JustGiving page, which closed on 7th November, totalling £5,200. Of this, £830 represents a single transfer by the Parish Council of the first tranche of a total £1,735 in donations received in cheques and cash from a further 33 supporters, three of whom were anonymous. After the deduction of JustGiving processing fees, the JustGiving total was £5,029.69. A cheque for this amount, along with the £905 balance of money received in cheques and cash, has now been banked. To sum up: £5,029.69 (JustGiving total after deductions) + £905 (cheque and cash donations not included in the JustGiving total) = £5,934.69.
Outgoings: To date, one payment, of £834 to Lovedays solicitors, has been made from the Knabhall Lane Action fund, to cover the cost of the Formal Complaint sent to DDDC. The Formal Complaint relates to the papers received by the chair of the Parish Council from an anonymous sender and now claimed via the police by DDDC Leader Garry Purdy, who alleges they were stolen from a recycling bin at his home in Cromford. Two other bills from Lovedays, for £483 and £522, have been paid by the Parish Council itself. These payments covered the cost of legal advice and a comprehensive letter regarding ownership of the Knabhall Lane land. All further costs relating to Knabhall Lane will be paid for from the Action Fund.

  18th November 2020: Knabhall Lane – latest developments: Tansley Parish Council would like to keep residents informed of developments regarding Knabhall Lane, which have recently taken an unexpected turn. As already reported, a solicitor’s letter (dated 4th November) was sent on behalf of the Parish Council to Derbyshire Dales District Council challenging the choice of Knabhall Lane as a site to accommodate Gypsies & Travellers. The letter, a link to which is given below (see 12th November), included a reference to documents received in October by Tansley Parish Council chair Vicki Raynes from an anonymous source. These documents, which the Parish Council considers may constitute evidence of predetermination, included minutes and notes which appear to originate from a meeting of Conservative councillors held a few days before the Extraordinary Meeting of 2nd September 2020 at which the Knabhall Lane site was chosen. The documents appear to show that those present at the earlier meeting may have collectively agreed to vote for Knabhall Lane. The Planning Advisory Service defines predetermination as “a closed mind approach” or as “clearly expressing an intention to vote in a particular way before a meeting.” Predetermination may leave a committee decision open to challenge via Judicial Review. On 5th November, Tansley Parish Council emailed a formal complaint to DDDC’s monitoring officer about the conduct of the councillors involved. At the same time, on the advice of its solicitor, the Parish Council emailed copies of documents mentioned in the solicitor’s letter to DDDC. Annotations on the documents were in a very distinctive handwriting, so the Parish Council thought DDDC might be able to identify the owner of the papers and establish their authenticity. It also hoped that the information provided might help the monitoring officer judge whether predetermination had taken place. A response from the monitoring officer arrived within 24 hours. This was intimidating in tone and content, insinuating possible criminal activity including forgery. The officer said he was unable to investigate the matter without “an indication as to who you [i.e. Cllr Raynes] consider the documents to have originated from” and the completion of DDDC's standard complaints form. The latter is in the process of being completed. Tansley Parish Council would like to make crystal clear that no criminal activity was involved on the part of Cllr Raynes or any other parish councillor. The letter containing the documents was delivered to Cllr Raynes’ home address by Royal Mail and there was no indication of who had sent it. The Parish Council still has no idea who the sender is. Nor could it be conclusively deduced from the documentation received to whom the papers belonged. On Sunday 15th November, two police officers called on Cllr Raynes at her home. They asked if she would accompany them to the police station to answer questions about some stolen papers. She said she would. After she produced the papers and responded to their queries, the officers said there was no need after all to attend the police station. They took the papers away. The officers said they were pursuing a complaint of theft lodged by DDDC Leader Cllr Garry Purdy. The papers were allegedly stolen from “a venue” in Cromford “sometime in September”. They could give no more details. Tansley Parish Council will continue to pursue its challenge to DDDC’s decision to allocate land on Knabhall Lane as a Gypsy & Traveller site on Knabhall Lane. Tansley residents can judge for themselves how big a challenge this is proving to be. The Parish Council thanks residents for their support.

  12th November 2020: Knabhall Lane – update on challenge to DDDC: Tansley Parish Council has been busy pursuing its challenge to Derbyshire Dales District Council’s decision to allocate land at Knabhall Lane as a Gypsy & Traveller site. Using some of the funds raised by residents, the Parish Council has engaged Lovedays solicitors to act on its behalf in the initial stage of its challenge. A letter, outlining the Parish Council’s position, was sent by the solicitors to DDDC last week. You can read it here. The Parish Council is also liaising with a group of residents who have been working hard to formulate a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman, and has had useful contact with Derbyshire County Council, whose leader Cllr Barry Lewis does not consider Knabhall Lane the best option for a Gypsy & Traveller site. In an email letter, Cllr Lewis says “I believe the Wirksworth site to be a much better proposition than the Tansley site, particularly due to its locational benefits close to local facilities and services and think it is a shame that the District Council did not explore that option more fully.” In addition, Tansley Parish Council has been in contact with the Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group DGLG, which has made clear that the family for whom DDDC is seeking a site wish to be accommodated near Ashbourne, for health and welfare reasons. DDDC rejected a site at Clifton near Ashbourne at their meeting on 2nd September. Interestingly, Dr Siobhan Spencer of the DGLG told Tansley Parish Council in a letter that the DGLG, independently of DDDC, has submitted an application on the land at Clifton for a Gypsy Traveller site following a private arrangement with the owner of the site. In the letter, Dr Spencer says “We have arranged for reports to be undertaken and will be submitting those as soon as we are able.” Dr Spencer adds: “I do have to say I am surprised that DDDC did not invite DGLG into discussions in relation to speaking with the owner of the land at Clifton, it has been apparent that there was a certain amount of pressure put on the owner by outside parties and we would have been able to support the owner in his decisions at an early stage. It would also have been beneficial to have had some accurate costings available for site shortlisting, the information was not there to make an informed decision at the meeting held on the 2nd of September 2020." Tansley Parish Council will continue to do all it can to fight DDDC’s flawed decision to put a Gypsy & Traveller site on Knabhall Lane. Thank you to all the residents who are supporting us and who have contributed to our Action Fund.

  4th November 2020: Knabhall Lane – Action Fund update: Thanks to the generous donations of supporters, our Knabhall Lane Action Fund has now topped £5,000. Tansley Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has contributed. We now have £5,545 in the pot to challenge Derbyshire Dales District Council’s decision to allocate land on Knabhall Lane as a site for Gypsies & Travellers. Of this, £4,010 came from online donations to our JustGiving page, and the remaining £1,535 from donations in cash and cheques. In total, 98 people have made donations. The Parish Council is actively pursuing the Knabhall Lane issue through all avenues possible and expects to be able to brief residents about its progress within the next two weeks. The money raised is being used to pay professional fees. The Action Fund will close this Saturday, 7th November. If you have not yet donated but would like to do so, please visit our JustGiving page page or drop a cheque in the Parish Council post box outside Tansley Community Hall.

  23rd October 2020: Knabhall Lane – letter from Sarah Dines received: Sarah Dines has finally written the letter she promised to send to Derbyshire Dales District Council setting out the objections of Tansley Parish Council and Tansley residents to the proposed Gypsy & Traveller site on Knabhall Lane. You can read the final draft of the letter, approved by Tansley Parish Council and addressed to DDDC Chief Executive Paul Wilson, here. Ms Dines, MP for Derbyshire Dales, promised to write the letter after visiting the Knabhall Lane site on 2nd October. The letter lists all the points raised at the Knabhall Lane site meeting but does not include any personal opinion of the suitability of the site from Ms Dines herself. In contrast, Ms Dines has voiced her personal opposition to creating a Traveller site at Clifton, near Ashbourne, one of the four sites up for discussion at DDDC’s extraordinary meeting on 2nd September before Tansley was chosen.

  21st October 2020: Knabhall Lane – MP Sarah Dines breaks her promise to Tansley: Tansley Parish Council would like to update residents regarding the promise made by Derbyshire Dales MP Sarah Dines to write a letter to the district council stating our concerns about their choice of Knabhall Lane as a site for Gypsies & Travellers. As you may recall, Vicki Raynes (Parish Council chair) and Jane Flanagan (Tansley Hotwire) met Sarah Dines’ at the Knabhall Lane site on 2nd October, and at this meeting Ms Dines said she would write a letter to Derbyshire Dales District Council drawing attention to our concerns and would send the draft version to the Parish Council and Tansley Hotwire within a few days. The draft letter did not arrive so Tansley Hotwire politely texted Ms Dines twice to remind her, receiving further promises on both occasions that the letter would be forthcoming that same day. But nothing was received; nor was there any explanation or apology. On Sunday this week Cllr Raynes made a further polite appeal to Ms Dines via the MP’s Facebook page. Ms Dines responded publicly on Facebook, saying the letter “has been drafted and will be sent to you on Monday.” It is now Wednesday and Ms Dines has not been in touch at all. How very disappointing to think that our MP does not have the common courtesy to keep her promises to her constituents. Frankly, it is now too late for a letter to have the desired impact. Tansley Parish Council and Tansley residents feel totally let down by our new MP.

  14th October 2020: Please fill in the Derbyshire Dales Climate Hub survey. Point out the destruction of the Knabhall Lane woodland. Ask for its restoration: A group called Derbyshire Dales Climate Hub is canvassing local views over how Derbyshire Dales District Council could meet its pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030. As the site on Knabhall Lane earmarked for Gypsies & Travellers was until recently woodland – which DDDC allowed to be destroyed – residents may wish to mention this when filling in the Climate Hub survey. There is a space to do so at the end of this short survey, in the section “Any additional comments”. Below is a summary of the destruction, a mention of what's there today, and a plea for its future provided by people very familiar with the history of the plot of land on Knabhall Lane:
“The site currently earmarked for Travellers on Knabhall Lane, Tansley, was until recently a rich woodland – home to Little Owls, Tawny Owls, and a well-established badger sett. In the mid-1990s, DDDC declared the site a Wildlife Habitat and engaged young offenders to plant further trees there while spending public money rebuilding the woodland's boundary walls complete with badger runs. In 2007 or soon afterwards, the site was bulldozed and illegally occupied. The badger sett was filled in, trees were felled and the shrubs and undergrowth cleared. DDDC were repeatedly alerted to the destruction yet chose to do nothing, declaring now that the site wasn't theirs and therefore not their responsibility. Since the site was vacated in 2018/19, it has already begun to green over. How quickly nature heals if left to her own devices! The land is still bordered by some majestic beech trees and mature Scots pines. In one of these is an owl box – for following an application by Peter Johnson with the help of Dr Sinnott, Ivan Kent and Stuart Slack the site was granted a licence from the Department for the Environment, under section 16 (4) (c) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, for the releasing of Barn Owls into the wild. Recently owls have been calling there again. Let's petition DDDC to come to their senses, honour their environmental intentions of the mid-1990s and their more recent Climate Change Emergency declaration – and return this site to woodland.”

  7th October 2020: Repairs planned for pavement along Nottingham Road (A615): Repairs to the pavement running from Matlock Garden Centre to the entrance to Jack Hill Farm on Nottingham Road (the A615) are expected to be carried out within the next 28 days, according to Derbyshire Highways Hub. The Parish Council had complained to Derbyshire County Council about the pavement’s poor state of repair, pointing out that the pavement was dangerous to walk on and particularly dangerous for anyone using a mobility scooter or pushing a buggy. Thanks to County Councillor Sue Burfoot for chasing up the complaint.

  27th September 2020: Knabhall Lane – help your Parish Council challenge DDDC - Your Village needs you!: If you believe that a traveller site on Knabhall Lane is inappropriate there are two things you can do for Tansley:
1. Email or write to Paul Wilson, Chief Executive, DDDC
Here are some points to consider:
A –There was no consultation with the village before the vote.
B –The site fails to comply with the Council’s own conditions on the accommodation of travellers as outlined in the Local Plan (Policy HC6).
C –It’s not fair for the traveller family to be situated where there are no nearby amenities.
Please be polite and mark your email/letter as a Formal Complaint. Email it to Paul Wilson, Chief Executive, Derbyshire Dales District Council:
and C/C: and and (Mr McLaughlin is DDDC Monitoring Officer)
Send your email or letter within the next 10 days for maximum impact – i.e. before the next council meeting on 8th October.
2. Send a donation to support a legal challenge
Tansley Parish Council is preparing a legal challenge to the District Council’s plans. For this to succeed, it will need all the financial support it can muster. Please send what you can. Make your donation at Tansley Parish Council’s JustGiving Page or make a cheque payable to Tansley Parish Council and post it in the Parish Council post box at Tansley Community Hall. The JustGiving fundraising page will close for donations on Saturday 7th November 2020. All donations will be used for legal fees involved in challenging the legality of the Extraordinary Meeting of 2nd September and in seeking to claim back the land at Knabhall Lane for the residents of Tansley. This appeal will be distributed to all Tansley households as a flyer within the next few days. Thank you to Steve Greenhough for offering to help with the delivery. You can view the flyer here.

  26th September 2020: Knabhall Lane questionnaire – Tansley residents vote “No”: Of the 286 households that responded to Tansley Parish Council’s questionnaire on Derbyshire Dales District Council’s decision to allocate land on Knabhall Lane as a site for Gypsies & Travellers, 283 voted against the decision. This result gives the Parish Council a strong democratic mandate to challenge DDDC’s decision. Of the remaining three responses, one voted ‘Yes’, one did not supply a name and the third ticked neither box. The majority of respondents made comments related to the way that DDDC had behaved. Many expressed disgust about the 2nd September council meeting. Others said the land was unsuitable for the proposed use, and that the proposed use did not meet DDDC’s own Local Plan criteria for sustainability. Thank you to Steve Greenhough and those residents who delivered the questionnaire, Cllr Brian Taylor for collating it and all residents who took the time to respond. Watch this space!

  20th September 2020: Knabhall Lane – questionnaire deadline this Friday: A reminder to residents that the deadline for returning the Knabhall Lane questionnaire is this Friday, 25th September. Replies should be posted in the mailbox outside Tansley Community Hall on Church Street. Thank you to the many residents who have already responded. Results of the questionnaire will be issued on the Hotwire this weekend. If you have mislaid your copy of the questionnaire, you can find one here. Only permanent residents of Tansley should submit responses. Households comprising more than one adult should consolidate their responses on one form. Please write clearly. It is important that your name and address are legible. If you wish to include comments, please make them constructive. Personal opinions about travelling people are not helpful.
Unhappy about the DDDC meeting? If yes, please make a formal complaint!
Meantime Tansley Parish Council urges all residents who are concerned about how Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) conducted its Extraordinary Meeting about Gypsy & Traveller Sites on 2nd September to consider submitting a formal complaint to DDDC. The factual notes on the questionnaire may help you compose your letter. In addition, Tansley Parish Council will shortly be distributing a leaflet to residents’ homes with guidance about how to write a formal complaint and where to send it. The leaflet will also be issued on the Hotwire. The more people who complain, the more effective will be Tansley's challenge to DDDC.

  15th September 2020: Knabhall Lane – DDDC response to Freedom of Information request: Tansley Parish Council has received a response from Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) to a Freedom of Information request submitted on 25th August 2020 in relation to the choice of Knabhall Lane as a site to accommodate Gypsies & Travellers. You can read the response, which is not very enlightening, here. DDDC did supply this title plan and this HM Land Registry document for the Knabhall Lane site. Tansley Parish Council is currently awaiting responses to two further Freedom of Information requests it has submitted since 25th August regarding the Knabhall Lane site. Depending on the responses to these further requests, it is possible that the Parish Council will request DDDC to conduct an internal review.

  14th September 2020: Numbers limited at Parish Council meeting tomorrow: As Tansley Parish Council grapples with the interpretation of the Government’s latest ‘rule of six’ regulations, we have decided to limit the number of people at tomorrow’s (15th September) Parish Council meeting in the Community Hall meeting to six. We expect there to be five parish councillors and the clerk, so regretfully members of the public wishing to attend cannot be guaranteed entry. The Parish Council wishes to err on the side of caution regarding Covid-related rules until there is more clarity. We apologise for this short notice. If you have any questions you would like raised at tomorrow night’s meeting, please email them to . We realise that feelings are running high with regard to the proposal of a Traveller site on the outskirts of the village at Knabhall Lane. If you have not seen the YouTube video of the extraordinary council meeting at which the Knabhall Lane site was chosen, then please watch democracy in action (frankly a stitch-up for Tansley) via this link. Please be assured the Parish Council is doing everything possible to challenge this decision. Our challenge is related to the way Derbyshire Dales District Council has made this decision; the lack of consultation and transparency is quite shocking. In addition to this challenge about correct procedures, we are also legally questioning the tenure of the land. The old quarry at Knabhall Lane was gifted to the Parish of Tansley for ever under the 1855 Enclosure Award. We are informed that the Travellers need to be near their extended family and welfare facilities; they have requested that Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) find them a location near Ashbourne. We are informed by DDDC that planning permission for the site at Knabhall Lane will be applied for within the next two weeks. If you are concerned, you will need to write to DDDC, stating your concerns. These concerns need to be based on planning considerations, lack of amenities and lack of public consultation. The Parish Council will update you again when we have more information.

  9th September 2020: KNABHALL LANE - QUESTIONNAIRE BEING DELIVERED: By the end of this week, all Tansley residents should have received a questionnaire asking for their views on DDDC’s plan to create a site for Gypsies & Travellers on Knabhall Lane. On the back of the questionnaire there is a list of facts for those who have not been following the issue closely. If you need a backup copy of the questionnaire for any reason, you can find one here, but please note that only permanent residents of Tansley should fill it in. Each household should submit one form only. Households comprising more than one adult should consolidate their responses. If you wish to include comments, please make them constructive. Personal opinions about travelling people are not helpful. Please write clearly. It is important that your name and address are legible. The forms must be returned to the mailbox outside Tansley Community Hall by Friday 25th September. While it awaits the results of the questionnaire, Tansley Parish Council, with the help of supportive councillors and other knowledgeable individuals, is exploring ways, legal avenues included, to challenge decisions made by Derbyshire Dales District Council in relation to the Knabhall Lane site. The Parish Council will keep residents updated about developments.

  7th September 2020: KNABHALL LANE - PARISH COUNCIL NEEDS SOME HELPERS PLEASE: Tansley Parish Council needs helpers to fold and/or distribute the questionnaire it will be issuing to residents later this week in order to find out what they think about the district council’s plan to put a Gypsy & Traveller site on Knabhall Lane. Distribution to most of the village is already organised, but help will be needed with Thatchers Lane, Thatchers Croft, Alders Lane and The Cliff (as far as Smuse Lane). The questionnaires can be picked up from Vicki Raynes at Rogan Cottage (entrance off Holly Lane) any time between 10am and 1pm on Wednesday 9th September. If you can help with these tasks, please send an email to . Thank you.

  4th September 2020: TANSLEY PARISH COUNCIL TO SEEK MANDATE FROM RESIDENTS: Tansley Parish Council would like to let residents know that it is currently investigating ways to challenge Derbyshire Dales District Council's decision this week to take forward land at Knabhall Lane for development as a temporary and permanent Gypsy & Traveller site. As stated previously, Tansley Parish Council considers the site to be completely unsuitable for this use. As a preliminary step the Parish Council will seek a mandate from Tansley residents to pursue the issue. You will soon be receiving a simple survey seeking your views. The survey will be issued on Tansley Hotwire and posted through your letterbox. There will be one survey sheet per household; households with more than one adult will be asked to consolidate their responses.

  28th August 2020: GYPSY & TRAVELLER SITES - TIME IS RUNNING OUT TO HAVE YOUR SAY: Time is running out for Tansley residents to voice their views on Derbyshire Dales District Council’s inclusion of a site on Knabhall Lane, Tansley, in its list of proposed sites to accommodate Gypsies and Travellers. All comments must be submitted to the district council no later than 12 noon on Tuesday 1st September 2020 ahead of its meeting the following day to choose the sites for potential development. If you wish your comments or questions to count, they must be directly related to the item on the agenda, which you can read here. There are references to Tansley on pages 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18. You can make your views known by:
  •   using web-form – make your submission here
  •   emailing
Tansley Parish Council also strongly advises residents who feel strongly about the issue to make their views known to the three district councillors elected to represent Tansley’s interests:
  •   Steve Flitter:
  •   Paul Cruise:
  •   David Hughes:
The district council’s meeting on Wednesday 2nd September starts at 6pm. It will be conducted via Zoom. You can watch it live on DDDC’s YouTube channel, but not participate directly. The meeting will also be available for viewing later on the DDDC website.

Tansley Parish Council considers the proposed location on Knabhall Lane to be completely unsuitable for Gypsies and Travellers, noting that the land in question lies on a quiet country lane, more than two miles from health facilities and food supplies, without any public transport, pedestrian footway or street lighting. The Parish Council has suggested the land might be used to meet local demand for allotments.

  23rd August 2020: PARKING ISSUES ON HOLMESFIELD CLOSE: It has been brought to our attention that residents on Holmesfield Close are having difficulty accessing the pavement at the entrance to the close. It would appear that cars are often parked on the pavement. We are informed that supermarket vans have been unable to access the close because of the obstruction. Parking is a huge issue in our village. Whilst parking on the pavement and blocking pedestrian access is enforceable by the police, the Parish Council has no jurisdiction over thoughtless parking. So please use your drive if you have one. If your car has to be parked on the highway, then think of others. Park away from junctions, don't block sightlines and don't park on a pavement. Residents have been advised to report any anti-social parking to the police.

  20th August 2020: PARISH COUNCIL ASKS DDDC TO GIVE BACK LAND OFF KNABHALL LANE: Tansley Parish Council has formally sent a request to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) for a Community Asset Transfer on an area of land off Knabhall Lane, Tansley. Such a transfer would return the land, originally owned by the village, to Tansley Parish Council. The land could be used to meet demand from residents for allotments. Here is the letter sent to the district council earlier this week requesting the transfer. Recent reports from reliable sources have suggested that the land in question is being considered by DDDC as a possible permanent site for gypsies and travellers. Rumours on social media have increased speculation about the district council’s intentions with regard to this piece of land. DDDC has not contacted Tansley Parish Council with regard to the land on Knabhall Lane – land which the Parish Council considers completely unsuitable as a site for gypsies and travellers. The proposed site lies on a quiet country lane, more than two miles from health facilities and food supplies. There is no public transport, pedestrian footway or street lighting. This land (on the left as you walk down Knabhall Lane towards the B6014) forms part of the 'Tansley Enclosure Award' – land belonging to the Parish of Tansley which was taken over by Derbyshire Dales years ago when urban district councils merged. Maps and old documents clearly indicate the land was 'given to the highway department of the Parish of Tansley for ever'. In a statement published in March 2019, DDDC said it was inviting local people to assist in the ongoing search for an appropriate permanent site for gypsies and travellers in the Derbyshire Dales as it wasn’t meeting its duty in the Local Plan to provide six permanent pitches for the travelling community. The statement outlines the district council’s criteria for suitable sites.

  23rd July 2020: AN ALLOTMENT IN TANSLEY. WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED?: Tansley Parish Council met again on 21st July after a long break owing to Covid-19. The meeting, which was run under strict social distancing rules and at which the wearing of face masks was compulsory, had a large agenda to cover. At this meeting two Tansley residents made a representation putting a case forward for the provision of allotments for the residents of Tansley. Parish Councils have a statutory obligation to respond to residents’ requests into a feasibility study related to the provision of allotments if more than six residents make this request. At this time the Parish Council has no land within its possession to provide allotments. However, if there is enough support for this initiative, the Parish Council will explore various avenues and request information from Derbyshire Association of Local Councils (DALCO) and our Local Authority to try and make this initiative possible. Residents need to be aware that allotment holders are required to pay rent to the landlord, who is responsible for water rates and general maintenance. The rental for an allotment can be up to £100 per year. If you are a Tansley resident and think you would like to be an allotment holder please email: giving your name and address. All emails will be acknowledged.

  5th July 2020: CAN YOU HELP TO TIDY UP THE CHURCHYARD ON WEDNESDAY 8TH JULY: Derbyshire Dales District Council has just mown the grass in the churchyard at Holy Trinity Church and there is a huge amount of cut grass that now needs removing. Are you able to give some of your time to help tidy up? If so, please come along to Holy Trinity on Wednesday 8th July, either between 10am and 12 noon or between 2pm and 4pm. Please bring a rake and make sure you have protective gloves and suitable clothing as we are unable to take responsibility for any accidents. Garden rubbish sacks have been provided by DDDC, that has agreed to remove the full sacks. Let’s try to keep our village a place to be proud of. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you.

  4th July 2020: PLAY AREA NOW OPEN ON TANSLEY VILLAGE GREEN: The play area on Tansley Village Green is now open, and children can use the new play equipment. The equipment was paid for by Tansley Parish Council and installed by providers Playdale. The Parish Council still plans to install a new table and additional seating. The Government announced that play areas can open from Saturday 4th July. Derbyshire Dales District Council, that owns the Village Green, says it will monitor play areas to ensure they are being used sensibly. It advises that only one adult can accompany each child into the play area. Parents and guardians should also use their own antibacterial and antiviral sanitiser after using the equipment. Please remember coronavirus has not gone away, and could be transmitted via the equipment, so please be sensible and stay safe!

  5th June 2020: CANCELLED OWING TO RAIN - CAN YOU SPARE AN HOUR ON SATURDAY 6th JUNE TO HELP TIDY UP?: This morning Derbyshire Dales District Council finally mowed the grass on Tansley Village Green, including the play area, and parish councillors and a small group of residents then raked up the cut grass from the play area and put it into plastic bags. The district council agreed to take away the filled bags today, but said it would not remove any more, leaving the job unfinished. There is still tidying up work to be done in the play area, and on the main Village Green, which is now ankle-deep in mown grass. In addition, the front of the Village Green adjacent to the public footpath is in need of weeding; the bus shelter adjacent to the Green, and the bus stop at Gold Hill are also in need of weeding. These jobs are not the responsibility of the Parish Council or of the community, but it is unlikely that the district council will get round to Tansley for some time – we have been informed there is “a lot of catching up to do”. The Parish Council knows that many of you have been helping the community already by ensuring the pavements in your area are weed free – thank you for this.
If you can help tidy up, please come along to the Village Green on Saturday 6th June. Working parties will commence at 10.30am and 2pm. Bring a rake and a few plastic garden sacks, and help for an hour.

PS. After the Village Green tidy-up was cancelled first thing this morning amid grey clouds and heavy rain, suddenly, at around 10am, the sun burst out and the sky turned blue – completely in defiance of the gloomy weather forecast. Luckily, despite the cancellation, a group of determined volunteer residents turned up anyway, most in the morning, some in the afternoon – perhaps around 30 people in total, including some younger members of our community. Grass was raked and bagged and some of it even unexpectedly collected by a passing district council truck. In addition, the pavement adjacent to the Green was weeded and swept. Even the Village Green bus shelter got a makeover thanks to diligent youngsters Lucy Wood and Libby Brown, who spent ages getting rid of the unsightly weeds while thoroughly enjoying themselves. More special thanks to young Harley and Kenzie Burton for helping bag the grass (there are around 100 bags waiting for collection), and to Victoria and Max who came along to help too. A cloudburst in the afternoon interrupted the good work, but by the end of the day the Village Green was looking loved again. It was a very productive day and despite the social distancing required, the atmosphere was great, with a wonderful community spirit. A big thank you to ALL the helpers – hot baths and feet up everyone!

  1st June 2020: NEW PLAY EQUIPMENT PURCHASED BY TANSLEY PARISH COUNCIL TO BE INSTALLED ON THE VILLAGE GREEN PLAY AREA: At last we have a date for the installation of the new play equipment for the Play Area on Tansley Village Green. The providers of the equipment, Playdale, will be in Tansley the week commencing 8th June; they anticipate being on site for 4–5 days. The following week another team will be on site to install the safety surface. The Parish Council has been asked to allow 3–4 weeks for the installation to be complete in case of inclement weather or delays related to Covid-19. When the installation is complete the Parish Council will gift the new equipment to the owners of the land, Derbyshire Dales District Council. The Play Area will then be closed, if Government Guidelines deem it necessary. Before work can commence a licence needs to be obtained from the local authority. This has been a very protracted process, but the 'sealed licence' will hopefully be completed by 5pm Monday 1st June. The old play equipment can then be taken down by two members of the Parish Council and their helpers. A risk assessment/method statement for this work has been done by one of our councillors. Early on Friday 5th June the Village Green and Play Area will be cut by DDDC – this will be a rough cut with no collection of the mown grass. Should residents feel they are able to help collect the mown grass, then half an hour of your time would be appreciated – bring a rake and black bin bag! To ensure the safekeeping of the new equipment a large metal container will be placed temporarily on the footpath adjacent to the Village Hall. The Secretary of the hall has been notified. The container will not restrict access to either the Village Hall or Spout Lane. We request that residents who park on the pavement find an alternative place to park whilst work commences. We also request that whilst work takes place at Tansley Play Area residents avoid the area to ensure the work can take place safely – we are also mindful that residents stay safe. Thank you for your help.

  18th May 2020: TANSLEY VILLAGE GREEN IS OVERGROWN AND NEEDS CUTTING: Many residents are concerned about the overgrown state of our Village Green; the Parish Council is also concerned about the lack of care by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC). Whilst we appreciate that DDDC is under pressure because of coronavirus, it would be helpful to have some idea when basic maintenance will recommence – particularly in view of the fact that the adjacent local authority, Amber Valley, has mown its grass verges. The Parish Council contacted DDDC. We asked when the closed cemeteries and village greens would be cut and enquired about highway verges, requesting that pavements be sprayed and swept and local highways cleaned. We were informed that only the main parks in Ashbourne, Matlock and Bakewell were being cut at this time. We were also informed that Tansley had been weed sprayed by contractors in April. DDDC was unable to tell us when Tansley Village Green would be cut, so the Parish Council offered to arrange to have it cut. We also offered to pay extra to DDDC for an additional cut. We were told that before we could arrange to cut the grass ourselves, we would need to ensure we had public liability insurance to cover the land and would also have to do a risk assessment! The Parish Council questioned the assertion that the village had been weed sprayed as there seemed to be numerous areas where there was a profusion of weeds. Apparently parked cars hindered the weed sprayer. Walking around the village recently it is apparent that residents are clearing the pavements adjacent to their homes of weeds. If you are one of these helpful residents, thank you for helping tidy our village. Another positive is that the district council has been to the village and swept the pavements and the streets as per our request. The Parish Council will contact DDDC again and see if it is able to give us more up-to-date information related to cutting green spaces which it owns. In view of recent Government advice related to residents being encouraged to take additional exercise, it would seem our request for the Village Green to be cut is not unreasonable.

  5th May 2020: THANK YOU TANSLEY BROWNIES AND RAINBOWS: As you walk around our village you will see a wonderful display of rainbows on notice boards, on telegraph poles and at the village green. Thanks to Helen and Chloe Pearson for encouraging Tansley Brownies and Rainbows to produce this beautiful work, which lifts our spirits and makes us smile.

  23rd April 2020: PLEASE KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEAD IN AREAS USED BY OTHER PEOPLE: Tansley Parish Council urges dog owners to please follow government guidance when walking their dogs in the village during the current coronavirus pandemic. Government guidance states: “If walking your dog in areas used by other people, you should walk your dog on a lead to ensure you can safely keep two metres away from others.” The guidance applies not only to areas in the village already requiring dogs to be on leads, but to any area used by other people. We are requesting dog owners to follow this guidance in order to help keep our residents safe. Thank you.

  21st April 2020: PLEASE HELP CLINICALLY VULNERABLE RESIDENTS ACCESS SUPPORT: Many of our most vulnerable residents may be missing out on essential support because they haven’t responded to a recent NHS letter. Copies of the letter were delivered to residents who are classed as being “clinically extremely vulnerable to coronavirus”. Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) has emailed parish councils expressing its concern about this matter. It says that, as a district council, it has no way of identifying these residents. Also, some of them are likely to be difficult to reach via the district council’s usual communication channels. DDDC says it would be much appreciated therefore if we could spread the word in our community. A campaign has been launched urging family and friends to register for support on behalf of people who have received the NHS letter – anyone can do this online at Anyone who is not classed by their GP or hospital clinician as being clinically extremely vulnerable, but who still needs support, can register for help via the County Council’s Community Response Unit. Visit or call 01629 535091 Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm and Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm.

  19th April 2020: CAN YOU HELP TO PROVIDE ITEMS OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) FOR CHESTERFIELD ROYAL HOSPITAL: Local resident Sallie Bartlett-Iles has been explaining to Tansley Parish Council what she and others are doing to help the NHS in this unprecedented crisis. Sallie, a teacher at John Flamsteed Community School in Denby, has been involved in making visors for Derbyshire hospitals and care homes; to date the school has produced 1,400 visors. Sallie is also working alongside the Facebook Group "For the Love of Scrubs", focusing on hospitals and care homes in the Derbyshire Dales and Peak District. The team has just supplied an order to Whitworth Hospital, and Chesterfield Royal Hospital has requested several items to include 160 medical scrubs. The Parish Council is supporting Sallie by initially donating £100 to buy additional fabric for scrubs, but you can also help. The following items are needed:
Pillow cases – to be used as wash bags for scrubs.
Sheets – to be used for wash bags, head bands and also scrubs, depending on quality.
Buttons – approximately. 2cm in diameter, to use on face masks.
Cord/Cotton tape – for bags and trousers.
You might also like to help to sew? Or give a financial donation? You might know of an institution that needs help? Sallie is happy for people to contact her: Email: Mobile: 07715 968518. Thank you for this much-needed help.

  7th April 2020: ‘NEXTDOOR’ INVITATION THROUGH YOUR LETTERBOX? BE WARY!: Some people in Tansley will have received marketing material through their letterbox this week, in the guise of a genuine stamped letter, from a company called Nextdoor. The letters, delivered by Royal Mail (no fault of Steve the Postie, incidentally, who was just doing his job), carry pretend stamps made to look like genuine stamps. All the envelopes are addressed to “Tansley Neighbour” and are purportedly from Linda O’Connor on Thatchers Croft. Linda is a real resident of Tansley but she is very upset that these letters have been delivered in her name. Linda is a member of Nextdoor and remembers being emailed by the company to ask whether she would like to invite the people in her neighbourhood to use the free Nextdoor app. She said yes, but did not expect letters to go out around the village in her name to people she doesn’t even know. She is extremely sorry that this has happened. Nextdoor is not a scam company – it is a privately-held company based in San Francisco with backing from prominent investors and which aims to connect people in local communities. However, the methods it uses to recruit new members are not transparent. The recruitment technique used by Nextdoor featured recently in an investigation broadcast on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ consumer affairs programme. Questions have also been raised about the company’s handling of private data. See this BBC item. Nextdoor gathers information about its customers and uses it for targeted marketing. The type of data collected – community information, locations, names – could cause security issues for individuals. Tansley residents are advised not to sign up to Nextdoor before doing thorough research about the company.

  6th March 2020: FETE FIELD PAVILION VANDALISED: Distinctive bright blue paint has been daubed over the roller shutter doors, and over the stone work on the side of the building. The vandalism has left a dreadful mess which others must clear up and pay for. One has to ask what type of person or persons would do such a senseless and destructive thing.

  24th February 2020: LACK OF CROSSING ON A615 - A MESSAGE TO RESIDENTS: In December it was noted that Derbyshire County Council (DCC) was providing a funding pot to “enable more kids to cycle to school”. Tansley Parish Council contacted DCC highlighting the fact that many Tansley children are unable even to walk to school safely, because there is no safe crossing point on the A615. The Parish Council liaised with the Chair of Governors at Tansley Primary School, which is developing a transport plan aimed at reducing car use but which says that the need for children to cross the busy A615 is impacting negatively on this plan. Two template letters are available to be downloaded, one from the school here which relates to parents of pupils at Tansley Primary School and one from Tansley Parish Council here that may be suitable for other Tansley residents to use. Both letters can be downloaded for interested parties to forward to DCC. If you are concerned about a lack of a safe crossing or traffic calming on this main arterial route to the M1 and beyond, please help us by forwarding either of the letters to DCC. Together we may make our voices heard. Letters (remember to include your address, date and signature!) can be posted to: Councillor Alex Dale, Cabinet Member for Young People, Derbyshire County Council, County Offices, Bank Road, Matlock DE4 3SS or emailed to: . We also suggest that you copy into your email: Cllr Sue Burfoot, County Councillor for Tansley: and Cllr Simon Spencer, DCC Highways: . Thank you.

  20th February 2020: LOTTERY GRANT FOR TANSLEY VILLAGE GREEN'S NEW PLAY AREA: As Tansley Parish Council funds were very tight, an application was submitted in October to the National Lottery Community Fund. The application requested financial help funding a play area for the children of Tansley. The maximum bid allowed from The Community Fund is £10,000; the Parish Council requested the maximum amount in their bid. Tansley Parish Council are delighted to inform you that our bid was considered favourably, the assessor liked what we had to say about our village and considered our project value for money. Last week our bank account was boosted by a deposit of £10,000 from the National Lottery Community Fund. Tansley Parish Council would like to thank NLCF for this very generous donation to Tansley Village.

  26th January 2020: INCREASE IN TANSLEY PARISH'S PRECEPT: At the Parish Council meeting on 21st January 2020, the precept for the year 2020/21 was set. The precept is the money requested by the Parish Council from Council Tax. The Precept for Tansley in 2019/20 was £17,135, which equates to £33.40 per year for a Band D property. The Parish Council has increased the Precept this year to £19,549 per annum. This equates to, £37.59 for a Band D property an overall increase of £4.19p per year, approximately 8 pence per week. The reason for this increase is outlined below: - Over two years ago the Parish Council approached the owners of the Village Green, Derbyshire Dales District Council, asking for financial help to either improve or replace the play equipment in the Children’s Play Area. We were told there was no funding available. It was decided by all members of the Parish Council after lobbying from residents that our youngsters deserved decent equipment. The Parish Council feel strongly that the benefits of outdoor play, and the opportunity for youngsters to socialise in a safe and stimulating environment is something we should all be working towards; bright new play equipment will hopefully be a huge asset to the village and the wellbeing of our children. Over a period of time the Parish Council have been saving money, and working towards providing this improved facility. We have spoken to various play equipment providers, and plans have been submitted to the Parish Council with quotes for the work. Before Christmas 2019 new play equipment was ordered from a company called Playdale – the total cost to the Parish Council being £37,000, to include VAT. We anticipate the new play equipment will be installed at the beginning of the new financial year. To boost our funds the Parish Council have written to local businesses to ask for help, enquired about grants and requested donations from the District Council. To further help with our budget, we have decided to cut back on Parish Council expenditure. We do not intend to have hanging baskets this year, lamp posts will not require stress testing, there will be no other works done in the village, and donations to village organisations will be limited. We hope the above explanation helps you understand the reason for the increase to the precept. Tansley Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people and businesses for their very generous donations to this worthwhile community initiative: Tansley Development Association, P&D Specialists, Howdens, S Furniss, Briddons, N Pearson, Le Strange, Foster Fridge, C Gregory & Son, DDDC Sue Burfoot.

  11th January 2020: PART OF KNABHALL LANE CLOSED FOR ROADWORKS: Knabhall Lane (the part that runs from Whitelea Lane to Foxholes Lane) is closed for roadworks. The closure notice from Derbyshire County Council says the road will be closed until 28th January. Emergency access will be maintained. Please see here for the suggested diversion via Lant Lane and Foxholes Lane.

  9th January 2020: NEW POSTBOX INSTALLED AT THE TOP OF RIBER VIEW CLOSE: Tansley Parish Council is delighted to inform residents that we have at last got a new post box to replace the one removed from the junction of Church Street and The Knoll last year. It is only as a result of great persistence that the new post box is finally in place. We are pleased that it has been installed, as we proposed, at the top of Riber View Close, a location as close to the old one as possible, taking into account Royal Mail regulations on the siting of new post boxes.

  13th December 2019: HIGHFIELDS SCHOOL BUS – IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO PARENTS/CARERS: Tansley Parish Council has been speaking to Derbyshire County Council (DCC) School Transport about the recent letter sent to pupils regarding Public Sector Vehicle Accessibility Regulations 2000 and the availability of places on the bus for Tansley children attending Highfields School. DCC advises all parents wishing their children to use the school bus after Christmas to apply ASAP for a temporary FREE BUS PASS. Please do not wait until after Christmas to apply as there may not be any seats available. Only pupils with a temporary free bus pass will be able to use the bus. DCC will then allocate seats on the bus that comes from Lea. Without a pass there is NO guarantee of a seat on the bus. DCC states that travel will be free to bus pass holders for approximately six weeks; hopefully by February half term there will be more clarity related to the numbers using the bus and the availability of a school bus for Tansley. The Parish Council will continue to liaise with DCC and will update residents more fully in the New Year.

  25th November 2019: WHITELEA LANE ROAD CONDITION: Residents will be interested to know that Derbyshire County Council has been at Whitelea Lane this morning looking at the state of the carriageway. Would residents please continue to send any concerns related to the public highway in Tansley to the Parish Council. We will continue to lobby for the community.
POST BOX AT RIBER VIEW CLOSE: This is to be a replacement post box following recent removal of the one from junction of Church Street and The Knoll. There were discussions between Royal Mail and the Parish Council this morning. Apparently, they are waiting for the 'all clear' related to underground services before they can commence with the installation of the replacement post box at the proposed location on Riber View Close.

  16th October 2019: ROAD SAFETY ISSUES IN TANSLEY: At our last Parish Council meeting there were serious concerns raised about speeding vehicles in our village. We all know our roads are very narrow, some having no pavement; we also have a problem with inconsiderate parking on the highway, and on road junctions. It is therefore very important to ensure that we all drive throughout the village with extra care and consideration for pedestrians. Can we all work together to make this village safer? Please remember if you are driving in the village of Tansley – 20 is PLENTY.

  16th July 2019: TANSLEY PARISH COUNCIL'S DRAFT ANNUAL RETURN 2019: Please see the unaudited draft of the Annual Return 2019 here.

  29th April 2019: TANSLEY PARISH COUNCIL'S END OF YEAR REPORT 2019: Please see the End Of Year Report 2019 here.

  27th April 2019: TANSLEY PARISH COUNCIL INSTALLS NEW LAMP POST AT HOLY TRINTY CHURCH: A new lamp post has been installed at Holy Trinity Church by the Parish Council. Work was done by P&D Specialists Services, Old Coach Road.
Thanks to Councillor Brian Taylor for drawing the plans to submit to Derbyshire Dales District Council planning department, and to Councillor Ian Strange for overseeing the works.

  13th April 2019: PUBLIC PETITION A615 TANSLEY, SEPTEMBER 2017 - Petition Organiser V. Raynes for Tansley Parish Council: A petition from a group of Tansley residents was formally presented at the Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Highways Transport and Infrastructure meeting on 16th November 2017 by members of the Parish Council and County Councillor Sue Burfoot. The petition stated: "We the undersigned residents of Tansley, call on Derbyshire County Council to implement some comprehensive traffic calming, preferably including speed cameras on the A615 between the 30mph speed limit and The Tavern public house. Furthermore, a pedestrian crossing would be desirable opposite The Tavern, together with a bus stop on land adopted by the county council, as highway authority – as well as re-surfacing the pavement to improve pedestrian safety.” DCC subsequently produced a report related to traffic issues on the A615 – this report 'went forward' to Derbyshire County Council Highway, Transport and Infrastructure Cabco meeting on Thursday 26th April 2018. The report recommended further surveys related to footfall, traffic speeds, and the volume of traffic using the road. An email was sent to DCC on 5th March 2019 asking for an update on the petition, and all relevant information related to the surveys done by DCC Highways. Whilst the Parish Council have not yet managed to secure a crossing on the A615, work to improve the quality of pavements is ongoing and significant. [Statistics recorded by DCC on Wednesday 19/9/2018 show that during each peak hour 8-9 am and 5-6 pm a vehicle passes through every 4 seconds. The rate never falls below one every 6 seconds throughout the monitoring period of 7 am - 7 pm].

  12th April 2019: NOTTINGHAM ROAD/RED HILL – WORK TO REPLACE WATER PIPES STARTS 15th APRIL - Expect disruption to traffic!: Severn Trent says work to replace old water pipes will start on 15th April at the junction of Thatchers Lane /Nottingham Road (adjacent to Jack Hill Farm). The team will work their way along Nottingham Road until they reach the Red Hill junction and will continue along Red Hill, to finish just past Urban Planters by June 2019. Severn Trent says that “in order to carry out the work safely and quickly, we'll need to control the flow of traffic, by using two-way traffic lights for the duration of the work as well as signs and barriers.” Severn Trent apologises for any disruption and says that access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all times. Tansley Parish Council has contacted Severn Trent to express concerns related to traffic flow and access to vital services as well as possible long delays accessing the village. On the very same day as this work gets under way, Severn Trent is also due to start repairs on a leaking hydrant on Church Street and commence laying a new water pipe on the A615! Drivers will be further hindered by road works on the A615 where Derbyshire County Council is laying a new pavement. Residents need to be aware of possible delays and plan their routes accordingly.

  10th April 2019: WATER LEAK REPAIRS ON CHURCH STREET START 15th APRIL - TRAFFIC LIGHTS WILL BE OPERATING: Residents are aware that there are problems related to surface water flooding on Church Street, adjacent to Ashley Close. Severn Trent advises the Parish Council that a fire hydrant is leaking. We are informed that work to repair the leak will commence on Monday 15th April and that 'to ensure the safety of workers it will be necessary to install four-way traffic lights in the vicinity'. Residents are advised that there could be significant disruption when trying to access the A615 from Church Street.

  1st April 2019: PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS – DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS IS 4pm ON 3RD APRIL: There has been a great deal of publicity in national and local newspapers, on the Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) website and on public notice boards informing residents about local elections on 2nd May. Nominations to become a parish councillor will be accepted until 4pm on Wednesday 3rd April 2019. If you would like to apply, all documentation, including nomination packs for downloading, is available on DDDC’s 2019 election webpage.

  1st April 2019: VILLAGE LITTER PICK SATURDAY 6th APRIL, 10AM START AT TANSLEY COMMUNITY HALL: Tansley Parish Council is organising a village litter pick on Saturday 6th April, starting at 10am from Tansley Community Hall. Litter picker sticks and plastic collection bags will be provided. Please bring high-viz vests/jackets – we will have a few available for anyone who doesn’t have their own. Please look around the village and identify areas that need clearance. We look forward to seeing you!

  27th March 2019: LANT LANE CLOSED FROM 28TH MARCH FOR SOME DAYS, PLUS OTHER ROAD NEWS: Residents may find it useful to know that there are signs on Lant Lane saying the road will be closed on 28th March and 1st – 3rd April for re-surfacing work. There was a bad accident adjacent to the top entrance of Home Farm on Whitelea Lane on Saturday night; a telegraph pole was demolished as was some dry-stone walling. The Parish Council had recently complained about the erosion of the road at this corner. On a positive note, after a great many complaints by the Parish Council, the surface of the pavement is being redone from the Royal Oak down the A615 and a new pavement has been constructed opposite The Tavern car park.

  22nd February 2019: PARKING ISSUES ON THATCHERS LANE: It has been brought to our notice by concerned residents who live on Thatchers Lane that on many occasions they are unable to access their driveways owing to parked cars. There are particular concerns related to parking directly on the corner of the highway where sightlines are obstructed and access is made particularly difficult. We realise that parking is a big issue in our village, but would politely request that residents and their visitors think about the safety of other road users, including pedestrians, and ensure they do not block access to private properties.

  11th February 2019: WALKING ROUTE TO HIGHFIELDS UPPER SCHOOL ASSESSED – DECISION AWAITED: On Thursday 7th February the route from Tansley to Highfields Upper School was assessed. Two Parish Councillors were accompanied by the Assistant Education Officer for Admissions, a representative from Highways and five County Councillors, including Sue Burfoot. The walk commenced from Upper Highfields at 3.30pm. The aim of the walk was to establish whether the walking route from Tansley to Upper School is considered hazardous when assessed against Derbyshire County Council’s criteria. Tansley Parish Council argues the only safe route with continuous pavements is down Limetree Road and along the A615. The assessment group focussed on the safety of crossing points, surfaces of pavements and the adequacy of street lighting. The reason the Parish Council requested an assessment of the route was to assess safety and distance. The Parish Council has also highlighted concerns related to children crossing the A615 at the Alders Lane location; we highlighted the lack of pavements and poor sightlines. There are also valid concerns related to crossing at The Tavern public house where sightlines can be obstructed and the bus stop is situated on private land. The distance from Highfields Upper school to A615 Church Street was 2.4miles. DCC says “We provide assistance with travel for full time primary and secondary school pupils who do not live within walking distance of their normal area school. The distance is 2 miles for children under 8 years and 3miles for children over 8 years measured by the nearest available route. An exception may be made to these distance rules if the authority agrees that a particular route is hazardous." The Parish Council is now waiting for the route assessment to be taken to Cabinet for a decision.

  2nd February 2019: DCC TO INSPECT WALKING ROUTE FROM TANSLEY TO HIGHFIELDS UPPER SCHOOL: Next week Derbyshire County Council’s Hazardous Routes Panel will inspect the walking route from Tansley village to Highfields Upper School following concerns raised by parents of pupils at the school and by Tansley Parish Council. The DCC inspection follows a request for the route between Tansley and Highfields Upper School to be declared 'hazardous' for the purpose of establishing eligibility to free home to school transport. The route to the school is less than the three-mile statutory walking distance for secondary school pupils. Pupils are usually expected to make their own way to school if they live less than three miles away. Tansley Parish Council has questioned the safety of the walking route and, with the help of County Councillor Sue Burfoot, has raised the issue with DCC. The Parish Council has also expressed concern about the safety of residents crossing the A615, particularly in the winter months when the daylight hours are shorter.

  23rd October 2018: WHITELEA PLANNING APPLICATION decision deferred: At Derbyshire Dales District Council's (DDDC) planning meeting on Tuesday 23rd October, a decision on the Whitelea planning application was deferred. Councillors were concerned about the lack of information related to drainage issues. There were also concerns about materials – the use of render was not favoured by councillors, who thought houses should be built to reflect the local vernacular. There were guarantees related to the preservation of the native hedge on the Fete Field boundary with the site. Once the district council has liaised further with the applicant there should be an opportunity for residents to respond to an amended plan that contains all documentation related to drainage and proposed materials. The Whitelea planning application foresees the building of 26 dwellings on the site. To view the application, go here and insert planning reference number 17/00850/FUL in the search box.

  21st October 2018: WHITELEA PLANNING APPLICATION CHANGED SUBSTANTIALLY Parish Council wants fresh consultation: Here is the original site plan and the amended site plan for the planned housing development off Whitelea Lane, Tansley (planning reference number 17/00850/FUL). Residents can see that the amended site plan differs substantially from the original one, yet no new planning application has been submitted. In fact, Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) planning officers are recommending that the amended plan be approved at a planning committee meeting to take place this Tuesday, 23rd October, without any further public consultation. The Parish Council believes the amended plan bears no resemblance to the original application other than location and that a new planning application should be made, giving residents a chance to voice their opinions on the plan as it now stands. The original plan had re-constituted stone houses with buff brick garages. All existing trees were being retained on the boundary with Tansley Fete Field. The new plan has stone and render properties – predominantly render. The new plan involves the removal of all trees and hedges on the southern boundary. The developer, Davis Homes, states that that the properties adjacent to the recreation ground will have good views of the “public sports pitch”. Tansley Parish Council has been in contact with Davis Homes and informed the developer that the native hedge on the boundary with the site belongs to the Parish Council, as does the “public sports pitch”. It has also told the developer that the Parish Council would like to keep the native hedgerow, as it will act as a buffer to the new housing development and ensure that the rural aspect of the Fete Field is not spoiled. The Parish Council was informed by Davis Homes that all changes to the original plans were suggested by Derbyshire Dales planning department. The Parish Council is very concerned that a new housing development will be built in our village which does not fit in with the local vernacular as the district council appears to be allowing development in the area that does not reflect the character of the Derbyshire Dales. Residents only have to drive past Matlock Golf Club to see the bright red brick houses recently erected and travel further down Chesterfield Road and see yet more red brick houses – all out of keeping with the local vernacular. Tansley Parish Council is very concerned that Tansley will be getting an inferior development – the Parish Council finds this difficult to accept bearing in mind that areas within the ‘plan area’ are subsidising the building of ‘high spec’ social homes within the Peak Park.

  20th October 2018: WHITELEA PLANNING APPLICATION – PARISH COUNCIL LETTER TO DDDC, Application to be debated at DDDC Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday 23rd October, Planning Reference Number: 17/00850/FUL: The letter here has been sent this week by Tansley Parish Council to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) regarding the planning application to build houses on land off Whitelea Lane, Tansley (the nursery site). In the letter, the Parish Council argues that the planning application now contains so many amendments that it bears no resemblance to the original application other than location and that a new application should be made. Tansley Parish Council notes that there has been a significant change in the appearance of the proposed dwellings “which will adversely affect the appearance of the development.” DDDC said this week that the planning application is to be considered at a meeting of the Planning Committee at 6 pm in the Council Chamber at Matlock Town Hall on Tuesday 23rd October; officers are recommending that the application, which foresees the erection of 26 dwellings and a widening of existing access, be approved. In September last year, Tansley Parish Council submitted a strong objection to the original planning application. You can view the Parish Council's submission here.

Members of the public can make representations before the matter is debated this coming Tuesday. You need to do this before 12 noon on Monday. A document explaining the rules governing public participation is here. To view the Whitelea application, go here and insert planning reference number 17/00850/FUL in the search box.

  29th September 2018: Highfields school bus service ceasing after 5th October : Following news that the 150 school bus will not run between Tansley and Highfields after 5th October, residents may be interested to read an email exchange here between Tansley Parish Council and Derbyshire County Council (DCC). The Parish Council has raised a number of safety concerns about proposed new arrangements for transport to Highfields and about walking routes to the school sites. Here is a copy of 'route directions' provided by DCC’s Admissions and Transport Team for children walking to Highfields upper and lower sites.

  21st July 2018: Tansley Parish Council urges residents to attend a healthcare meeting on Thursday 26th July: Members of the public are invited to a meeting of NHS leaders from Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust on Thursday 26th July 2018 at 12.30pm at Matlock Town Football Club, Causeway Lane, Matlock DE4 3AR. Tansley Parish Council is encouraging Tansley residents to attend the meeting, which will give everyone an opportunity to ask questions about NHS care in the Matlock area. Tansley Parish Council has long been concerned about how our local health service will cope with extra demand resulting from the large number of new houses planned for the area (including at sites in our village) if no adequate provision is made for additional healthcare facilities. It hopes people will attend as it may be their last opportunity to have a say. The Parish Council's concerns were mirrored in comments made by a Matlock GP to the Matlock Mercury* earlier this month.

The invitation is open to all, with people invited to arrive at 12.30pm for a chat and networking ready for a short talk at 1pm on NHS services in the Matlock/Derbyshire Dales area and an opportunity for people to ask questions. It is designed to be an informal way of encouraging people to share queries or suggestions about NHS care with members of the team running Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust. At 1.30pm the NHS Trust Board will begin its formal meeting. The full agenda for the meeting can be viewed online here. Visitors are welcome to stay for the formal Trust Board meeting as observers. Questions are invited for discussion during the formal business of the meeting but need to be submitted in advance. For more information please contact: Kirsteen Farrar, associate director of corporate governance/trust secretary by emailing or phoning 01773 525065.

*Residents may wish to read this Matlock Mercury article published earlier this month in which Dr Peter Holden voices concern about new housing developments being approved in the Derbyshire Dales without sufficient funds to meet healthcare demand.

  16th July 2018: Feeling creative? Design a new entrance sign for Tansley Village: Tansley Parish Council plans to replace the entrance signs you see when entering the village from both directions on the A615 and invites residents to design the graphics for the new signs. To meet the Derbyshire County Council standard, signs need to be white with black lettering, but a pictorial design can incorporate other colours. All designs must be line drawings which are simple but depict an aspect of our village or its heritage. If you would like to submit an idea for the new signage, please draw your design on A4 paper, write your name, address and contact number on the reverse of your design, and post it in the Parish Council letter box at Tansley Community Hall, Church Street. All submissions need to be posted by Tuesday 7th August.

  23rd June 2018: Village planters - help with watering welcome in warm weather: The hanging baskets in the village are watered as part of the contract we have with the provider. However, the planters around the village are not watered as part of the contract. Although all the planters have a reservoir in the base, and our inclement weather usually is enough to keep the planters moist, when we have a spell of warm weather (as forecast for next week) the planters benefit from additional water. If there is a planter near your home, would you be kind enough to give the plants a drink? A watering can full of water could save them from wilting. Thank you for your help.

  15th June 2018: DCC says it will improve Whitelea Lane with new gullies proposed: Tansley Parish Council, which has been lobbying Derbyshire County Council (DCC) for many months about the problem of surface water flooding at Whitelea Lane, has been told that work will be carried out to rectify the problem. A recent email sent from DCC Highways Hub to our County Councillor Sue Burfoot and forwarded to Tansley Parish Council states: “A lot of water is coming from the high ground adjacent to the highway at this location. The County Council propose to reshape the carriageway and install new gullies where required and the work will be issued when resources become available.” Tansley Parish Council has been very concerned about the state of Whitelea Lane. The continual stream of water coming onto the road has eroded the surface of the highway, making it very dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. During heavy rain detritus has been carried as far as Church Street. The Parish Council met and liaised with DCC’s Flood Team, which has been very thorough with its investigations. The Parish Council has also had great support from Sue Burfoot who took our concerns to DCC. We thank her for her help.

  27th April 2018: Vicki Raynes received a Community Award: Vicki Raynes (our chairman) has been presented with an award in recognition of her contribution to the life of her community. Councillor Steve Flitter, Civic Chairman of the District of Derbyshire Dales 2017/18, presented the framed Community Award in Tansley Village Hall on Sunday 22nd April. Nominations for these awards – which are intended to recognise the work of people “who make the wheels go round, without previous recognition of their efforts or expectation of reward” – are made by local residents. Cllr Raynes was nominated because “she works tirelessly and determinedly to improve Tansley’s facilities and to defend the village from over-development. She has attended countless local planning meetings to try to prevent a scale of development that is opposed by residents. She also works hard to make the village cleaner, safer and more attractive, and leads by example.” Cllr Raynes has been chair of Tansley Parish Council since 30th June 2010.

  26th March 2018: The Great British Spring Clean in Tansley - Thank you to everyone who helped: A heartfelt thanks from the Parish Council to the 14 adults and four young people who turned out last Saturday morning to make our village a cleaner and better place to live. We collected 22 large waste bags of rubbish, four bags of moss from the Village Green and a bag of brambles as well as an assortment of bits of metal and car parts! The group worked to clean up Old Coach Road – including the stream, Brookfield Estate, the Village Green, the A615 Nottingham Road all the way up to the garden centre, Knabhall (Middle) Lane and Whitelea. Our thanks to Derbyshire Dales District Council for providing the sacks and arranging to collect the rubbish.

  12th March 2018: The Great British Spring Clean in Tansley - rearranged for 10 am Saturday 24th March: Sadly the weather conspired against us all for the weekend of 3rd/4th March when the Great British Spring Clean was supposed to happen here, so we have re-arranged this for Saturday 24th March when we can all help to make Tansley a cleaner place. The Parish Council is providing litter picker sticks and plastic bags for those who want to join us in clearing some of the areas of the village. We will meet at Tansley Community Hall on Church Street at 10am. Please come and join us – and to make it safer, if you have a high-vis jacket, then please wear it! If you cannot spare a bit of time on that Saturday then please look around you and your area and collect/pick up any litter or debris – it can be brought to the Community Hall that day if you need to dispose of it. The County Council has agreed to dispose of the waste we collect. Let us all have a cleaner and tidier Tansley Village after the 24th! Thank you.

  12th March 2018: Tansley Community Speed Watch - Residents' training session, Monday 19th March: Owing to ongoing problems with speeding traffic on the A615, Tansley Parish Council, with help from the police, is going to run a speed watch scheme. Tansley residents who would like to volunteer for speed gun training with parish councillors and the police are invited to attend the training session on Monday 19th March at 1.30 pm at The Tavern car park. It is anticipated the training will take approximately two hours. Come and take part – let’s see if we can make a difference!

  7th March 2018: Vacancy for a parish councillor goes to co-option: There is currently one vacancy for a parish councillor. Following earlier notices, this will now be a co-option to the Council. Anyone wishing to apply for the above position must do so in writing by post or email to the Clerk, stating what they feel that they can bring to the position of Parish Councillor. If there is more than one applicant for this position, then the Parish Council’s selection process will be followed. Closing Date for applications is 19 March 2018.

  1st March 2018: CANCELLED OWING TO SNOW AND WINDS Tansley Spring Clean - Saturday 3rd March, 10 am and 1 pm:

  22nd January 2018: Vacancy for a parish councillor: Please see here for details.

  2nd December 2017: Paint spillage on Spout Lane: A large can of paint has been spilled on Spout Lane, adjacent to the side entrance to the Village Hall. Whilst accidents do happen, it would have been sensible and thoughtful had the person responsible notified Derbyshire Dales District Council street cleansing department. A big thank you to residents Nigel Johnson and David Toplis, who acted quickly to alleviate the problem – the paint is now covered with five bags of sand and warning cones mark the affected area. The spillage will be reported to the district council on Monday (4th December).

  29th November 2017: Snow wardens required to keep footpaths clear this winter: As in previous years, Tansley Parish Council will be participating in the Derbyshire County Council (DCC) Winter Service Scheme. The scheme encourages communities to help keep named footpaths and pavements within the village clear of snow. Residents who volunteer as snow wardens are asked to specify which area and location they can keep gritted. DCC provides participating communities with additional grit. Volunteers need to stay safe by wearing suitable clothes and footwear. If you are able to help please email stating your name and address. Please could you tell us which stretch of public pavement or footpath you would like to keep clear. You may still have grit from last year, but if more is required, please tell us. Thank you for your help.

  15th November 2017: Please keep dogs on lead in field with sheep near Knabhall Lane: As you walk from Tansley Fete Field towards Knabhall Lane, you will see that the second field in from Knabhall Lane has a flock of sheep, all of which are with lamb. Dogs off the lead have been worrying these sheep – behaviour that could cause the sheep to miscarry. Dog owners are advised to stay on the public footpath and keep their dogs on a lead when walking through this field.

  14th November 2017: Annual Returns published: The Parish Council's Annual Returns for 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 have been published in the Library section of this web site.

  11th October 2017: A615 road safety - petition handed in to Derbyshire County Council: Tansley Parish Council would like to thank the many volunteers who recently helped gather signatures on the petition requesting measures to improve safety on the A615 in Tansley. Their help was greatly appreciated. The petition, with 385 signatures representing all areas of the village, has been handed in to Derbyshire County Council (DCC) and will be discussed at a Cabinet meeting for Highways on 16th November. Tansley Parish Council has been lobbying DCC for several years; it has asked for improved traffic calming, a safe crossing point and pavements fit for purpose.

  28th September 2017: Ruth Bartlett joins the parish council: Tansley Parish Council would like to thank all residents who applied to become a parish councillor. All applicants interviewed very well. It was decided that Ruth Bartlett would join the Council.

  21st September 2017: Proposed development at Whitelea Lane: The proposal (Planning ref: 17/00850/FUL) is for the erection of 27 dwellings and widening existing access to serve development and retained property. The proposal states "Tansley has a range of local facilities commensurate with its size, including 3 pubs, a restaurant, a village shop, a primary school, a village hall, the Parish Church, Methodist Church and numerous open air sports facilities". This description of Tansley forms part of the planning statement submitted by Davis Homes in their application to develop land at Whitelea Lane. The Parish Council does not accept this description of the village and is very concerned that the application fails to address highway impact, flood risk and children's play provision. The letter here states the Parish Council's concerns. Should you, too, have concerns we would urge you to email, citing the planning reference at the top of this message and marking your email for the attention of Helen Frith, Senior Planning Officer. You can view the application on the district council website here. You might also like to contact your local district councillors and request they represent the views of Tansley when the application comes to committee. The district councillors representing Tansley are:
  4th September 2017: A615 residents' petition - can you help to collect signatures?: Recently there was yet another accident on the A615 adjacent to The Tavern; both drivers were very lucky to escape without injury, both cars were write-offs. We all know how busy the A615 is, and the speed some vehicles travel at. Tansley Parish Council has been lobbying Derbyshire County Council for several years – we have asked for improved traffic calming, a safe crossing point and pavements fit for purpose. It must be remembered that a significant number of residents need to cross the A615 to attend the primary school, catch the school bus to Highfields and access the playing fields and churches. County Councillor Sue Burfoot has advised the Parish Council to present a petition to Derbyshire County Council. Apparently the County Council has to send petitions to the relevant Cabinet meeting where a full response has to be given to the petitioners. The Parish Council would like as many residents as possible to support this petition; we are asking if any residents would be able to help with the collection of signatures. If you are able to take a petition round to houses on your street, please email giving your name and address, and a petition form will be dropped off for you. Thank you for your help.

  7th August 2017: Vacancy for a Parish Councillor: The Parish Council is seeking to co-opt one member to the Parish Council. Anyone interested should apply, giving some information about themself, to the Parish Clerk (see postal and/or email address above) by Sunday 27th August. If there is more than one applicant then the Parish Council will use its selection process to appoint to the position.

  29th June 2017: Water surfacing in Church Street by Gold Hill: Laing O'Rourke has contacted the Parish Council to apologise for the inconvenience caused by the water gushing out of Church Street, adjacent to Gold Hill. The water is natural spring water – nothing to do with the domestic water supply. Recent work has made an existing situation with the natural spring worse. Work is planned to resolve the problem by Sunday 2nd July. We are also told that the pavement adjacent to Oak Tree Gardens, damaged by the contractors, will be repaired.

  13th June 2017: End of Year Report 2016-17: The Report has been published here on the Library page.

  14th May 2017: Local Plan independent examination - Agenda for hearing on Thursday 18th May: Tansley Parish Council will be speaking at this hearing (Session 14) of the Local Plan Examination, the purpose of which is to examine the housing allocations and settlement boundaries for rural parishes (including Tansley) which feature in the Local Plan. The Parish Council considers the housing allocation for Tansley (150 dwellings) excessive and unfair; it is also concerned that Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) is not taking steps to mitigate the impact of new development by ensuring improved or new services and facilities in the village. You can read the agenda for Thursday’s hearing here. The hearing, to be held in Matlock Town Hall, starts at 1.30pm.

  25th April 2017: Tansley Parish Council to take part in Local Plan independent examination in public: The hearings will take place during 9th – 11th May 2017 (Stage 1), and 16th – 19th May 2017 (Stage 2). Participants have been allocated to the hearings based on the substance of their representations related to the ‘Soundness of the Plan’. As a result of representations made by Tansley Parish Council, and concerns related to certain aspects of the Plan, Tansley Parish Council has been invited to participate in the Examination and Hearings sessions, as listed below.

Stage 1:
  • Tuesday 9th May @ 9.30am (Engagement with communities and parish councils – has this been acceptable?)
  • Tuesday 9th May @ 11am (Position in the hierarchy within Policy S3, accessibility, services and employment)
  • Thursday 11th May @ 1.30pm (Infrastructure and community facilities)
Stage 2: Thursday 18th May @ 1.30pm (Rural parishes – is growth sustainable, having regard to services and infrastructure?)

  22nd April 2017: Tansley Fete Field - would you like to get involved?: Tansley Fete Field Committee is looking for new members. Would you like to get involved? The Fete Field, owned by Tansley Parish Council, is a fantastic facility and is well used by the village’s successful football club. Maybe, though, we could make the facility more attractive, and thereby increase its use by residents. The new Fete Field Committee will be looking at possible improvements. The Fete Field Committee plans to meet up to four times a year. Agendas, minutes and end-of-year accounts will be available on Hotwire. If you would like to join the Fete Field Committee, please email your name and address to Tansley Parish Council Clerk Sally Leighton:

  7th February 2017: Traffic management on A615 on 8th February for street light conversion to LEDs: Derbyshire County Council informs us that “traffic management" has been arranged for Wednesday 8th February, to enable the conversion of street lights through the centre of Tansley on the A615 to LED fittings.

  3rd February 2017: Parish Council clarifies site allocations for housing in Tansley: Tansley Parish Council has become aware that some residents are unclear as to which sites have been allocated for housing development in Tansley in the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan submitted to the Secretary of State for examination last December. The Parish Council recently asked Derbyshire Dales District Council for confirmation of the allocation of sites named in the Local Plan. The three sites below are all included in the submitted plan:
  1. HC2x Land at Thatchers Croft (West Yard)……. 19 dwellings – application passed
  2. HC2y Whitelea Nursery……………………………….27 dwellings – application awaited
  3. HC2z Land at Tansley House Gardens…………50 dwellings – application passed for 49 dwellings
A government inspector has been nominated to examine the submitted Derbyshire Dales Local Plan to determine whether it is sound and complies with all legal requirements. Part of the examination process will involve hearing sessions open to members of the public dates yet to be advised). With regard to other planning applications in Tansley, there are also decisions pending for the proposed development of three dwellings at Oak Tree Gardens and five at Thatcher’s Lane.

  23rd January 2017: Resurfacing work on A615 at Tansley expected in April: Highway resurfacing work by Derbyshire County Council on the A615 in Tansley – between The Tavern and the 30mph sign just beyond Matlock Gurkha Inn – is expected to be carried out in April and will take approximately five days. The entrance to Church Street will also be resurfaced. The A615 will be closed in the evening to allow safe working conditions.

  19th January 2017: Dog walkers. Please clean up after your dog: There have been a significant number of complaints from residents about dog walkers who allow pets to foul the pavements, walkways and public footpaths, particularly in the Oaksedge Lane area of the village. Please pick up after your dog. Residents are reminded that dog poo, securely tied in a plastic bag, can be placed in any Derbyshire Dales waste bin. Please think of others – BAG IT! BIN IT!

  22nd December 2016: Thatcher's Lane planning application for five houses: Thank you to the Tansley resident who alerted the Parish Council to an outline planning application for the erection of five dwellings on land adjacent to Thatchers Lane, Tansley. A notice about the application has just been posted at the site. The application can also be viewed online here. If you wish to make representations concerning this application, you must do so before 19th January 2017 either in writing or by email, quoting application reference number 16/00913/OUT. Write to: Planning & Housing Department, Derbyshire Dales District Council, Town Hall, Bank Road, Matlock DE4 3NN or email:

  4th December 2016: Local Plan - thank you to residents who responded: Tansley Parish Council thanks all residents who took time to respond to the Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan August 2016. There were 84 comments from Tansley; these included comments from land owners wanting to bring forward even more land for development on greenfield sites. The representations were interesting and covered a raft of concerns, including the distance we have to travel to access everyday amenities and the additional traffic Church Street will have to cope with. On Thursday 8th December Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) will be holding a special council meeting to discuss the modifications suggested for the Draft Plan before it is presented for examination. It is disappointing that DDDC is not going to open up this final meeting to open and transparent debate. Restrictions have been put on public speaking so that residents will only be able to speak about the proposed modifications. This is yet another example of DDDC’s reluctance to engage and liaise with communities. The only modifications for Tansley are: Lime Tree Business Park, identified as being in Tansley, to be changed to Matlock, and the reinstatement of Tansley Fete Field as a public amenity space. There are no modifications related to any of the proposed development sites in Tansley; furthermore DDDC is not ensuring that with new development improved facilities and services will be provided to mitigate the impact of any additional development.

  18th November 2016: Unauthorised removal of signage on Church Street: Prior to work commencing on the replacement of water pipes in the village, all residents were informed of the road closure of Church Street. Derbyshire County Council also advertised the information in the local press. The works being done on behalf of Severn Trent are being done in a way to try to inconvenience residents as little as possible. The 'Road Closed' and other signage needs to stay in place for the duration of the work; this is to comply with insurance coverage for our residents and the contractors. However, each weekend all the signs other than the 'Business as Usual' sign are being removed without authority. We are informed that a fine can be issued to the person or persons responsible for moving the signs, and should an accident occur they will be responsible.

  14th November 2016: Did you receive Dales Matters, autumn issue? If not please contact the parish council: Tansley Parish Council is concerned to learn that some Tansley residents have not received a copy of the latest (autumn) issue of Dales Matters, the magazine published by our district council with the intention of keeping people informed about its services. Delivery of the autumn edition commenced on 24th October and should have been completed within one week. Every household in the Derbyshire Dales should have received a copy through their letterbox. A total of 34,000 copies are printed and each copy costs the council 15p, making a total cost per issue of £5,100. If you did not receive the autumn edition – which includes the Christmas waste and recycling timetable – please could you let the Parish Council know as it will help determine any delivery gaps. Please email and include your name and address. The magazine can be viewed online here but the Parish Council is concerned that residents with no online access may be disadvantaged.

  3rd November 2016: Can you help with winter snow clearing? Each year Derbyshire County Council gives parish councils free road salt in exchange for helping to keep small stretches of pavements and footways clear of snow and ice. The salt is for use only on public footways, not for private use. As in previous years Tansley Parish Council has taken up this offer. If you think you are able to help keep a small stretch of pavement clear near your home, please email Please give your name and address and state which area in Tansley you will keep clear of snow and ice. When the salt arrives it will be delivered to your home. Thank you for your help.

  14th October 2016: Part of Church Street will be closed Monday 24th October (or longer): Work by Laing O' Rourke on behalf of Severn Trent to replace old water pipes in Tansley commences Monday 24th October. Part of Church Street – from the Nottingham Road end to the junction with Holly Lane – will be closed that day. It is hoped the road will be closed initially for one day; however, the contractors say this will depend upon progress with the work. Holly Lane will be open. Residents who use this route are advised to take great care as the road is single track and very narrow. Buses will have no access to Church Street from 24th October to 30th October.

  14th October 2016: Water mains replacement work starting on Monday 24th October 2016 for 23 weeks: Severn Trent Water reminds residents that, starting on Monday 24th October 2016, it will be replacing old water pipes in Tansley. The work, estimated to take 23 weeks to complete, will take place on Church Street, Whitelea Lane, Green Lane, Spout Lane, The Knoll, The Rocks, Oaksedge Lane, Homefield Close and Riber View Close. For details about which street will be affected when, and related traffic management plans, please see the letter here. Residents will have access to homes and customers will have access to businesses. Severn Trent says it will do its best to keep disruption to a minimum and apologises for any inconvenience caused during the works.

  7th (and updated 15th and 23rd) September 2016: Comments on deficiencies in the Local Plan - please submit your comments now: For reference, here are copies of 11 response forms sent by Tansley Parish Council to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) each regarding an item in the Draft Local Plan:
  1. parish council response 1
  2. parish council response 2
  3. parish council response 3
  4. parish council response 4
  5. parish council response 5
  6. parish council response 6
  7. parish council response 7.
  8. parish council response 8.
  9. parish council response 9.
  10. parish council response 10.
  11. parish council response 11.
The Parish Council has objected to the Plan on several counts. It has concerns about:
  • DDDC's duty to co-operate, lack of liaison with the Parish Council and the community of Tansley with regard to allocation and sustainability of sites
  • Highway safety and access to services, and congestion at key junctions in the area GP surgery provision and waiting times
  • Lack of information about infrastructure provision related to future development sites
  • No up-to-date assessment of need related to sports facilities and open spaces
  • Incorrect information describing Tansley and its ability to sustain vital infrastructure (e.g. shop, pre-school,
  • Post Office, bus service).
Please feel free to use the Parish Council's comments to inform your own response. You can respond online through the link here. You can also respond using paper forms. The Parish Council will be making available some printed copies of the response forms for residents to pick up in the village. The forms will be in a folder pinned to a telephone pole outside Tansley Community Hall from Thursday 8th September.

You must submit your comments no later than Thursday 22nd September.

View the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft Plan [PDF 16MB] here.
View the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft Plan- Proposals Map [PDF 25MB] here.

  29th August 2016: Tansley Community Hall now owned by Tansley Parish Council: We are delighted to inform residents that the Community Hall now belongs to the village. Tansley Parish Council would like to thank Derbyshire Dales District Council for transferring the freehold of the building to the parish. Special thanks to Chris Gale for helping the Parish Council with all legal aspects of the transfer. Tansley Community Hall will continue to be run by a group of residents who give their time to ensure this valued building remains available for community use.

  23rd August 2016: Local Plan - important deadline 22nd September - your input sought: A reminder that the final round of public consultation on the Derbyshire Dales draft Local Plan is now under way. You have until 22nd September to make your views known. The Plan has significant implications for Tansley which is earmarked for houses on several sites. IMPORTANT: Please note that comments you have submitted during previous consultations will not be carried forward and should you wish for any previous points you have made to be considered you will need to raise them again during this period of consultation. In this round of consultation, Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) is asking residents to comment specifically on “the soundness of the Local Plan and the extent to which it has been prepared in accordance with legislative requirements.” DDDC says that “comments should therefore only be made in relation to these aspects of the Plan and we would point out that only those commenting on the Plan at this stage will have the right to be heard at the Examination in Public in the future.”

Before the 22nd September deadline, Tansley Parish Council will be issuing some information on the Hotwire to help residents respond within DDDC’s narrow remit. You may wish to wait for this information before 'having your say'.

The link to the online consultation is here. If you prefer to respond by completing a paper form, please contact DDDC. View the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft Plan [PDF 16MB] here. View the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft Plan- Proposals Map [PDF 25MB] here.

If approved, the Local Plan will guide local development in the Dales up to the year 2033.

  21st August 2016: Local Plan Public Meeting, 7 pm, Monday 22nd August, Highfields School, Matlock: As part of the public consultation, Derbyshire Dales District Council has arranged for a public meeting on Monday 22nd August at 7 pm. The meeting, at Highfields School, will give residents an opportunity to put forward their views on any aspect of the proposals for housing and on the proposed locations identified in the Draft Local Plan.

  19th August 2016: Tansley House Gardens Planning Application deadline for comments extended to 30th August: There is still time for Tansley residents to comment on the planning application to build 49 houses at Tansley House Gardens (planning ref. 16/00397/FUL). The deadline for members of the public to make representations has been extended until midnight Tuesday 30th August, according to the case officer in charge, Helen Frith. The new ‘neighbour consultation expiry date’ has also been posted on Derbyshire Dales District Council website ( Also please note that the fact that the draft Local Plan was recently ratified by Derbyshire Dales District Council does not mean that all sites mentioned in the plan (and that includes Tansley House Gardens) will definitely be developed. Although the majority of sites will be taken forward, and planning applications submitted, some sites may never be developed because they fail in planning terms. Please see the extract below:
'The Council is reminded that the Local Plan preparation is a strategic document, which is not concerned with the apparent merit or otherwise of a proposal in development or management terms. Deliberations on the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan are without prejudice to the formal determination of any pending or future application for planning permission by the Local Planning Authority'. (Report Corporate Director DDDC, 8th August 2016)

Developers and speculators are putting in planning applications prior to the next round of public consultation to ensure they have the best chance of developing their land. When the Local Plan is in place, all decisions about new development will be Plan-led, and speculative planning applications will be less likely to succeed.

  19th August 2016: Gas main replacement work 30th August for 6 weeks: National Grid tells us there will be some disruption in Tansley from Tuesday 30th August for approximately six weeks whilst it carries out gas main replacement work. The work will take place on Church Street (between the junction of The Knoll and the junction of Gold Hill), Old Coach Road and Mais Close. National Grid will try to complete much of the work under two-way traffic lights on Church Street, but where necessary a road closure on Church Street (with advertised diversions) will be put in place to enable these works to be carried out safely. National Grid representatives attended our August meeting. They were very helpful and explained the work to be carried out in Tansley. A map of the areas to have replacement gas mains is here for the different phases of work. Maps of the proposed diversions are here and here. A copy of a letter that National Grid is sending out to residents who may be affected by the work is here. It says that National Grid will try to cause as little disruption as possible and that people will receive a separate letter if their gas supply is to be affected.

  11th August 2016: Holy Trinity Burial Ground to close from 17th August for up to 4 days: The burial ground at Holy Trinity Church will be closed from Wednesday 17th August for up to four days. Work to complete pathways and landscaping will be taking place.

  2nd August 2016: Planning Appeal for 10 homes on the former nursery site on Nottingham Road, Appeal Ref. APP/P1045/W/16/3152291: Derbyshire Dales District Council refused permission for development at the former Neil Thompson Nurseries, Nottingham Road, Tansley, for residential development of up to 10 dwellings. The owner has appealed against this decision. If you would like to make representation, you can do so on the Planning Portal or by email to . All representations must be received by 25th August. Please quote the appeal reference above.

  2nd August 2016: Planning Application for 49 homes at Tansley House Gardens, Planning ref. 16/00397/FUL: A planning application has been put forward by Y-Bar Ltd for consideration by Derbyshire Dales District Council. The application, for 49 dwellings at Tansley House Gardens, represents a large increase on the original application for 27 dwellings and will impact significantly on the Lumsdale Conservation Area, which abuts the site. Tansley Parish Council objects to the application and considers 49 dwellings and the additional traffic which will be generated by the proposed development not sustainable. The Parish Council has serious concerns about the impact additional development will have upon the road network, in particular the junction of Church Street with the A615, and Whitelea Lane and Lant Lane. We are also concerned about the lack of infrastructure and the distance we have to travel for basic everyday essentials and facilities. We are disappointed that Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) has not stated how Tansley is going to be helped; there is no mention in its plan of any mitigation related to our lack of services. Should you wish to comment on this application, there are some useful and valid planning statements here. Please try and respond, your help is needed. It would also be helpful if you could send a copy of your objection to your local district councillors and your county councillor (Derbyshire County Council advises on highway infrastructure and safety). Email addresses are as follows:
  Jacquie Stevens:
  Deborah Botham:
  Steve Flitter:
  Andy Botham (Elected Member):

For further details about this application you can view planning applications on the DDDC website here using the reference number 16/00397/FUL.

  7th July 2016: Village Survey results: Here are the comments and results of the village survey carried out recently by Tansley Parish Council. The Parish Council thanks Kevin McKay for collating the information and putting it into an easy-to-read format. The results of the survey will be used by Tansley Parish Council, should an opportunity arise, either to negotiate with a developer or to inform Derbyshire Dales District Council of the views of our community. The survey results will also give the Parish Council a clear message about the wishes of Tansley residents with regard to issues related to infrastructure requirements for the village.

  7th July 2016: Local Plan meetings open to the public in Matlock on 11th and 13th July: Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) will hold two meetings in Matlock next week to inform councillors of amendments to the Draft Local Plan. The meetings, in County Hall, Matlock, will be on Monday 11th July (see agenda here) and Wednesday 13th July (see agenda here) at 6pm. Both meetings are open to the public – anyone wanting to speak at either of the meetings needs to register no later than 12 noon on the last weekday day prior to the meeting in question. Several additional housing development sites have been brought forward for inclusion in the Draft Plan. The sites named for Tansley are: Thatchers Croft (19 homes), Tansley House Gardens (50 homes) and Whitelea Nursery (27 homes). There will be also be a ‘Special’ council meeting held at 6pm on Wednesday 27th July 2016 at County Hall to consider the findings of the Derbyshire Dales Local Plan. The agenda will be available on the DDDC website five days prior to the meeting.

  26th June 2016: Bin collection difficulties: Heidi McDougall, Head of Environmental Service at Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC), is advising that currently there are “difficulties with waste & recycling collections”. Serco, the company which collects the bins, is experiencing “a shortage of resources”, meaning that some residents may be experiencing delays with their scheduled collections. DDDC says: “We apologise for any inconvenience that this may be causing and would like to reassure you that we are working with the contractor to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.” The situation will be reviewed tomorrow, Monday 27th June, following additional collections that have taken place this weekend. Meantime there is no change to scheduled collections and residents should still present their containers on collection day. If a collection is missed residents should report it at or contact the waste helpline 01629 761122 and leave their container(s) at the edge of their property until it has been collected.

  14th June 2016: Parking on Spout Lane: The residents of Spout Lane, Tansley, need to have free access to their properties at all times. Emergency services and refuse collection should also be able to access the lane. Recently some residents have not had their refuse bins emptied; parked cars and vans on both side of the narrow lane have obstructed access. Please ensure that you and visitors or workpeople coming to your home do not block the access for residents who live on Spout Lane. Thank you for your help.

  23rd May 2016: Tansley In Bloom - entry forms and rules: Tansley in Bloom Committee has been working hard over the past few months to schedule a week of fun activities between Sunday 3rd July and Saturday 9th July which are open to all residents within the settlement of Tansley. The schedule of events, which hopefully includes something for everyone, is detailed below:
Scarecrow Competition: Get your thinking caps on to design a prize-winning scarecrow! There is no theme for this year's event so the choice is yours – maybe a football theme, something for the Olympics, a royal character or simply a straw scarecrow? (Closing date for entries 26 June 2016)
Gardening Competition: Tansley in Bloom is looking for the best small or large garden together with entries of hanging baskets, tubs or planters. With a variety of garden vouchers available to the winners we are calling on all greenfingered villagers, young and old, to enter the competition. (Closing date for entries 26 June 2016)
Garden and Home Produce Competition: The competition has a variety of different classes including flowers, vegetables, home produce and handicrafts. So if you have a beautiful scented rose or are a 'Great British Bake Off' hopeful this is your event! (Closing date for entries 3 July 2016)
How to enter:You need to read the competition entry rules and submit your entries before the closing dates by email to or by posting your forms in the postbox at the Tansley Community Hall, Church Street. The Tansley In Bloom and Scarecrow rules and entry forms are here (and in Word format here). The Garden and Home Produce rules and entry forms are here (and in Word format here). Please help make the event a success by entering as many of the competitions as possible and helping us celebrate the wonderful village of Tansley. Good Luck!

  21st April 2016: Parish Council needs your help in responding to housing development plans: Tansley Parish Council needs your help in responding to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) regarding housing development proposals contained in the Draft Local Plan. Your views are important, so please read the Parish Council's letter to residents here. The deadline for responses to DDDC is 19th May 2016. The Parish Council urges residents to makes their views known directly to DDDC regarding the two sites that have been included in the draft Plan – Tansley House Gardens and West Yard. Your views on the sustainability of these two sites – particularly with regard to highway safety, landscape sensitivity and the lack of basic facilities – would be very helpful. In the letter, the Parish Council gives an overview of the issues related to each site and explains how you can make your opinions known if you have not already done so.

The Parish Council says that there are two more sites it anticipates coming forward for discussion very soon, one at Whitelea Lane and the other at Jackhill, and that it will notify you when this happens and ask you to comment.

  21st March 2016: Local Plan Update - what it means for residential development for Tansley: Here is a notice from Tansley Parish Council regarding housing development plans for our village. The document updates the situation with regard to the draft Local Plan and expresses concern at the impact development could have on Tansley. Residents are urged to make their own views known.

  1st March 2016: More residential development for Tansley: At the Local Plan Advisory Committee meeting in Matlock on 29th February, district councillors voted to ratify a proposal to include additional land at Tansley House Gardens in the Draft Local Plan. Despite objections from Tansley Parish Council and a resident, it was decided to include this site within the site allocation process. The voting was not unanimous – Cllr Jacquie Stevens and two others voted against more development at this location. We thank them for their support. When officers were asked about the Whitelea Nursery site, district councillors were informed that the problems with access to the site had been resolved, and that this site would also be coming forward for inclusion within the plan process. The proposed numbers for the sites allocated to date are:
  • Tansley House Gardens 50
  • West Yard 18
  • Whitelea Nursery 27
The cumulative effects of this number of homes will impact significantly upon our road network; however, this was not considered as important by either the majority of our councillors or the planners.

  26th February 2016: Clean up after your dog: Tansley Village Green has been designated as an area where owners are required to keep their dogs on a lead. If your dog is on a lead you will be able to control it, and you will also be aware if it fouls the area. Recent reports indicate owners are allowing their pets to defecate on Tansley Village Green. Residents are reminded that they are required to clean up the mess should their dog foul in a public place. The Village Green should be a place where our children can play safely. Residents are also reminded that under new national legal regulations, pet dogs must be microchipped from 6th April this year and registered on an approved database with their keeper's up-to-date contact details. Click here for more information.

  9th February 2016: Reminder - dogs must be kept on leads: The Parish Council would like to remind residents that our Village Green is subject to a Public Space Protection Order and that dogs must be kept on their leads in this area. They are also not permitted to enter the children’s playground, with or without a lead. The fixed penalty for ignoring the order is £100; a fine of up to £1,000 could be imposed on conviction in a Magistrates' Court. There are signs at every entrance to the Village Green stating that dogs must be kept on leads. Dogs must also be on leads in Tansley churchyard and burial ground, the alley between Gold Hill and Spout Lane and the Heathy Lea sports pitch adjacent to the Nottingham Road. You can report anyone letting their dog off its lead in a protected area by phoning Helen Spencer at DDDC on 01629 761151. To report an instance of dog fouling use DDDC’s online form.

  1st February 2016: Outline planning application for up to 10 homes on Nottingham Road: Tansley Parish Council would like to inform residents that an outline planning application for up to 10 dwellings at Nottingham Road, Tansley, has been submitted to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC). You can search for the application through this link, using planning application number 16/00005/OUT. Representations/comments regarding this application should be made to DDDC planning department no later than 17th February 2016. You can do this online via the link above; please note that you must include your name and postal address or your comments will not be accepted.

  25th January 2016: Submit your views on village facilities: Tansley Parish Council would like to hear from YOU about what facilities or improvements you would like to see in the village in exchange for any housing development that takes place. It would also like to know if there are any potential amenities or infrastructure projects you would strongly oppose (please give reasons). This is your chance as a Tansley resident to make a difference to your village by helping to guide the Parish Council in requests it might make to developers. As Tansley has been earmarked for development under the revised Local Plan, the Parish Council must now try to make the most of opportunities such development presents while continuing to oppose any schemes it considers inappropriate. It would like to be as representative as possible of the wishes of the majority of residents. Your views are very important so please let us have them. Email as soon as possible and no later than Sunday 31st January.

  21st January 2016: Tansley In Bloom meeting 22nd February in Tansley Community Hall: A meeting has been organised for all residents interested in reinstating Tansley In Bloom this summer. You may want to offer practical help or you might have some ideas – either way, there is an opportunity for you to get involved in galvanising a new community project for the village. We hope to stage the event in July, before the children break up for the school holidays.

  19th November 2015: Have your say on proposals for the Local Plan: By now everyone in the village should have received the leaflet YOUR LOCAL PLAN – your questions answered about the plan from Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC). The leaflet explains that the Local Plan sets out “the overall vision, objectives and policies for the future development of those parts of the Derbyshire Dales that lie outside the Peak District National Park.” As you may know, the last Draft Plan allocated 25 new homes for Tansley, the chosen site being the plant nursery on Whitelea Lane. That allocation has now more than doubled with planning applications approved for 27 dwellings on land adjacent to Tansley House Gardens and 4 for Oak Tree Gardens. We believe there may also be further sites in the village coming forward for development. Tansley is one of 26 settlements that have been identified as being suitable to accommodate new development. DDDC will notify all settlements in January of site locations that have passed their filter and been put forward for development. It is important that you let DDDC know your views. You can respond to the council’s survey online at OR you can write to: Planning Policy Team (Local Plan), Town Hall, Matlock. DE4 3NN. There is also an opportunity for you to have your say at a Public Consultation on Wednesday 25th November, starting at 7pm at the Town Hall, Matlock.

  16th November 2015: Think before you park - thoughtless motorists: On Saturday 14th November a black 4x4 vehicle was parked on the new white lines delineating the 'Keep Clear' signage at the entrance to Church Street, Tansley. This thoughtless disregard for other road users resulted in the 150 service bus not being able to access the village. Thank you to residents who raised concerns and directed us, via Hotwire, to the Facebook statement issued by the bus company. Tansley Parish Council has been requesting some form of road marking to restrict parking at the entrance to Church Street and outside Tansley Methodist Church for a considerable length of time. Derbyshire County Council was prepared to provide only the markings that are now in situ at the entrance to Church Street. When the markings are observed, traffic appears to be moving with more ease; whilst not a perfect solution, the 'Keep Clear' and white lines go some way towards addressing the problem of parked cars restricting the highway at this location. Any vehicle parked in a way which hinders or blocks access for other road users or emergency services should be reported to the police. The police will respond – a previous incident at this location resulted in a fixed penalty notice. Please continue to inform the Parish Council about any parking that restricts use of the highway or footways, and we in turn will forward any concerns to your District Councillors and County Councillor. However, we all need to think about the impact our own parking has upon others, particularly with regard to how it affects access for emergency services and public transport.

  9th November 2015: Tansley Community Hall being transferred to Parish Council: Following an agreement with Derbyshire Dales District Council, the ownership of Tansley Community Hall is being passed to Tansley Parish Council. The building, valued at £150,000, will be transferred freehold to the Parish Council for the sum of just £1. You can read a statement about the transfer here.

  28th October 2015: Road maintenance in Tansley: Derbyshire County Council (DCC), responding to an enquiry by Tansley Parish Council as to why Tansley had not had certain named streets resurfaced and why the roads had not been relined (white line markings to delineate the carriageway), stated: “'The County Council ran out of time, and the rota to resurface many roads in the county – which includes Tansley – will have to be placed on next year’s programme. The liners that worked for Derbyshire County Council were not doing the work to the standard required; so new liners have been employed, hence DCC are behind with road marking. 'A' roads and important routes will be prioritised.”

  20th October 2015: Planning meetings: Tansley residents interested in the progress of the Revised Local Plan and its implications for future housing development in our village and elsewhere in the Derbyshire Dales may find the following information about the dates and locations of forthcoming meetings useful.
  • Tuesday 10th November 2015 – Public Consultation at Ashbourne – 7pm Elim Church
  • Thursday 12th November 2015 – Parish Council Consultation – 7pm Council Chamber, Town Hall, Matlock [Parish Councils. NOT open to the general public]
  • Wednesday 18th November 2015 – Public Consultation at Wirksworth – 7pm Wirksworth Leisure Centre
  • Wednesday 25th November 2015 – Public Consultation at Matlock – 7pm Council Chamber, Town Hall.
Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) says that details of the above Public Consultation meetings will be included in a leaflet to be delivered to all households from 2nd November.

9th December 2015 – Local Plan Advisory Committee (included in the programme of meetings is CANCELLED)
  • Tuesday 12th January 2016 – Local Plan Advisory Committee – 6pm County Hall, Matlock
  • Monday 18th January 2016 – Local Plan Advisory Committee – 6pm County Hall, Matlock
  • Wednesday 20th January 2016 – Local Plan Advisory Committee – 6pm County Hall, Matlock

  16th October 2015: Keep Clear road marking to be applied in Church Street: In response to a request from Tansley Parish Council, Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has agreed to paint a 'Keep Clear' marking on the roadway at the pinch point on Church Street encountered when entering the village from the A615. The Parish Council, which has been lobbying for a sign at this location for many months, hopes DCC’s decision will prove helpful in discouraging inconsiderate parking at the pinch point. It is envisaged that the new marking will help reduce the likelihood of conflict between parked cars and bus services and in turn dramatically reduce the risk of traffic backing up onto the A615. DCC points out that 'Keep Clear' markings are not normally utilised in such circumstances, but an exception is being made in this case due to the proximity of the A615. Tansley Parish Council would like to thank DCC Councillor Andy Botham for his support.

  20th September 2015: Housing Plan meetings: Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) has two Local Plan Advisory meetings scheduled for September, one on Monday 21st and the other on Monday 28th. Both meetings will be held at the Town Hall, Bank Road, Matlock and will start at 6pm. We are informed that the proposed sites for housing development under the revised Local Plan will be revealed at one of these two meetings, so please try to attend. The agenda for the meeting on 21st September is now online. You can view this agenda, plus a report on the outcomes of work undertaken in support of a revised Local Plan here and following the relevant links. As a member of the public, you still have time to give notice to speak at the meeting on Monday 28th September. If you wish to ask questions, express views or present petitions, you must give notice by telephone, in writing or by email no later than 12 noon on Friday 25th September.​ You may remember that the previous Draft Plan was abandoned as the inspector did not consider it sound. Under that plan, Tansley was allocated 25 homes, to be located at Whitelea Lane; we are told this development is still going ahead. ​​In addition, DDDC has approved an application for 27 dwellings on the greenfield site at Tansley House Gardens and allowed various smaller applications, meaning that the original quota for our village is already set to more than double. Whilst we accept our village will grow, we also need to think about our infrastructure and services.

  30th August 2015: Community shop vending machine. What do you think?: Whenever residents are asked what is lacking in Tansley, the largest response is the request for a local shop. The Parish Council has been speaking to Peter Fox, whose business is the provision and servicing of vending machines for villages without a local shop. The vending machines, which look like small shops, are filled with a wide selection of household essentials. To site the machine there has to be a source of electricity nearby. There are two possible locations for the village shop vending machine in our village – the Community Hall and the pavement area below Oak Tree Gardens adjacent to Church Street.
This is a photograph (select it to enlarge it) of the village shop vending machine at Brassington.

The Parish Council would like to know your thoughts: Do you think a vending machine similar to the one shown would be a good idea for Tansley? Where in Tansley do you think the best location for a similar machine would be? Please email your thoughts to: or .

  19th August 2015: Update on Tansley Village Green play area: Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has been involved in investigations regarding the drainage issues at the bottom of the play area on Tansley Village Green. It has been decided the best way to resolve the problem of excess water at this location is to put in further drainage at the bottom of the site, so water will flow away rather than collecting and causing the existing problems of pooling. DCC will be undertaking the work to do this as the new drain will connect with the road drains. As yet we have no information about when this work will take place.

  27th June 2015: Automated External Defibrillator now in operation: The community defibrillator is now active and located at The Gate Inn, Tansley on the front patio area. The defibrillator was purchased by Tansley Parish Council with a donation from The Gate Inn. A video of AED usage procedure can be seen here.

  21st May 2015: Notice board relocated to the Fete Field pavilion: The notice board which was attached to the Village Hall has been removed and relocated to the Fete Field pavilion. The board will be used to notify users of the Fete Field of the location of the village defibrillator and to display important contact details. Thank you to Barry Wood for moving the board for the Parish Council.

  9th May 2015: Spout Lane access to Fete Field closed 18th to 22nd May: The private road leading from the top of Spout Lane, which is the access road to the Fete Field, will be closed from 18th May for five days. This private driveway, owned by the parish, is going to be levelled, a drainage channel is to be installed, and it will then be re-surfaced. Residents wishing to visit the fete field are requested to use the Green Lane access whilst work is in progress.

  11th April 2015: Part of Village Green playground cordoned-off: Part of the children’s playground on Tansley Village Green was cordoned-off yesterday by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC). The move follows a complaint from Tansley Parish Council to DDDC about the waterlogged state of part of the playground and concern for the safety of young children playing there. There is water coming up from under the ground and this has formed a pool in one corner of the playground and made some of the grassy area boggy. The water is also leaking through the retaining wall of the Village Green onto the pavement and roadside. Tansley Parish Council will keep residents informed of any progress in getting this issue resolved by DDDC.

  26th March 2015: Daffodils vandalised in front of Mais Close: “Oh no! It’s happened again.” These were the words on an upset Tansley resident when they saw that the daffodils in front of Mais Close had yet again been vandalised. The culprit or culprits had broken off stems, pulled off many of the daffodil heads and left everything strewn across the grass. We do not accept such behaviour. Should anyone see any form of vandalism in our village, please email . Thank you for your help.

  22nd March 2015: End of Year Report 2014-15: The Report has been published here on the Library page.

  24th February 2015: Would you like to sponsor a hanging basket for Tansley: Are you interested in sponsoring a hanging basket for your street in Tansley? A group of residents from Thatchers Lane has already decided to do this and has raised enough money to sponsor two baskets; a third basket on Thatchers Lane will be funded by the Parish Council. As usual, the Parish Council will also be purchasing hanging baskets for lamp posts along Church Street, though this year the baskets will not be placed where vegetation such as overhanging trees might hide them from view during the summer months. The Parish Council will check the lamp posts over the next few weeks before the baskets are hung. The baskets cost £80 each. If you would like to sponsor a basket for your street please email with a copy to .

  24th February 2015: Maintenance work to begin at Tansley Burial Ground: Tansley Parish Council would like to notify friends and relatives of deceased persons interred within the burial ground that general maintenance will soon commence to top up the graves with earth and re-seed where necessary. The Parish Council politely requests that all Christmas memorials are removed. We would also like to remind relatives that glass and other breakable objects should not be placed on the graves. Thank you for your help.

  24th February 2015: Annual Parish Meeting 17th March 7.15 pm Tansley Community Hall: Residents are invited to the Annual Parish Meeting. The agenda is:
   1) Chairperson’s Report, 2) Village Plan 2012 – (see here), 3) Open Forum.
Please email any suggestions or comments prior to the meeting to with a copy to . The Parish Meeting will be followed by our monthly Parish Council meeting.

  19th February 2015: LED street lighting going ahead: Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has halted its “part night street lighting” project and is focusing instead on a new strategy of investing in LED street lights. On 21st October 2014 the DCC Cabinet approved “invest to save” proposals to convert most of the lighting stock of the county to LED lighting. The money for the LED conversion is being borrowed from The Public Works Loan Board. DCC is currently putting together the contractual documents for delivery of the project. A definitive programme of works, detailing when individual parishes will be converted to LED, has not yet been finalised. The project commences in the autumn of this year and will be implemented over three years.

  18th February 2015: Donations made to local groups: Donations of £100 each have been given to Tansley Brownies, Tansley Tots and Friends of Tansley School (FOTS) to help with running costs and to boost fundraising. The Parish Council thanks these groups for the work they do within our community.

  18th February 2015: New, co-opted parish councillor: Adrian Smith is welcomed as the new parish councillor.

  26th January 2015: Vacancy for a parish councillor: Tansley Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor; the vacancy has arisen because of the resignation of Kevin McKay. Anyone wishing to be co-opted onto the Parish Council should send their details in writing to the Clerk to the Parish Council, either by email or by letter (see addresses above). This should state your details, and what you think you could contribute to village life. There are Parish Council elections this year, so this would be up until May. This might be an ideal opportunity to come along and be involved without long term commitment.

  22nd January 2015: Land at Tansley House Gardens - Outline planning permission granted: Outline planning permission was granted today for development of the greenfield site on land at Tansley House Gardens, DE4 5HQ, following an appeal (ref: APP/P1045/A/14/2226401) by Y Bar Ltd. The development proposed is residential with access from Tansley House Gardens. The original application (ref. 14/00097/OUT, dated 19th December 2013) was refused in May last year. The Parish Council says that residents who attended the recent appeal hearing may not be surprised at the outcome. It says: “Officers from Derbyshire Dales District Council did not put forward any argument to justify keeping the site as a green field. On the contrary they appeared to be helping the inspector accept the site as one suitable for development. Officers from Derbyshire Dales were poorly prepared, and were unable to answer some very basic questions. The fact that so few villages were identified for development by planning officers, and the fact that their decisions were ratified by district councillors, many of whom appeared to be protecting their own back yard, has put Tansley in a difficult position. The Parish Council has tried very hard to protect greenfield sites that lie outside the settlement boundary and will continue to do this as surveys undertaken indicate that this is the wish of the majority of our residents.”

Please see the Planning Inspector's covering letter here and the decision notice here for more details.

  9th January 2015: Dog waste and dog control - clarification: Tansley Parish Council would like to clarify the following issues:
REMOVAL OF DOG WASTE BIN, SPOUT LANE Last year, when Tansley Parish Council asked if it could buy more dog waste bins, Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) said that was possible but that DDDC would not empty them. This response reflected a cost-cutting exercise affecting all areas. More recently the Parish Council rejected a proposal for the dog waste bin on the Fete Field to be removed, but was told it had to come up with an alternative. The Parish Council's suggestion that the bin on Spout Lane be removed was implemented. That suggestion was made because the dog waste bin was near to a litter bin, and DDDC has said that bagged dog waste can be disposed of in any dog waste bin, litter bin or bin provided for domestic waste.
DOG CONTROL This is a Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) initiative under the Public Spaces Protection Order. Tansley Parish Council was asked to comment on suggested dog control areas put forward by DDDC and to make its own suggestions.
Dog Exclusion Orders – designed to create dog free areas: DDDC suggested the enclosed play area on Tansley Village Green.
Dog On Lead Areas – designed to keep dogs under closer control, on leads in specified areas: Areas suggested by DDDC and Parish Council: Footpath from Tansley Primary School to Village Green, Heathy Lea Sports Field, marked pitch, Holy Trinity Church Yard and Burial Ground, Tansley Village Green. There was also a suggestion put forward that the Fete Field pitches be included, but this was not favoured by a group of residents. There will be no Dog Control Orders at this location.

  16th December 2014: Vacancy for a parish councillor: Please contact the clerk for more information.

  30th November: Informal hearing into planning appeal: An Informal Hearing will be held into the appeal reference APP/P1045/A/14/2226401 regarding an outline planning application for residential development on land at Tansley House Gardens. The hearing, that will be open to the public, will start at 10am on Tuesday 9th December 2014 at Matlock Town Hall, Bank Road, Matlock, DE4 3NN. Please see the letter here, received by Tansley Parish Council, for more details. Please note that the appeal reference number works on the search facility of the Planning Inspectorate website but not on the Derbyshire Dales District Council website. Tansley Parish Council opposed the application to build houses at Tansley House Gardens, in line with its policy of opposing development on greenfield sites.

  30th November: Methodist Soup & Sweet Group donate £100 towards defibrillator: Many thanks to the volunteers who run the Soup & Sweet at Tansley Methodist Church’s Brunswick Room for their generous donation of £100 towards the cost of a village defibrillator.

  29th November: New convex mirror opposite Gold Hill: Drivers using Gold Hill will be pleased to know that the convex mirror purchased by the Parish Council is now in place on Church Street. Thanks to Parish Councillor Ian Spencer for fitting the mirror. Thanks also to Ralph and Sarah Emmerson, who kindly agreed for the mirror to remain sited upon their land, and who suggested that the Parish Council in response might like to make a donation to a village cause as a thank you. The Parish Council thought this was a good idea and decided to give £100 to help maintain the clock on Holy Trinity Church.

  24th November: Parish Council to buy a defibrillator: The Parish Council has decided to purchase a defibrillator for the village following a collection at The Gate Inn's recent bonfire night and a discussion with the pub’s owners. Alan Baranowski and James Neville, co-owners of The Gate Inn, informed the Parish Council at its meeting (18th November) that members of the public attending the bonfire night had donated £408 towards the purchase of a community defibrillator. Both owners were happy for The Gate to be used as a location for a defibrillator. Mr Neville said he would arrange for the unit to be fitted to an exterior wall, while Mr Baranowski would be able to arrange training to use the unit. Mr Baranowski, is advising the Parish Council on the type of unit to purchase; he has also negotiated a very competitive rate. We expect the unit to cost approximately £650 ex VAT. The case, which will be heated to protect the battery in cold weather, will cost about £530 ex VAT. Many thanks to the owners of The Gate for offering to house the defibrillator on their property, and for the donation of £408 towards it.

  23rd November: Can you help to keep pavements clear of snow? You may have helped keep pavements clear in the past, or you may want to help this year. Each year Derbyshire County Council gives an additional allocation of grit to communities that are prepared to help keep pavements clear of snow and ice. Helpers will receive an allocation of grit to be used on the public pavements or walkways. If you think you can help, please email Please give your name and the location of the footpath you are prepared to grit. You will be sent a 'fit to participate form' and advice regarding gritting. The Parish Council will deliver grit to you, or grit can be collected from our distribution point. Thank you for your help.

  20th November: Planters now have winter bedding plants: Tansley Parish Council has recently put winter bedding in the village planters. Thanks to Cllr Greenhough — better known as "Steve our Postie" — for taking photographs and sharing them with us here.

  4th November: Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is planning to switch off some street lights in Tansley: What are your views? As part of a cost-cutting exercise DCC is planning to switch off some street lights in Tansley between the hours of midnight and 5.30am. DCC is asking people what they think about the plans. To see and comment on the proposals for Tansley visit DCC's web page here.

  24th August: The PC will not facilitate a defibrillator: After much consideration, Tansley Parish Council has decided against facilitating the provision of a defibrillator for the village. There were concerns related to the long-term maintenance of the unit and providing a safe central location.

  27th June: Should Tansley have a defibrillator?: A resident has asked Tansley Parish Council to consider providing the village with an automatic external defibrillator (AED). Community Heartbeat, a national charity which supports community defibrillation, says: “An AED is used in cases of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias which lead to cardiac arrest.” According to Community Heartbeat, the chance of survival following a cardiac arrest decreases by 23% per minute. It says: “It is therefore very important medical treatment starts as soon as possible. The UK Resuscitation Council suggests an AED should be available wherever medical treatment is more than five minutes away.” It adds: “Unlike regular defibrillators, an AED requires minimal training to use. It automatically diagnoses the heart rhythm and determines if a shock is needed.” For more information about AEDs, please visit the Community Heartbeat website. The resident questions whether outside medical help would reach our village quickly enough when needed and believes an AED might save someone’s life, providing a highly valuable community asset. An AED costs about £2,000 to purchase and about £1 per week to run. The machines come in vandal-resistant all-weather cases and need to be placed on the outside wall of a building where there is an available supply of electricity.

Tansley Parish Council would like your views on this issue:
  • Do you think we should have a defibrillator in our village?
  • If we were to have a defibrillator, where do you think would be the most suitable place to locate it?
  • Would you be interested in joining group training sessions?
Please email your response, with your name included, to Mrs Sally Leighton, Clerk to the Council, at Thank you for your help.

  27th June: Wooden benches installed at the Fete Field: New wooden benches have been installed at the Fete Field. Thank you to Tansley Development Association for funding the purchase of the benches, to Tansley Teak for providing them and inscribing them free of charge, and to Dave Smith for installing them.

  21st May: End of Year Report: The Report has been published here on the Library page.

  1st May: Thanks for helping with the Litter Pick: Thank you to all residents who made time to come and help with the recent litter pick. We managed to fill a total of fourteen sacks of litter, which was collected from the village by Derbyshire Dales District Council.

  16th April: Litter Pick, please help 26th and 27th April: Litter pickers, refuse sacks and gloves will be provided. If you can spare a couple of hours, please come and help tidy the footpaths and verges. Meet at Tansley Community Hall, Church Street. Saturday 10am-12pm & 1pm-3pm. Sunday 10am-1pm.

  11th April: Thanks to Cllr. Botham for sponsoring two hanging baskets: Tansley Parish Council thanks County Councillor Andy Botham for sponsoring two hanging baskets for the village from his Community Leadership Fund.

  10th April: Sponsor a hanging basket: Tansley Parish Council has decided to place hanging baskets along the length of Church Street. Parish Council planters will also be filled. Residents may wish to sponsor a basket for their own street. To do this, please send the number of the relevant lamp post and its location, and a cheque for £80 payable to Tansley Parish Council to the Clerk (address as above). Thank you.

  31st March: Speed camera visits Tansley: Several weeks ago Councillor Andy Botham walked the A615 between The Tavern at Tansley and The Royal Oak. Cllr. Botham wanted to see first-hand the problems encountered by residents who need to cross the A615 to access village facilities. It was conceded that, because of poor sight lines and a lack of pavement, it was not possible to have a crossing. It was suggested that trees could be cut back and that the 30mph Vehicle Activated Sign could become permanent. Cllr. Botham said he would arrange for a mobile speed camera to come to the village on a regular basis for several weeks. On Sunday 30th March the van containing the speed camera was parked opposite The Tavern for several hours. At the end of the exercise, the Parish Council hopes to receive feedback about speeding at this location. Thank you Cllr. Botham.

  26th March: Letter to DDDC opposing planning application for fields adjacent to Tansley House Gardens: Tansley Parish Council has sent a letter to Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) opposing an outline planning application for residential development on the field next to Tansley House Gardens (ref. 14/00097/OUT). The letter can be viewed here.

  22nd February: County Councillor Andy Botham's visit about A615 traffic calming: Tansley Parish Council continues to receive reports from concerned residents about the speed of traffic on the A615. Issues include poor sight lines, lack of comprehensive traffic calming and difficulty crossing the road on foot, particularly at the location of Alders Lane and The Royal Oak public house.

On Monday 17th February, County Councillor Andy Botham and officers from Derbyshire County Council met with members of Tansley Parish Council to walk along the A615 from 'Fred's Shop' at the end of Thatchers Lane to Lots of Pots. The County Councillor and officers agreed that it was very difficult and dangerous to cross the A615 at the location of Alders Lane. Currently, Tansley shares a Vehicle Activated Sign with Cromford. Tansley Parish Council has expressed an interest in purchasing a permanent sign for our village but has been told by Derbyshire County Council that we “do not fulfil the criteria” for a permanent sign even if we purchase our own. Tansley Parish Council questions these 'criteria'. The Parish Council also asked about the possibility of a pedestrian crossing and was told that a crossing on the A615 would not be possible because of poor ‘desire lines' (obvious places where a pedestrian would want to cross) and poor sight lines. When we asked about the possibility of a school crossing warden in term time, we were told the road was too dangerous for Tansley to have this facility! So what will the County Council do for Tansley? The police are to bring a mobile speed camera to the village on a regular basis. It was also suggested that a group of residents work with a police officer, using a speed gun to gain evidence of speeding on the A615. Vegetation will be cut back at the 30mph sign located where you enter the village from Matlock. Derbyshire County Council will cut back/remove trees from the brook adjacent to the entrance to Church Street, to improve sight lines. Derbyshire County Council will “look at improving the road markings” on the A615 at Tansley. A moderate success, but not good enough. Tansley Parish Council will continue to lobby for a safer A615.

  18th February: Outline planning application for land at Tansley House Gardens: An outline planning application (ref 14/00097/OUT) for residential development has been submitted. The application can be viewed here on the Planning section of DDDC's web site.

  26th January: DDDC Local Plan Advisory Committee meeting 6 pm, 29th January, Town Hall, Matlock: The meeting will inform committee members of the key issues raised during the public consultation from 13th June to 25th July 2013 on the Derbyshire Dales Pre-submission Draft Local Plan. See the agenda and associated report here. Areas for discussion will be Chapters 8-9. Officers have set out how the key issues have been assessed and make recommendations on the actions to be taken in respect of each issue. The meeting is open to the public. Residents are encouraged to go along and hear what our District Council has to say. However there will be no opportunity for public speaking.

  24th January: Thanks to TDA for £1,000 donation for seats: A cheque for £1,000 has been given to Tansley Parish Council by Tansley Development Association to cover the cost of three wooden seats. The seats, which are to be placed at the Fete Field, will be installed by Dave Smith of Arlington Builders when the weather permits.

  24th January: Clean pavements and streets: Pressure from residents and Tansley Parish Council has paid off! The area around the Village Green has been dreadful — blocked gullies, pavements and gutters covered with mud, gravel and dead foliage throughout the Christmas period and beyond. Not a very good advert for our 'local authority'! After many requests, and finally a Freedom of Information request asking when our village was last cleaned, Derbyshire Dales responded on Thursday with a great deal of 'man power' — machines cleaned our pavements, gullies were flushed out and the roads were swept.

  24th January 2014: Improvements to Whitelea Lane: Residents will be pleased to hear that Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has responded to complaints made by the Parish Council regarding the condition of Whitelea Lane. The Parish Council has been informed that all the potholes have now been filled. Within the next 28 days work will be done on the eroding verges of the carriageway, and the road will then be monitored by DCC. More permanent work will be done on the road in the next financial year.

  5th December 2013: Please close the church gate: Would users of the private walkway leading from Holy Trinity Church through the burial ground please close the metal gate in the burial ground. Today the gate was left open and was damaged as it banged against the stone wall in the high winds. The catch of the gate was so badly bent that it was impossible to close the gate. Thanks to Maycocks of Lant Lane who loaned a metal bar to the Parish Council. Thank you also to the school caretaker and two local residents who between them managed to straighten the catch.

  25th October: Can you help keep Tansley pavements clear of snow: Most of Derbyshire County Council’s grit bins are now full, and additional grit will be delivered to the village soon. The additional grit will be available to residents who are prepared to help keep our pavements clear of snow. If you think you can help, please email giving your name and the area you are able to keep clear. Thank you.

  16th October: Footpath 10 re-opened: The majority of public footpaths in the Parish are now open. Work has just been completed on Footpath 10. This path, which is now open, leads from the A615 on The Cliff through to the Old Coach Road.

  3rd October: Youth Club: Tansley Parish Council would like to apologise to any youngster who went to the Youth Club and found it closed on Wednesday 2nd October. Unfortunately we were not notified by Derbyshire Dales District Council that the Youth Leader would not be taking the session. The Parish Council has been monitoring the use of the facility since its inception and has come to the conclusion it is no longer viable. Sadly we no longer intend to continue subsidising this venture, which has been poorly attended.

  29th September: Land off Thatchers Croft - Planning appeal dismissed: The Planning Inspectorate has dismissed an appeal made by Mr James Neville against Derbyshire Dales District Council's refusal of planning permission for 16 dwellings on land off Thatchers Croft, Tansley. The decision (see full details here), dated 25th September 2013, follows an Informal Hearing held in Matlock on 13th August.

  18th September: Vandalism in Church Street: Recently local residents have reported several incidents of vandalism on Church Street. In one incident, a SmartWater sign provided by Derbyshire Constabulary and firmly attached to a telegraph pole was broken into pieces and thrown around the area near Mais Close. Two other incidents involved a fruit tree close to a pavement on Church Street. The tree is badly damaged. Firstly, pieces of the tree were found near the Village Green, then a later incident resulted in the main branch being completely broken so that it overhung the pavement. If you know anything about any of these incidents, please phone the police on their non-emergency number 101 or contact Tansley Parish Council (see contact details above).

  28th August: 150 bus service for Highfields School: Nigel Holmes of Holmes Coaches has informed Tansley Parish Council that the service bus 150 “will continue to run for the foreseeable future”. The bus leaves Tansley at 8.10am, stopping at Matlock Green before going to Highfields Lumsdale site. The return journey picks up at Highfields Starkholmes at 3.38pm, and Lumsdale at 3.45pm, arriving back in Tansley at 3.55pm.

  6th June: Youth Club: ALL youngsters of secondary school age are invited to Tansley Youth Club. The Club will be on Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at the Fete Field Pavilion. The first session on Wednesday 19th June will be free, after which £1 will be payable per session. The Club will be run by a sports coach from Derbyshire Dales District Council. The focus will be on 'social interaction', so just come for a chat, exchange CDs, listen to music. We will have table tennis, a darts board and organised outdoor games. This will be a meeting place for ALL youngsters whatever their interests. It would be nice to have a 'tuck shop'. This might be an opportunity for one of our youngsters to use their entrepreneurial skills!

The Club is not grant aided, it will be subsidised by Tansley Parish Council, for residents of the Parish.

  6th June: 'End of Year Report': added to the Library page.

  6th June: Tansley Ads community noticeboard: A Community Notice Board, for use by all parishioners, has been erected on the side wall of the Village Hall. The board allows people to advertise goods and services wanted or offered, items wanted or for sale etc.

  •  Advertisers must live, or have businesses in Tansley Parish
  •  Postcard sized adverts 4" by 6", 10cm by 15cm to be delivered with correct payment to 55 The Knoll or 1 Tawney Croft.
  •  £1 per month, max 6mths.
  •  Adverts will be displayed after receipt, ASAP
  •  Enquiries to 01629 582154/582230
  •  A space should be left at the bottom of the postcard, so the date that the advert is posted can be recorded.
  •  Proceeds in aid of Tansley Village Hall Restoration Fund.
  •  Sponsored by Tansley Parish Council

The three existing Parish Council boards (one in front of the Village Green, one at Thatchers Lane and the other in front of the Community Hall) will continue to be used for Parish Council notices and, where space allows, posters about community events. Posters for these boards should be no larger than A5. Posters for the board at the Community Hall and Thatchers Lane should be delivered to Vicki Raynes at Rogan Cottage, Holly Lane. Those for the board at the Village Green should be delivered to Jane Flanagan, Fir Cottages, Church Street (entrance near the bus shelter).

  8th April: Stray dog: The Parish Council has received numerous reports over the last few months about a stray dog in Tansley — the dog has been seen at various locations around the village. Here is a picture of the dog . Please click to enlarge it. The dog has a distinctive brown patch of fur on the left side of its face. If you are able to help identify the dog, and its owner, please send an email to Thank you.

  5th March: Floral displays: The price of hanging baskets now accounts for a considerable percentage of our precept. Health and Safety Regulations state that the Parish Council, in addition to purchasing the hanging baskets, now has to pay for a structural survey of the lampposts. Derbyshire County Council will not allow the lampposts to be used without proof of a survey. The Parish Council will have to pay for the survey, thus making floral displays more expensive for our village. At the last Parish Council meeting, it was decided that we would continue to have hanging baskets, but we would cut back on the number of baskets. Hanging baskets will be placed on lampposts on Church Street. There will be an additional basket on Holly Lane, to be paid for by residents, while Steve our postman has once again offered to sponsor the hanging baskets outside the Community Hall. Should residents wish to have a hanging basket in any other location, then they too will be able to sponsor a basket. The hanging baskets cost £80 each for the season, with the price including watering. The Parish Council will pay for the survey for any additional baskets. Should you, or a group of residents wish to sponsor a hanging basket, please contact Sally Leighton, our Parish Clerk, before Monday 10th March.

  25th February: Burial ground: Tansley Parish Council would like to notify all friends and relatives of deceased persons interred within Tansley Burial Ground that work will take place during the next few months to improve the appearance of the grave spaces. The work will include topping up all the graves to provide a level surface which will be grassed, thus making mowing easier. Floral tributes can be placed near headstones, whilst the remainder of the area needs to be kept free so that all graves can be maintained to the same required standard.

  20th February: Re-surfacing of footpath in front of the wood yard: Derbyshire County Council intend to re-surface the footpath which runs in front of the 'wood yard' on the A615. This should make this area of the village more accessible to residents.

  16th February: More reports of dog fouling: The Parish Council have had more complaints about irresponsible dog owners. Residents in the vicinity of Thatchers Lane report that 'a person or persons are leaving full dog poo bags on a public footpath'. The poo bags have been moved by responsible residents but these anti-social persons continue with this disgusting behaviour. There are 'dog poo' bins around the village, which are emptied on a regular basis by Derbyshire Dales District Council. Tansley Parish Council requested more 'dog poo bins' and offered to buy more bins. However because of the cut backs we were told that only established bins would be emptied, any additional new bins would not be emptied. Having a dog brings with it responsibility. Would you like to clean up a child's shoes after it has accidentally walked in poo? Why should residents have to clear up after your dog? So please, lets all try to keep our village a good place to live - a place where we can walk the streets without having to negotiate unwanted 'dog poo'.

  16th February: DDDC approves 25 houses in Tansley's Whitelea Nursery site: At the special meeting of Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) held on Thursday 14th February, councillors voted in the majority to accept the recommendations of the Local Plan Advisory Committee on strategic housing numbers, settlement framework boundaries and the allocation of land for housing development in the revised Derbyshire Dales Local Plan up to 2028. For Tansley, this means that proposals to build 25 dwellings at Whitelea Nursery were approved by the council. The meeting, held at County Hall, was well attended by members of the public from around the Derbyshire Dales, including a contingent from Tansley. Vicki Raynes, speaking on behalf of Tansley Parish Council, told district councillors that 25 houses was an excessive number for Tansley and requested that our village receive equal treatment to other settlements where initial allocations had been substantially reduced.

  11th February: DDDC meeting to consider housing site allocations: There will be a special meeting of Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) on Thursday 14th February to consider the recommendations of the Local Plan Advisory Committee on strategic housing numbers, settlement framework boundaries and the allocation of land for housing development in the revised Derbyshire Dales Local Plan up to 2028. You may recall that recently the Local Plan Advisory Committee voted in favour of building 25 dwellings at Whitelea Nursery, Whitelea Lane, Tansley. The recommendation was not supported by Tansley Parish Council, which considered 25 dwellings too many. Thursday's meeting, to be held in the Council Chamber at County Hall, Matlock, starts at 6pm.

  16th January: DDDC report recommends 25 homes for Whitelea Nursery site: A report by Derbyshire Dales District Council's Director of Planning and Housing Services Paul Wilson recommends that 25 houses (now proposed to be Tansley's full allocation) be built at Whitelea Nursery, Tansley. The report, entitled "Derbyshire Dales Local Plan - Housing Options Consultation - Allocation of Sites" was published on the DDDC website here and will form the basis for discussion by district councillors at a meeting of the Local Plan Advisory Committee to be held in Wirksworth on Wednesday 23rd January.

  14th January 2013: Fostering and adoption: Can you play a part in a child’s future? Derbyshire County Council has launched a new recruitment drive calling for potential foster carers and adoptive parents to come forward. There are already around 420 foster carers providing homes for children throughout Derbyshire but more are always needed. Councillor Barry Lewis, Cabinet Member for Young People, said: “Caring for children is one of our most important responsibilities and we’re always looking for foster carers and adoptive parents so we can match youngsters to the right homes. “Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs you can do but it is also one of the most rewarding, which is why many of our foster carers work with us for decades.” There are two local buses rolling out the recruitment message in the north-east and south of the county, along with TV, radio and newspaper adverts. On-going training and mentoring is provided for all approved foster carers as well as membership of the council’s Workforce Extra discount scheme, a home computer, broadband access and free leisure card for the whole family. Allowances and bonus payments are available on top of basic fees dependant on the type of care offered and length of service. To find out more Call Derbyshire on the new free fostering and adoption hotline 0800 083 7744 or visit ''.

  15th December 2012: More anti-social behaviour in Tansley: Approximately two weeks ago the street sign for Spout Lane was removed from the wall — Derbyshire Dales District Council has taken the sign to their depot and we are advised it will be put back in place shortly. This week the street sign for Gold Hill was also removed. It was found on the Village Green by our postman, Steve, but had been so badly vandalised that it is beyond repair. At a similar time plants were pulled out of the planter and thrown on the road.

  9th December: Local resident praises council for democracy in action: The following message from a local resident was published recently using the village's Hotwire emailed news service: Thursday evening’s decisions by Derbyshire Dales District Council’s Local Plan Advisory Committee will have come as a surprise to many people. For some, a welcome surprise, for others, especially some with particular interests, a bemusing or even frustrating one. But the whole point of democracy is to find solutions when there are complex issues and where there are strongly divergent views. If we all agreed on everything there would be no need for it. For me the most striking thing was not the decisions themselves, but the democratic work taking place at Tansley Parish Council which clearly had such a strong influence on them. Most parish councils wait until a hot issue comes up and try to cope with it. Our parish council did far better than that. By conducting two questionnaires to establish a clear and consistent picture of residents’ views, it came to this housing issue prepared. Aware of the democratic mandate it had been given, the council was able to speak confidently on behalf of the village. The basis of its evidence was clearly crucial in the decisions made by the Local Plan Advisory Committee on Thursday night. Tansley Parish Council has gone out to the village in a way that I have never seen before and has sought real engagement with our views. Not everyone will agree with the results of the surveys, but the thoroughness with which this exercise has been conducted makes it very difficult to argue with the process used. A great example of local democracy in action.

  9th December: Priorities for local housing sites: At a Derbyshire Dales District Council Local Plan Advisory Committee meeting on 6th December, the priorities for developing Tansley housing sites as recommended by the planning officers was revised by the councillors. The prioritisation was on a scale of 1 – 4. Priorities 1 and 2 are considered to perform well against set criteria. Priority 3 sites are considered to have significant development issues. Priority 4 sites are considered inappropriate because of development criteria that cannot be overcome. Councillors voted as follows: TAN 1 (Land off Nottingham Road): Priority 2 changed by the committee to Priority 3; TAN 2 (West Yard): Priority 2 changed by the committee to Priority 3; TAN 3 (Tansley House Gardens): Priority 3 changed by the committee to Priority 4 because they felt the site should be protected; TAN 4 (Whitelea Nursery): Priority 2, unchanged from original recommendation.

  7th December: Help clearing snow requested: Derbyshire County Council has asked communities to help with a 'Winter Service', in particular helping to keep selected areas of public pavements clear of snow.Tansley Parish Council has once again signed up to be part of this community scheme. We would like to keep a route open for children going to Tansley School, access to bus stops and community buildings. Rock salt will be distributed to all helpers. If you think you would like to help, please email Please give your name, address and the area you will try to keep clear. Please also confirm that you have read and accept this Risk Assessment. When the salt arrives you can either collect it or it will be delivered to you.

  29th November: Parish Council vacancy:There is a vacancy on the Parish Council. Any interested persons are asked to submit a written representation to the Parish Clerk, giving their reasons for wanting to fill the position.

  22nd November: School bus service to continue into New Year: The Parish Council has been informed by Nigel Holmes of G&J Holmes Coaches that the temporary 150 service bus provided to help Tansley students get to Highfields School has been a success. Mr Holmes proposes to continue the service into the New Year, when he will liaise again with the Parish Council, giving the Parish Council an update on viability. Well done Tansley students!

  29th October: School bus service: After lots of negotiation the Parish Council, in conjunction with parents, have managed to retain a school bus service for Tansley. The bus will be run by G&J Holmes, it will not be subsidised by Derbyshire County Council, and it will be run on a commercial basis. The Parish Council are informed that fares will be much the same as the ones previously paid by students. Nigel Holmes, the owner, is prepared to 'take a risk' with this additional service. However, if students don't use the service, the bus will cease at Christmas. The bus will collect students at 8.10am from Tansley and will stop at Matlock Green before commencing to Highfields Lumsdale site. In the afternoon it will leave the Starkholmes site at 3.38pm, collecting students at the Lumsdale site before returning to Tansley. Here is the timetable. The bus can also be used by members of the public.

  25th October: Financial entitlement for travel to Highfields: "Children aged 11 to 16 who are entitled to free school meals, or whose families get the maximum level of working tax credit, are entitled to free transport to any one of the three nearest suitable schools where the distance is between two and six miles." (Education and Learning, Derbyshire County Council). If this is applicable to your family, contact Derbyshire County Council.

  18th October: Dog poo bag dispenser:A dog poo bag dispenser has been purchased by the Parish Council. It is planned to place the new dispenser at the entrance to Footpath 4. This footpath is located on Church Street opposite Oak Tree Gardens.

  22nd August: Traffic calming on the A615: Tansley Parish Council would like to keep residents up to date with progress related to traffic calming on the A615 and our request for a pedestrian crossing. The request for improved signage has been a partial success -additional and upgraded signs are now in situ - but unfortunately our request for an additional Vehicle Activated Sign was not successful. The Parish Council has expressed its concerns about the decision by Derbyshire County Council to withdraw the Highfields school bus from the village, and we are aware that our young residents will now have to catch a service bus which will pick up opposite The Tavern. We will continue to lobby Derbyshire County Council and highlight the need for a crossing. This letter from Councillor Sue Allsop offers a glimmer of hope.

  6th July: Street Games: Tansley Parish Council and Derbyshire Dales District Council are funding 'street games' during the summer holidays. These weekly sport sessions will be held on Wednesdays at the Fete Field from 4pm-6pm, commencing 25th July for 6 weeks. There will be two groups: 8+ and 11+. Each group will have a qualified sports coach. Equipment will be provided. Come and join in, learn new skills, make new friends.

  2nd July: Tansley Village Plan 2012: See the plan here and on the Library page.

  21st June: Derbyshire Dales Local Plan Consultation Wednesday June 27th in Tansley Village Hall: The District Council want to discuss their proposals for the provision of 30 new homes, to be built on green field sites outside the settlement boundary. The four sites currently under consideration by Derbyshire Dales are - land off Nottingham Road, WestYard, Whitelea Lane and Tansley House Gardens. Tansley Parish Council is recommending that residents do not respond to the local authority until all the facts have been clarified at this meeting. Tansley Parish Council suggests interested residents stay behind after this public meeting. When officials have gone, you will have a chance to respond immediately to the proposals given by DDDC – together we can formulate a way forward for the village.

  20th June: Hanging baskets at the Community Hall: Tansley Parish Council would like to say a big thank you to our village postman Steve Greenhough for his generosity and thoughtfulness in providing the two beautiful hanging flower baskets now adorning the front wall of Tansley Community Centre. See photo here.

  20th June: Buff anti-skid pads yet on A615: Tansley Parish Council has been lobbying the County Council for improved traffic calming on the busy A615. We were promised improved signage and 'buff anti skid pads' at the village 'gateways'. We have just been notified that Derbyshire County Council will re-mark the road but cannot provide the 'buff anti-skid pads' because of financial constraints. Obviously we are very disappointed that this busy road is not going to have additional work promised. The Parish Council will continue to lobby for a 'safer' A615.

  7th June: Litter Pick: A Village 'Litter Pick has been arranged for Saturday 7th July and Sunday 8th July.We will meet outside the Community Hall on Church Street where equipment will be distributed.There will be a limited number of litter pickers and gloves for residents to borrow,and a good supply of black refuse sacks. There will be two sessions each day 10-1pm and 2pm -4.30pm. All rubbish collected will be returned to a central point ( residents will be notified on the day) this will be collected by Derbyshire Dales, on Monday 9th July. The Parish Council would welcome suggestions from residents about locations that need tidying up.

  25th May: Derbyshire Dales Local Plan 2006-2028: Consultation Exhibition (2pm-6pm) and Meeting (7pm-9pm) in Tansley Village Hall 27th June - "What is the plan for Tansley? Where should new housing go in Tansley? Where is the proposed boundary for the village?" See poster here and proposed development sites and map here.

  3rd May: Derbyshire Dales Local Plan 2006-2028: See update summary and statement made by TPC Chairman at the DDDC meeting 26th April on the Library page.

  29th April: Derbyshire Dales Local Plan 2006-2028: At the recent Derbyshire Dales Council Meeting on Thursday 26th April, councillors were asked to consider the preparation of a new Derbyshire Dales Plan. Councillors were asked to vote on a timetable for the implementation of the plan, including public meetings at the preferred villages for allocation. Local councillors voted for option 2 which allocates 30 dwellings to Tansley within the plan period. The housing will be on 'green field', outside the settlement. Residents will be able to comment on the proposals at a meeting arranged by the local authority to be held in June.

  23rd April: Responses and Charts for results of 2012 Tansley Parish Village Survey added to the Library page.

  9th April: 'Email response from Insp. Hall to Holly Walker about A615 traffic speed' added to the Library page.

  6th April: 'Traffic Issues A615 Tansley - Update by Tansley PC' added to the Library page.

  26th March: Over the last few years the enthusiasm of residents to enter their gardens for the Tansley in Bloom competition has waned. Last year the response was very poor. Cllr. Brian Taylor has worked hard to try to encourage more public participation with little success. The Parish Council has therefore decided not to hold a competition this year and not to enter the village into East Midlands in Bloom. Any money allocated for these competitions will be used to make our village more attractive.

  8th March: Residents of the parish are invited to 'drop in' to Tansley Community Hall to help/oversee the counting and collating of the parish survey on Saturday 10th March at 10am.

  29th February: Tansley Parish Council invite all residents to attend a Village Meeting at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 24th April at Tansley Village Hall. We will discuss the results of our recent Parish Survey, and residents will help make decisions related to the village.

  20th February 2012: A Parish Plan survey form is being delivered to residents. It is also available here on the Library page. Responses to the survey can be returned to The Gate, The Tavern, The Royal Oak, Holy Trinity Church (Wednesday AM only) or the Methodist Church Post Office (Friday AM only). Boxes will be at these venues from Monday 27th February until Friday 9th March. The Parish Council will follow up this survey with a village meeting in the Village Hall at 7.30pm 24th April, where the results of the survey and any subsequent ideas will be discussed. The survey will help Tansley Parish Council allocate precept money in a fair and responsible way and help with decision making.

  19th December 2011: Revised map of Tansley pavements to be cleared/gritted by residents added to the Library page.

  1st December: Parish Council News, November 2011, published as an A5 foldable booklet for viewing/printing here.

  30th November: Map of grit bin locations added to the Library page.

  18th November: Map of trees with Protection Orders added to the Library page.

  14th October: Annual Return 2010-11 for Audit Commission has been published here on the Library page.

  13th October: Derbyshire Dales District Council Tansley 'Community Conversation' Report published here.

  3rd October: Tansley In Bloom presentations were held at The Brunswick Room adjacent to the Methodist Church, Tansley.

  17th September: Tansley awarded Silver in East Midlands In Bloom 2011. See more details here.

  18th July: Tansley Footpath Map added to the Library page.

  6th July: Judges for East Midlands In Bloom will be touring our village on Friday morning 15th July. See our Portfolio here.

  29th June: Derbyshire Dales District Council held a 'Community Conversation' meeting on 28th June in Tansley Village Hall. A number of residents were allowed pre-bookable places to discuss, 'the future shaping of Tansley'. Residents were asked what they liked and disliked about the village, what could be improved and how they saw the village developing in the future. A map was distributed to groups of residents. They were asked to highlight areas that needed protecting and areas suitable for future development. If you would like to make your feelings known to the local authority, regarding future growth in Tansley, please respond before 22nd July 2011, to Mike Hase either by e-mail to or in writing to Derbyshire Dales District Council, Planning Services, Town Hall, Bank Road, Matlock, DE4 3NN.

  20th June: The chairman and another member of the community planted lavender, spirea and euonymus (provided by the parish council) by the steps of the village green.

  15th June: DDDC's Joint Core Strategy Community Conversation pre-meeting Booklet for Tansley is now available here.

  11th June: The Parish Council invites you to enter the "Tansley In Bloom" competition, in association with East Midlands In Bloom. See details & entry form here.

  8th June: DDDC Joint Core Strategy Community Conversation meeting will be held in Tansley Village Hall, 28th June, 7pm.

  1st June: The bund area behind the Fete Field pavilion has now been planted. Tansley Parish Council (via chairman Vicki Raynes) would like to thank Blue Diamond's Matlock Garden Centre for their generous donation of vinca plants and Richard and Kath Camm for the primulas. A big thankyou also to Neil Green who brought a huge rock and placed it in the 'bund area', creating a focal point for the planting. Thank you also Jean Ellis for providing a much needed hosepipe and water supply! And of course the willing hands who planted the area.

  4th March: Tansley Parish Council invites you to A Village Forum on Wednesday 30th March 2011 7.30pm in Tansley Village Hall. We hope to gauge the interest of residents for a re-launch of a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. This will also be an opportunity to discuss any ideas/or concerns you have related to the village. Please send questions prior to the meeting to the clerk by post or email using addresses as below.

  14th February: Letter received from DDDC regarding Core Strategy is published here on the Documents page.

  27th January: As noted in the Peak District Housing Association publicity leaflet here, people can still apply for homes at West Yard and need to do so ASAP. The properties will be advertised on 'Home Option' bidding cycle no 102 and will commence 10th February at 9am and close 15th February at 5pm. Applicants MUST be registered with 'Home Options' or alternatively telephone 'Home Options' team on 01629 761311 for more information, forms are available in the village, please phone 01629 55075 to arrange to collect an application form. Should residents be interested in these properties they are urged to APPLY NOW.

  15th January: Tansley Parish Council would like to make residents aware that the development at West Yard is nearing completion. The allocation process will commence soon. All the properties are for rent, and are for local residents or people with a strong connection to Tansley. To be able to ‘bid’ for these properties people need to be registered with Derbyshire Dales ‘Home-Options’. For residents who are interested and have not yet registered; application forms will be available at the next Parish Council Meeting, to be held at 7.30pm on January 19th at the Fete Field Pavilion.

  9th January: On 10th-12th January, 10am-3pm, workers from Parkwood Day Centre in Alfreton will be doing conservation tidying work beside Spout Lane and around the Fete Field Pavilion.

  9th January 2011: Tansley Parish Council has issued the following update in the wake of the meeting in Bakewell on Wednesday 5th January of the Derbyshire Dales & High Peak Core Strategy Joint Advisory Committee:
"After advice from Planning Officers, District Councillors decided ‘Community Conversations’ would take place at various venues in High Peak & Derbyshire Dales. This will be to discuss future development in the area. Tansley has been identified as a location for future development; it has been proposed that an additional 30 houses are built within the village. A 'conversation' is to be arranged in Tansley by the local authority; packs are to be prepared by Derbyshire Dales District Council (DDDC) and will be sent to all residents of the parish. A reply will be required by the local authority should residents wish to attend the ‘conversations’. Numbers will be limited. More than one 'conversation' may be necessary."
The results of last year's housing questionnaire issued by Tansley Parish Council are here on the Documents page.

  26th November 2010: £10,011 released to Tansley Village Hall Committee for its Stage 1 Restoration Project.

  26th November: Accounts for 2010-11 to date published on the web site here.

  14th October: Combined EMIB & Tansley In Bloom presentations well attended in Tansley Church, 13th October. See details here (TIB) and here (EMIB).

  22nd September: Tansley wins Silver Gilt and other awards in East Midlands In Bloom competition. See details here.

    2nd August: Invitation to Tansley PC to submit photo for DDDC's Beautiful Dales Competition (see here).

    2nd August: East Midlands In Bloom presentations will be in Northampton on Wednesday 15th September.

    2nd August: Minutes of Draft Plan Consultation meeting in Tansley on 9th June published here (see Library).

  25th July: The Parish Council meeting planned for 28th July has had to be postponed until Monday 2nd August. Apologies for any inconvenience.

  14th July: Revised results of questionnaire about housing development proposed by DDDC published under Library or click here.

    8th July: The deadline for the return of questionnaires about housing development proposed by DDDC is extended to 12th July. The final results will be published here.

  25th June: Parish Council issues public questionnaire to be returned by Friday 2nd July inviting views about housing expansion in Tansley proposed by DDDC. Public meeting arranged for 7th July, 7.30pm in Tansley Village Hall. Possible site options are shown in this map.

  20th June: East Midlands In Bloom judging to take place on Wednesday 14th July, starting at 10am.

    4th June: Councillor Brian Taylor has hand-built two new oak-framed notice boards for Tansley Parish Council and erected them outside the Community Hall and alongside the Village Green, opposite the Old Coach Road. The Council is grateful to Brian for giving all of his time and hard work freely and Charles Gregory for donating the wood.

  10th May: The Parish Council invites you to enter the "Tansley In Bloom" competition, in association with East Midlands In Bloom.
  Please send your entry form to Brian Taylor or email it to by Friday 16th July. Judging is on Monday 19th July.

  24th March 2010: We are pleased to report that three new dog litter bins have been installed to replace worn-out ones.
  An extra litter bin has been installed on Church Street at the bottom of Gold Hill.

Minutes for 2023 back to 2004 (part)

2022:   January  February  March  April  May  June  July  August  September  There was no meeting in October  November  December 

2021:   (There were no full council meetings from January to September)
October,   NovemberDecember

2020:   January    February    March    (There were no meetings from April to June)    July    August    September    October    (There were no meetings in November and December)

2019:   January    February    March    April    May    June
   July    August    September    October    November    December

2018:   January    February    March    April    May    June
July    August    September    October    November    December

2017:   January    February    March    April    May    Jun
   July    August    September    October    November    There was no meeting in December

2016:   January   February   March   April   May   June
July   August   September   October   November   December

2015:   January   February   March   April   May   June
  July   August   September   October   November   December

2014:   January   February   March   April   May   June
July   August   September   October   November   December

2013:  January  February  March   April  May  June
  July  August  September   October  November  December

2012:  January  February  March  April  May  June

2011:  January  February  March  April  May  June

2009:  January  February  March  April  June  July  September  October  December

2008:  January  February  March  April  May  June  July  September  October

2007:  January  February  March  April  May  September  October  November

2006:  January  February  April  May  June  July  August  September  October  November  December

2005:  January  February  March  April  May  June  July  September  October  November  December

2004:  May  June  July  September  October  November  December

To read these minutes you will need the free Adobe PDF Reader available here.

If you would like to see minutes prior to May 2004 please contact the Clerk

 Click here to see "Walks around Tansley" by Mary Eatherden, taken from the book "Tansley Past & Present" compiled by Reg Whitworth.
The walks were updated and maps were added in March 2013 by Chris Knightley.
Cover Photo taken by Duncan McFarlane of Aquaman Website Design

To contact this web site, please send an email.

The parish council thanks Tony Keys of The Data Analysts for his former long service to the community in running this web site.

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